Guest Elinar Longsight Posted September 29, 2004 Report Share Posted September 29, 2004 Steve aka Hoosier Daddy edited them while this thread was still in the Passing Lane. I believe he edited them by request of the topic starter because they were off-topic and flame bait. Once it got beyond salvation, Chris moved the thread in here. Ask Steve why things were edited, he was the one that edited them. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest powers Posted September 29, 2004 Report Share Posted September 29, 2004 Quote Originally posted by Elinar Longsight: Steve aka Hoosier Daddy edited them while this thread was still in the Passing Lane. I believe he edited them by request of the topic starter because they were off-topic and flame bait. Once it got beyond salvation, Chris moved the thread in here. Ask Steve why things were edited, he was the one that edited them. My post was NOT off topic. It was accociated to the topic of what was being done. And as far as flame bait? What kind of general scapegoat is that? Thank you for being the Second person to tell me who edited the post. And I am asking him, in this thread. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest FBody Addict Posted September 29, 2004 Report Share Posted September 29, 2004 any way to un-edit? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrMeanGreen Posted September 29, 2004 Report Share Posted September 29, 2004 Glenn, you assume too much. You're weak and attribute your "superiority" by attempting to analyze other peoples "weaknesses". It's actually quite amusing watching you try to analyze me in an attempt to prove yourself. Weave and dodge, Glenn, weave and dodge. Nick, everything noted above in my previous post are statements told to me by you. I guess I should have listened to people back in the day when they warned me of your bullshit and the fact you ran your mouth to anyone who'd listen. You're still stuck on whatever fantasies you dream about me, and absolutely cannot deal with the truth that I'm better than you. You too are weak, a loser, and a codependant backstabber. I can see why you and Glenn were posting from the same IP earlier, it seems as though getting each other off by making up attacks on me works for you. You two are funny graemlins/lol.gif Please Nick, talk about the Section 8 again. And this time, row those fingers along the base, it makes me scream in ecstasy. Alright Glenn, but only if you kiss me where I pee. I need love too! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest stevil Posted September 30, 2004 Report Share Posted September 30, 2004 Quote Originally posted by BIG PAPA: My post was NOT off topic. It was accociated to the topic of what was being done. And as far as flame bait? What kind of general scapegoat is that? Thank you for being the Second person to tell me who edited the post. And I am asking him, in this thread.I had a rough morning, got on the board and saw a thread that went to shit. I edited out everything in the thread that I thought was useless crap, which started with the 2nd response. Were the deleted posts terrible and breaking the rules? Not at all. Should I have just moved it to the Kitchen? Yes, I made a big mistake and I'll admit to that. No excuses, I didn't do the right thing, sorry. We (admins/mods) are sort of sick of all the BS. Threads in the Meetings/Events section are filled with stupid posts... people saying they aren't going to be there that night, talking about other nights, or other random things. It clutters everything up. Same in the For Sale section, people not interested in buying the item posting their remarks on it, we don't need that. Parking Lot, see the A&F thread. This happens in other sections, the Passing Lane too. When Desperado, or anybody else, posts an update on the progress of their car, it shouldn't turn into a big joke thread about rednecks or ricers. If he posted an instigating thread, then by all means let the flames begin. But with a thread like this, if you don't have any constructive criticism, stay out of the thread, that's what I'd like to see anyways. I thought I'd try to save a thread for once and get rid of the stupid stuff. Bad idea. I won't interfere and will let everybody just be assholes to each other, I'll just put these threads in the Kitchen like usual. Oh, and C5Doctor you can call me whatever you want. The fact is, I screwed up and Anthony is probably pissed at me for deleting a bunch of posts for no reason and pissing off the board. Maybe I can "weasel" myself out of this one? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Devils Advocate Posted September 30, 2004 Report Share Posted September 30, 2004 .... Who was it that was nicknamed "handles" because of his ears? