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Asshats with Sawzalls going overkill.


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As a few of you know, I am putting a project truck together that went under the sawzall knife some time ago. Well the guy that cut it up left NO metal to weld anything back into. At least right under the lower portion of the LEXAN windshield. Which means I will have to take it out to get the firewall finished. It's been big fun. And of course with the cage, that makes it that much more difficult to do it.


I had to build a metal brake already to do this as I have no access to one. And in my true CHeapass nature, I am building the floor, firewall and much of the interior out of old server cases. Seems to be a good source of metal, And it tends to be easily cut with the plasma torch. Having never learned the proper way to layout metal, I have been going through a few parts getting things right after all the bends and crap are done, but figuring that once done, a bit of grinding some body filler and some paint will make the interior nice.


BTW, if anyone needs access to a brake, I now have a 47 inch tabled sheetmetal brake. It will only go 90 degrees, but it doesn't exibit any deflection (it shouldn't with 5/16 thick 2.5 inch angle with a 2X2 box reinforcement. Overkill but it's all I had)

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Originally posted by desperado:

And in my true CHeapass nature, I am building the floor, firewall and much of the interior out of old server cases. Seems to be a good source of metal, And it tends to be easily cut with the plasma torch. Having never learned the proper way to layout metal, I have been going through a few parts getting things right after all the bends and crap are done, but figuring that once done, a bit of grinding some body filler and some paint will make the interior nice.


off topic


[ 29. September 2004, 01:08 PM: Message edited by: Hoosier Daddy ]

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Gee, I don't know, .08 metal seemed the thing to use for the firewall and shit. So what if it saw use as something else first. It's free! It looks a little odd at the moment. Being White and all. But a bit of grinding a bit of filler and some paint and it will be fine. Hell it may even look good, if not, I'll carpet the thing, that will hide it fine.


BTW, for the smartasses and the equally smartass comments, just exactly when was it that you took a car, cut everything out of it, down to the frame and put it back together?

Lets see,


Kenny, gets car stolen, buys faster car, still can't change spark plugs. Opinion about 1/4 mile time has been noted, several times, could someone pick the needle off the broken record. I think he's just pissed because they took his game show off with the Wammies. But that's only a guess, it could just be he has a small penis.


C5Proctoligst, makes enough money playing Butt Doctor with mens asses that he just BUYS what he wants, doesn't have to build shit. Personally I would rather be building my car from a scrap heap than playing with mens asses to pay for top shelf stuff. But that's just me.


Berto, well, your right it is a good idea. But I don't know about the 50 fans, well, I don't know as I would try that myself, but if you have any luck, I may reconsider.


[ 29. September 2004, 07:02 AM: Message edited by: desperado ]

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Desperado is from Appalachia. Please correct your geography.


So, are you gonna reinforce the seat brackets?


Will the server cases be enough to support your dash up?


This one time, on Pimp my Ride, there was a car put together with liquid nails. It actually worked. If you tried it, your truck probably wouldnt be SFI 25.1 certified.

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who cares what kind of metal its made out of? sheetmetal is sheetmetal as long as you use the right guage. I fixed the floors in my car with chimney flashing cuase its all I had layin around when I found the hole. it don't have to be pretty to work. will it pass tech? who knows? does it matter if its going to be a street machine? hell no.
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Originally posted by Nick GT:

Desperado is from Appalachia. Please correct your geography.


So, are you gonna reinforce the seat brackets?


Will the server cases be enough to support your dash up?


This one time, on Pimp my Ride, there was a car put together with liquid nails. It actually worked. If you tried it, your truck probably wouldnt be SFI 25.1 certified.

Na, I don't figure it will be certified, too many weld seams for the interior. But then again, they pass cars with rivetted in interiors all the time so I don't know. Biggest factor I see in getting the chassis stamped it the fact that I had to cut into the cage to raise the halo up, I don't know how they will react to the fact it's not one piece of tubing.


You asked is the metal strong enough, the metal I used is about twice as thick as what a factory firewall is. So it's quite strong. I will need to reinforce it around the master cylinder but other than that it's fine. I am planning to weld a piece of 3/16 plate front the frame up to the dash tube on the cage. I figure that will be plenty strong.


The seats have standoff mounts that are welded to the frame rails already, the bracket for the drivers seat is 1.25 inch box metal, all welded of course. So I dont see a problem with that either.

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Kenny, gets car stolen, buys faster car, still can't change spark plugs. Opinion about 1/4 mile time has been noted, several times, could someone pick the needle off the broken record. I think he's just pissed because they took his game show off with the Wammies. But that's only a guess, it could just be he has a small penis.



and a quadruple post from c5doc, in the middle of him trying to make us think hes smart. :rolleyes:

this thread is high quality.

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Originally posted by 98.9% stock:

But he sucks at the internet, check the link he'd posted graemlins/lol.gif

There you go mooch, I fixed it for you!


Now the 'funny': You being the internet professional, were unable to correct the fix on your own. Had you looked in your address bar, after clicking on the link, you would have noticed a descrepency. One squirrel mark for big A.

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