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Fucking cell phones.


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Not the typical cell phone driver rant, we all know those people need to drive off the side of the highway and die a firey death... No.


What's even MORE annoying is when I'm at work, on the register, customers coming into the store on their cell phones, blabbering away, coming directly to the register, continuing their cell phone conversation, and ignoring the numerous "Is there something I can help you with?" questions I ask. Meanwhile, as they continue to stand there, and block other customers who ARE paying attention, the line is beginning to get longer, and longer. When I finally get ready to ask the next customer to move ahead, I'll just ring them up now, that's when the douchebag decides it's time to say what he wants. People need to hang their fucking phones up when they come into a store and begin trying to interact with an employee. They are not there to wait on you hand and foot, they are there to take your money, give you whatever it is you wanted to buy and send you on your way so the next 20 people after you can get what THEY want.


Even worse is douchebags in public on those fucking Nextel walkie-talkie phones. Not only do I not want to hear you bitching at your friend about how your boyfriend sucks, I really don't want to hear her talking shit about how he sucks because he puked all over the car. The other people in the store don't want to hear that either. Use a headset, hang up, or go away!

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Originally posted by Kuruma:

Not the typical cell phone driver rant, we all know those people need to drive off the side of the highway and die a firey death... No.


What's even MORE annoying is when I'm at work, on the register, customers coming into the store on their cell phones, blabbering away, coming directly to the register, continuing their cell phone conversation, and ignoring the numerous "Is there something I can help you with?" questions I ask. Meanwhile, as they continue to stand there, and block other customers who ARE paying attention, the line is beginning to get longer, and longer. When I finally get ready to ask the next customer to move ahead, I'll just ring them up now, that's when the douchebag decides it's time to say what he wants. People need to hang their fucking phones up when they come into a store and begin trying to interact with an employee. They are not there to wait on you hand and foot, they are there to take your money, give you whatever it is you wanted to buy and send you on your way so the next 20 people after you can get what THEY want.


Even worse is douchebags in public on those fucking Nextel walkie-talkie phones. Not only do I not want to hear you bitching at your friend about how your boyfriend sucks, I really don't want to hear her talking shit about how he sucks because he puked all over the car. The other people in the store don't want to hear that either. Use a headset, hang up, or go away!

i do this exact thing just to see how long a kid making six dollars an hour can take it tongue.gif
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Originally posted by 151:

Get a better job, and get different shoes... The wrestling boots aren't cutting it.

My, aren't we the fashionista? So what would CR's own Bravo network hopeful recommend for this season's footwear? graemlins/supergay2.gif


At least my jobs have paid my bills while my AE86 has been busted, so that I don't live on the street and starve. I'll worry about getting a better one (aside from the promotion I was just offered, and accepted the other day) when I fix up the FC a bit more so I can drive it around without getting pulled over for bullshit that doesn't affect driveability.

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Originally posted by Kuruma:

My, aren't we the fashionista? So what would CR's own Bravo network hopeful recommend for this season's footwear? graemlins/supergay2.gif


At least my jobs have paid my bills while my AE86 has been busted, so that I don't live on the street and starve. I'll worry about getting a better one (aside from the promotion I was just offered, and accepted the other day) when I fix up the FC a bit more so I can drive it around without getting pulled over for bullshit that doesn't affect driveability.

You can make fun of me for not looking like a retard when I go out in public all you want, but you're still the one wearing ninja-turtle teeshirts and a neon yellow windbreaker when you step outside your house.
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Originally posted by 151:

You can make fun of me for not looking like a retard when I go out in public all you want, but you're still the one wearing ninja-turtle teeshirts and a neon yellow windbreaker when you step outside your house.

Maybe because I don't really give a shit about what people think of my clothes? graemlins/lol.gif I've got better shit to worry about then that.
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Wait a second I have a call .........................................

.............................................................hold on


...................................................................................wait ......

ok what?

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I really love downloaded ring tones. There's nothing like hearing a crappy song sound crappier coming out a quality cell phone speaker.

Here's a good idea; when your phone rings...Fucking answer it!!!!!





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On the nextel issue, you can turn the speaker off and use it like a regular phone (well, with a button to talk that is), at least on any of the recent phones.

Yet I continue to let the speaker play, because I crack up when friends beep me and start talking about how it burns when they pee and everyone at kroger looks over like "wtf?" I die laughing everytime

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I learned my lesson with the Nextel when my buddy caught me in the grocery store line and said on the Nextel"The wife said pickup some milk or your not getting any tonite".Needless to say EVERYONE in the store looked at me.I just turned around and said "I gotta go get some milk,I'll be back"
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