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest powers Posted September 30, 2004 Report Share Posted September 30, 2004 Quote Originally posted by Hoosier Daddy: I had a rough morning, got on the board and saw a thread that went to shit. I edited out everything in the thread that I thought was useless crap, which started with the 2nd response. Were the deleted posts terrible and breaking the rules? Not at all. Should I have just moved it to the Kitchen? Yes, I made a big mistake and I'll admit to that. No excuses, I didn't do the right thing, sorry. We (admins/mods) are sort of sick of all the BS. Threads in the Meetings/Events section are filled with stupid posts... people saying they aren't going to be there that night, talking about other nights, or other random things. It clutters everything up. Same in the For Sale section, people not interested in buying the item posting their remarks on it, we don't need that. Parking Lot, see the A&F thread. This happens in other sections, the Passing Lane too. When Desperado, or anybody else, posts an update on the progress of their car, it shouldn't turn into a big joke thread about rednecks or ricers. If he posted an instigating thread, then by all means let the flames begin. But with a thread like this, if you don't have any constructive criticism, stay out of the thread, that's what I'd like to see anyways. I thought I'd try to save a thread for once and get rid of the stupid stuff. Bad idea. I won't interfere and will let everybody just be assholes to each other, I'll just put these threads in the Kitchen like usual. Oh, and C5Doctor you can call me whatever you want. The fact is, I screwed up and Anthony is probably pissed at me for deleting a bunch of posts for no reason and pissing off the board. Maybe I can "weasel" myself out of this one? Well first off I admire you saying that you were wrong. An explaination was all i was looking for. Thanks And you have to admit starting a thread saying that you are making a firewall out of server cases is kind of looking for some action. Especially considering who it was Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kenny Posted September 30, 2004 Report Share Posted September 30, 2004 Quote Originally posted by desperado: Kenny, gets car stolen, buys faster car, still can't change spark plugs. Opinion about 1/4 mile time has been noted, several times, could someone pick the needle off the broken record. I think he's just pissed because they took his game show off with the Wammies. But that's only a guess, it could just be he has a small penis.Talk is cheap. Fact remains - you can't run 12's while I'm deep into the 11's with ease. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nick Posted September 30, 2004 Report Share Posted September 30, 2004 Interesting. Glenn and I don't even know where each other live, yet we post from the same IP. but, you are the internet genious. You win. Reality cannot compete with your fantasy. You are the man of my dreams, and I have no concept of the truth. Yet, I have told nothing but facts, and you are hanging on a limb on assumptions. I am a backstabber, and have no friends. I challenge you to ban me and glenn. I think you are too afraid to, as it will show your weakness in having people express their opinion on your site. Better yet - have someone else ban me -to show all you are not man enough to. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrMeanGreen Posted September 30, 2004 Report Share Posted September 30, 2004 Nick, as stated, you are weak. Thanks for proving my point graemlins/nod.gif Now for Glenn. Come on, oldness, create some more opinions for my amusement. Or, did you forget how to utilize the internet again graemlins/lol.gif Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest jpurdy2003 Posted September 30, 2004 Report Share Posted September 30, 2004 Back on topic... Desperado, you got pics yet? I gotta see this shit for myself. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZYUL8TR Posted September 30, 2004 Report Share Posted September 30, 2004 Quote Originally posted by 98.9% stock: Now for Glenn. Come on, oldness, create some more opinions for my amusement. Or, did you forget how to utilize the internet again graemlins/lol.gif Anthony has a huuuuuuuuuge case of DENIAL! Make sure you do not allow the voices, in your head, to take over (again) this time. Keep a positive outlook on life, and maybe people will begin to like you again (well , maybe not). Moral to this thread: DO NOT SPEAK WITH ANTHONY, AS HE WILL TURN YOUR CONVERSATION INTO "BLAH BLAH BLAH-BLAH BLAH BLAH-BLAH TO THE BLAH-BLAH, HE WAS THE ONE THAT SAID/DID THAT, NOT ME!" Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrMeanGreen Posted September 30, 2004 Report Share Posted September 30, 2004 Once again, Glenn fails to stay on topic. When he loses the debate, he tries to stray off on another tangent while doing the tuck and roll. Good for you, Glenn. I do wonder, though. Is it the fact that you can't debate as well as you'd like to believe, or the fact that your old self is going senile? