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fuck u fags from OHR.org...


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To three people on that site..


QUITE BEING A BUCH OF BIG PUSSIES!! Get your shit together, stop lieing to people and pull your head out of your ass. I am tired of you guys trying to start shit when you got nothing. Buch of dumbfuks..


To anyone who don't know..This shit is best left unsaid..



OHR = OhioRides.org

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Thanks for absolutely nothing. Even though the amount of webspace you just used up was akin to one grain of sand along the entire florida coastline, the police should take you into a field somewhere and shoot you. However, once realizing that you're a fireman, they'll probably just kick you a little bit and call you retarded... Which should be a nostalgic throwback to your childhood. If you have a beef with people on "Ohio-rides" (Is a cavalier a "ride"?)... THEN POST THAT SHIT ON OHIO RIDES. If you've been banned, then you probably deserve it and I don't give a shit about your problems.
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Rofl? Are you serious? You better ditch the emoticons, Caps lock, and leet speak bullshit if you're going to come anywhere close to saving yourself some dignity. By the way, Nice Hood. I wish I was cool enough to put a picture of a mexican circus in my sig. You better watch out though, A crackhead might mistake your car for a titty bar or something... You ever had to fend off a crackhead that's out of his mind for boobs? Just ask Chris Green, he'll tell you that it isn't pretty...


You need to vent, Tell your heterosexual" Firebuddies, I'm sure they'd be willing to listen to you pour your E-thug heart out over a nice pot of steaming chili and some quality ass-grabbing.

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Originally posted by Ricochet:

An unpainted/neoned/white-wheelied 4x4 Cavalier owner with that avatar.. the irony.

And I just gotta say it, I can't help it.....the shaved door handles STILL in primer (I only mention it because I see the car every day). smile.gif
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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

And I just gotta say it, I can't help it.....the shaved door handles STILL in primer (I only mention it because I see the car every day). smile.gif

Funny..At least you see my car. I have yet to see yours.
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Originally posted by Ironray75:

Funny..At least you see my car. I have yet to see yours.

And you probably won't, as I've never driven it to work. I don't want it getting messed with. That, and my Formula isn't my daily driver; that's what the Moostang is for. There are a couple other people at work that don't drive their toys there either.
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Originally posted by Ironray75:

Well in the entire year I have known you, I have yet to see your toy..Why don't you ever bring it to a meet or anything?

I don't come out to Cols Racing meets often, but have brought it out (hell, I don't think you've ever seen me outside of work!). I haven't gotten it out of its winter slumber quite yet....I've been too lazy, as I need to rebuild the exhaust setup, and do some brake work. Speaking of which, I need to get off my ass and start working on it.
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