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Confused and a little pissed off

El Karacho1647545492

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Ok so I'm not sure, but isn't it illegal to drive a car without a hood? Even if it is legal, what kind of fucktard does it. Its one thing to have a big fat S/C sticking out (like a red c5 i saw, mmmmmm) but its another thing entirely to have your stock VTEC engine shrieking in the wind, especially after you fucking hit-and-run my friend.


Does anyone here know who the kid in the honda w/o the hood is? There also is a kid that lives near me driving a 1g Talon without a hood. The kid's family is beyond fucked up, and his dad is a fucking alcoholic and has parked his benz in the woods more than once.



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Originally posted by reckless_ops_sux:

You know people shouldnt talk shit like that...

Cause you never know who is reading it..or who knows where you sleep!! graemlins/slap.gif

which one is your brother, the honda?


cuz if youre brother drives that one you might want to have a serious conversation about hit-and-runs


EDIT: stop making threats pal

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NO my brother has the benz my nephew has the talon...dont know bout the honda.. But i'm not making threats i'm telling you how it is. You better edit the post!!!!! Faggot mother fucker!!!

Cause who are you to start making judgements about someone you know nothing about!!

PISSED :mad:

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Originally posted by reckless_ops_sux:

NO my brother has the benz my nephew has the talon...dont know bout the honda.. But i'm not making threats i'm telling you how it is. You better edit the post!!!!! Faggot mother fucker!!!

Cause who are you to start making judgements about someone you know nothing about!!

PISSED :mad:

Dammit! Where is the popcorn smiley when you need it.
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Originally posted by reckless_ops_sux:

NO my brother has the benz my nephew has the talon...dont know bout the honda.. But i'm not making threats i'm telling you how it is. You better edit the post!!!!! Faggot mother fucker!!!

Cause who are you to start making judgements about someone you know nothing about!!

PISSED :mad:

So you're a flamming douche bag graemlins/thumb.gif


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Good for your brother, I happen to know a bit more about him that would be much more embarassing for both of you if I posted it but I'm not gonna delve into that because the aforementioned issue of his questionable parking is definitely my business. Its my business because I live near him in a neighborhood heavily populated with young children, and if your brother is driving around in a state of mind that causes him to park his benz behind his house, he has no place being on the roads. As for his son (your nephew) I have seen him burning out in the neighborhood at 2 AM, and when he had his Mach 1, he challenged me to a race when I was driving my dad's BMW. I politely declined and he proceeded to do a donut in the populated parking lot at (then) Lazarus at Easton.


I'm sorry I offended your family but every so often you have to realize the shortcomings of family. I wouldn't expect you to side with me completely; blood is thicker than water. However, just acknowledge that I'm not a fucktard. If you want I can dig up the pictures of his parking job and post them on CR.

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Originally posted by Lustalbert:


aint gonna happen for a little while. I think I left them at my next-door neighbor's house and I'm at work right now.


EDIT: Not to mention I'm not gonna do it anyways, cuz my pal jim here would probably shit a brick oven.


[ 27. July 2005, 03:28 PM: Message edited by: Dirty Old Mopar ]

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Originally posted by The Truth:

Can we ban this piece of shit that's making threats? That'd be great. It isn't our fault that your genepool is so full of shit that you could build a fence around it and raise pigs.

Actually I thought about saying that, and personally I don't want him banned. He's making the threats to me so its my issue and if he wants to threaten me online he can do so all he likes. Just as long as he doesn't start showing up in my neighborhood looking for me I'm fine with whatever he wants to say. It just makes him look more pathetic.
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Originally posted by reckless_ops_sux:

NO my brother has the benz my nephew has the talon...dont know bout the honda.. But i'm not making threats i'm telling you how it is. You better edit the post!!!!! Faggot mother fucker!!!

Cause who are you to start making judgements about someone you know nothing about!!

BANNED :mad:

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Originally posted by reckless_ops_sux:

Thats funny no one asked you!

That's hilarious...because you are still a little shit talking bitch that has to stick up for your even bigger of a douche little brother on an internet message board. Do us a favor and go kill yourself. Seriously.


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