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZYUL8TR Posted September 30, 2004 Report Share Posted September 30, 2004 Quote Originally posted by 98.9% stock: Once again, Glenn fails to stay on topic. When he loses the debate, he tries to stray off on another tangent while doing the tuck and roll.You have to be the BIGGEST idiot that I have ever sadly associated with. I have proven my point repeatedly, in this thread, and yet you fail to realize your fault. If I need to repeat myself over and over and over, for your understanding, I will. I will copy and paste the following repeatedly from here on out. For Anthony (because comprehension, in his world, has failed): Back to the original topic. Basically, you took my link to a posted picture and were not able to retrieve it. I placed a copy-then-paste attachment to that post (because you were unable to figure that out on your own, while others were). You make a post attempting to cover for your idiocy. You were then called on, proving you are an idiot. You then get weasel boy to delete all my posts from the first page attempting to provide yourself with some sort of security. You then turn the story around to benefit your own weakness. Quote Originally posted by 98.9% stock:Good for you, Glenn. I do wonder, though. Is it the fact that you can't debate as well as you'd like to believe, or the fact that your old self is going senile? It maybe that I am older, more wise than yourself, have a MUCH hotter wife than you, have tens-of-thousands more dollars than you, drive a faster/nicer car than you, of which none help your insecurity. Let the TRUE debating begin. Anthony, you are about to be demolished in this newest version which I call, "debate on". Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrMeanGreen Posted September 30, 2004 Report Share Posted September 30, 2004 Glenn, since you've degenerated into a rambling, incoherent idiot this morning, I will be kind enough to put this in simplified Layman's Terms for you. Me -> graemlins/lol.gifgraemlins/cry.gif <- You Now hopefully you can grasp that, since obviously you lack the proper mentality to realize you're wrong and are starting to create a fictional universe for yourself. I think you should just quit trying and go back to watching Sesame Street. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
desperado Posted September 30, 2004 Author Report Share Posted September 30, 2004 FUck, this thread is gone to shit. Just like every other thread in here. Assholes gayed it up (Kenny, C5Doctor and 98.9%Mouth), overzealous mods cut it up. And then the topic was forgoten so that two guys could sit here and compare pecker sizes. I have but one question, who gives a shit that Glenn ain't any good at the internet. I for one couldn't give two fucks about it. Glenn, I ai't defending you, your an ass, you gayed up my shit, fuck you. Anthony, you helped. Do you have any idea of how fucking tired EVERYONE is getting of listening to you bitch about race club and see you turn into a 4 yr old on the playground EVERY fucking time that a RC member posts anything the least bit questionable on this board. Get over it for Christ's sake. Now, yes, using scrap metal to build a car is redneck, agreed. But I work with what I have around. HoosierDaddy, yeah, you were a bit overzealous in cutting up Glenns (C5Doctor) posts. But, I have to agree, it seems that EVERY post gets gayed up anymore. Sure, me saying that I was building a car with old server cases was flamebait for about three people, the same three fucks that gay up every other fucking thread, Kenny, C5Doctor, and TheVette who incidentally didn't gay up this thread at all that I could find. The reality is that those three are still here. Neither of the admins see fit to get rid of them, so this shit will continue to go on. I thought it was actually over with a few weeks ago when a bunch of em showed up at Geero's but I was quickly brought back to reality when I showed up to a meet and got to listen to someone, same person as always, bitching about RC and IPS. I am truly tired of this shit. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZYUL8TR Posted September 30, 2004 Report Share Posted September 30, 2004 Quote Originally posted by 98.9% stock: Glenn, since you've degenerated into a rambling, incoherent idiot this morning, I will be kind enough to put this in simplified Layman's Terms for you. Me -> graemlins/cry.gifgraemlins/lol.gif <- You Now hopefully you can grasp that, since obviously you lack the proper mentality to realize you're wrong and are starting to create a fictional universe for yourself. I think you should just quit trying and go back to watching Sesame Street. You've got to be kidding, right? That is the best you can come up with! Here you go again, back to the original topic: Basically, you took my link to a posted picture and were not able to retrieve it. I placed a copy-then-paste attachment to that post (because you were unable to figure that out on your own, while others were). You make a post attempting to cover for your idiocy. You were then called on, proving you are an idiot. You then get weasel boy to delete all my posts from the first page attempting to provide yourself with some sort of security. You then turn the story around to benefit your own weakness. Any further attempts to separate yourself from the facts dramaticaly decreases any worth on your part. