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College Life

Guest Crankshaft

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Originally posted by The_Wang_Of_Fury:

We don't have TA's :confused:

I like having Xuetang Wang trying to speak english while she teaches me math! smile.gif


Marc, you go to delaware campus, its just as bad as any small school. Main campus is just the same, only more idiots and more freshman girls in slut rags.

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Originally posted by Gas, Grass, or Ass:

pfft... kids, most of you probably can't drink a six pack without hugging the shitter all night.

They may not be able to drink-it-up like you, but at least they will be able to group words together and form complete sentences (unlike yourself).


Folks, college is the most rewarding experience of your life. Not just the knowledge you gain, but also the life. Don't ruin your opportunity. Take this experience and make the best of it. Once graduated and far removed from the scene, you will certainly miss it 10 years later.


Your check book may be paying your college now, later, your college will pay your check book!

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Originally posted by C5Doctor:

They may not be able to drink-it-up like you, but at least they will be able to group words together and form complete sentences (unlike yourself).


Folks, college is the most rewarding experience of your life. Not just the knowledge you gain, but also the life. Don't ruin your opportunity. Take this experience and make the best of it. Once graduated and far removed from the scene, you will certainly miss it 10 years later.


Your check book may be paying your college now, later, your college will pay your check book!

The military is also a viable option. Not only do you get the benefit of serving our country, but you earn college credits in the occupational field you choose to serve in (I have 67 credit hours in Computer Science towards an Associates just from my Naval schooling), and the military pays for your college to an extent. Not to mention, you learn and gain experience in both skill-sets and life lessons.


I think it's something everyone should consider.

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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Chris Greene = weak sauce:

yeah and private school people, go ahead and keep believing you can't talk to your professors and TA's, it funny that small schools still believe that

My experience at OWU taught me that what they tell and show you in the brochure and what really goes on are two different things. I also don't like being surrounded by metrosexual queerdos who wear more gucci than a short north fudgepacker and think that anyone on financial aid is human sewage.
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Originally posted by Chris Greene = weak sauce:

yeah and private school people, go ahead and keep believing you can't talk to your professors and TA's, it funny that small schools still believe that

Go back to your school 4 years later and see if the teacher even knows your face. I know I could e-mail one of my professors 10 years from now, with no contact between now and then, and they would remember me instantaneously. I had the home numbers of 3 out of 4 of the teachers that I took 90% of my last two years of college with, I could call them at any reasonable hour and ask them anything about school. Hell, I could ask a few of them personal questions if need be. I refuse to believe that anyone at a school that has 40K people could ever get that sort of attention. I also know that our facilities, for an undergrad degree, were superior to big schools in many ways, despite us being so small (if you really want me to give examples in my programs and others I can). We didn't have the fourth teachers home number because he was a fat cunt-rag that shouldn't have been teaching there.


Now I'm not saying this is always true with small schools compared to big schools, but this is why I visited all of the colleges I applied to and looked at all of their facilities.


The only classes we had TA's in were physics labs and some programming labs. When we did have them, they were in addition to a professor being there full time. That is of course unless I was teaching the lab, I just took them over and the teacher let me do my thing. smile.gif

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Originally posted by The_Wang_Of_Fury:


We don't have TA's :confused: [/QB]


Yes we do. I go to Otterbein and I have two TA's in my chem lab. I love it at Otterbein, I have AC in my dorm and a sweet room mate and I have the phone numbers to all of my teachers, their home phones and my calculus teacher said you could call his house at any time of the day even at midnight. Haha. Otterbein is the shit!!

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Originally posted by pgsrt-4:

We don't have TA's :confused:

Yes we do. I go to Otterbein and I have two TA's in my chem lab. I love it at Otterbein, I have AC in my dorm and a sweet room mate and I have the phone numbers to all of my teachers, their home phones and my calculus teacher said you could call his house at any time of the day even at midnight. Haha. Otterbein is the shit!! [/QB]


Labs are the only time you will have TA's. If a class does have a TA they are usually there to help run study sessions, and the prof teaches the class full time. Is your Calc prof Mr Holl? If so, he is awesome! Anyways, Club tonight, 10 PM, bring a bottle of liquor

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Originally posted by Rane:

^ All of us don't need "special attention." I know personally I don't give a fawk about a teacher.

You've obviously never taken any class that is even remotely hard. When you're in classes past College Algebra and English 1 let me know. Or have you ever even stepped foot into anything that could even be considered a college? I sometimes wonder if you even graduated high school honestly.
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Originally posted by Neo:

You've obviously never taken any class that is even remotely hard. When you're in classes past College Algebra and English 1 let me know. Or have you ever even stepped foot into anything that could even be considered a college? I sometimes wonder if you even graduated high school honestly.

Didnt you go to some D3 school?


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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Didnt you go to some D3 school?


If you can name one class you have taken or will take that's as hard as half of the classes I've taken then please speak up. Otherwise, take your broken ass car and sit over in the retards corner. I could not have gotten a better education anywhere in this state and I am very adamant about that.
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Originally posted by C5Doctor:

They may not be able to drink-it-up like you, but at least they will be able to group words together and form complete sentences (unlike yourself).


Folks, college is the most rewarding experience of your life. Not just the knowledge you gain, but also the life. Don't ruin your opportunity. Take this experience and make the best of it. Once graduated and far removed from the scene, you will certainly miss it 10 years later.


Your check book may be paying your college now, later, your college will pay your check book!

ahhh, Mister Spellcheck you came back. don't make assumptions there buddy. just becuase I can't type very well doessn't mean that I didn't go to college. going to college also doesn't always mean a cushy high paying desk job either I chose to become self employed doing historical renovation, remodles , and other general construction, becuase the work is challenging and fun not becuase of the amount of income it turns out. I was making fun of republicant becuase he hasn't been at OU a whole quarter yet and he thinks he can drink. I went to OU I know what goes on. talk shit after winter quarter you might be able to hang by then.



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Wasn't me :) I always quick reply. I could have sworn it was neo whu tiped liake diz. I still make typo's and spelling mistakes but hey not that many, I just couldn't remember if it was mr. edjumication himself or not.
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