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Fuck Christmas

The Man of Steele

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Originally posted by Bad Ass Black Buick:

Chris I can see hating Christmas because he is Jewish, but Wonka you are just a jackass, get a life.

Suck my dick you dumb ass faggot, and get a life? Keep wasting yours in the chair force.


Originally posted by Bad Ass Black Buick:

I haven't worked in retail too much during Christmas (1 year actually) but I know what you mean, I even avoid the BX like the plague this time of year. My wife works at the BX and she says most people are down right rude, most of them are the spouses of higher ranking people though. I will agree that Christmas has taken a new meaning to most people in the past decade or so, but that is no reason to make a thread bashing a holiday. Sometimes it is best to keep your opinions to yourselves.

Or maybe you could get the fuck out and not post in it you fucking idiot. Go make a I like to suck christmas dick thread trust me I am not going to post in it!
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Originally posted by Wonka:

Suck my dick you dumb ass faggot, and get a life? Keep wasting yours in the chair force.

I don't see how I am wasting my life in the AIR Force when I have done more to better myself in the past 2.5 years than you will probably do in your entire lifetime. All I ever see you do is bitch and moan about one thing or another, I have never ever seen you say one thing that is positive about anything, you are a worthless waste on society and CR. I can see why you have been banned so many times. It's a shame you suck on Anthony's dick to comeback because this place is alot better without you.


Or maybe you could get the fuck out and not post in it you fucking idiot. Go make a I like to suck christmas dick thread trust me I am not going to post in it!
What don't like when someone comes into your post and disagree's with what you say, and calls you how everyone on this site see's you? Get the fuck over it you piece of shit. I fight to keep this country free so little fucks like you can speak your shitty ass negative opinions, so go on with your I hate Christmas and everything else that exist because it makes people think I am cool when all they really do is think I am a fucking jackass.
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Just happened to stumble upon this thread and would like to insert my 2cents. This is why I hated Christmas this year.


Power goers out 2 days before xmas- shift family (3 kids and wife) to mom and dads cuz they have heat and a generator. wife and kids warm while dad and I struggle to save water pipes that may rupture when my well pump eventually comes back on. in the meantime my 29 gallon fish tank freezes and kills my family fishies. xmas eve- things get tense due to too many people in parents house and I get pissed and take everybody home to suffer in the cold for xmas. xmas morning- kids wake up froze to death in the family room(could only get 1 room halfway warm) to a tree that fell over. spent the next 5 days trying to keep generator running till power came back on.living in 2 rooms of a small enough house. who says christmas is a happy time of year!

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