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrMeanGreen Posted September 30, 2004 Report Share Posted September 30, 2004 Where is RC mentioned in this thread? Steve edited the post trying to salvage your thread from the fucksticks who can't leave you alone. Quit attacking him, he was doing his job. And if you don't wanna hear about RC or IPS, then don't ask me or anyone else about it. Leave the subject alone ad you won't have to hear about it. Thye only reason I get aggresive when one of those toolbags come over here and create flamebait is just that, they're trying to destroy the morale of CR and I'll prevent that to the best of my ability. You're either here or you're not. As for dipshits #1, #2, and #3, they're close anyways. Just waiting for the trigger.... Make sense? BTW, come get these fucking drag radials, they're taking up space tongue.gif Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrMeanGreen Posted September 30, 2004 Report Share Posted September 30, 2004 Quote Originally posted by C5Doctor: Here you go again, back to the original topic: Basically, you took my link to a posted picture and were not able to retrieve it. I placed a copy-then-paste attachment to that post (because you were unable to figure that out on your own, while others were). You make a post attempting to cover for your idiocy. You were then called on, proving you are an idiot. You then get weasel boy to delete all my posts from the first page attempting to provide yourself with some sort of security. You then turn the story around to benefit your own weakness. It's quite amusing you still actually convince youself to believe that. This is why I keep you around, you're just like a pet monkey! graemlins/lol.gif Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZYUL8TR Posted September 30, 2004 Report Share Posted September 30, 2004 Quote Originally posted by 98.9% stock: It's quite amusing you still actually convince youself to believe that. This is why I keep you around, you're just like a pet monkey! graemlins/lol.gif Prove me wrong: Again: Basically, you took my link to a posted picture and were not able to retrieve it. I placed a copy-then-paste attachment to that post (because you were unable to figure that out on your own, while others were). You make a post attempting to cover for your idiocy. You were then called on, proving you are an idiot. You then get weasel boy to delete all my posts from the first page attempting to provide yourself with some sort of security. You then turn the story around to benefit your own weakness. What about my recent reply to your post, in the other forum "The Passing Lane", you just recently deleted? Where did that one go? Instead of erasing the words, you completely deleted it in fear of more humiliation! Wow. I hear I am about to be banned. How true is this? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrMeanGreen Posted September 30, 2004 Report Share Posted September 30, 2004 Go peruse my previous replies to your "facts". I'll summarize them for you: 1) I caught and remedied your fuck up before even notifying you about it. You seem to think because you edited your link, only then was I able to see the pic? graemlins/lol.gif 2) Steve attempted to salvage Keith's thread on his own will by removing all irrelevant subjects to the matter. This is his job as a Moderator, and he performed it within his abilities. I'm done arguing this topic with you, as you truly epidemize the definition of dense. As for your post in Amy's thread...WTF gives you the right to shit on someone's problems so you can amuse yourself? You truly need to re-think your strategy in life. You poor, poor man. I actually feel a sort of sickening pity for you Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
excell Posted September 30, 2004 Report Share Posted September 30, 2004 I see that no one has attacked me for moving it. graemlins/lol.gif Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZYUL8TR Posted September 30, 2004 Report Share Posted September 30, 2004 Quote Originally posted by 98.9% stock: Go peruse my previous replies to your "facts". I'll summarize them for you: 1) I caught and remedied your fuck up before even notifying you about it. You seem to think because you edited your link, only then was I able to see the pic? Again not true: Basically, you took my link to a posted picture and were not able to retrieve it. I placed a copy-then-paste attachment to that post (because you were unable to figure that out on your own, while others were). You make a post attempting to cover for your idiocy. You were then called on, proving you are an idiot. You then get weasel boy to delete all my posts from the first page attempting to provide yourself with some sort of security. You then turn the story around to benefit your own weakness. Quote Originally posted by 98.9% stock: You poor, poor man. I actually feel a sort of sickening pity for you This should read: You rich, rich man. I actually feel a sort of sickening jealousy for you. To clarify for all, I posted a reply to Anthonys' rubbish in Amys' post. I was informing Anthony of his needed corrections only to have him delete it for his own security. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZYUL8TR Posted September 30, 2004 Report Share Posted September 30, 2004 Quote Originally posted by 98.9% stock: I'm done arguing this topic with you, as you truly epidemize the definition of dense. I missed this one. Density = mass/volume Who is more dense? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrMeanGreen Posted September 30, 2004 Report Share Posted September 30, 2004 Yes Glenn, clarify all day until you're blue in the face. You're just proving my point further graemlins/nod.gif No, I honestly pity you. Face the reality, you're not really anyone special. Thanks for playing graemlins/lol.gif Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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