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marc, you lacking the ability to comprehend my posts has nothing to do with my public school education, and everything to do with the fact that your mental capacity sits a level below your average sea slug. you do seem to be a little stressed, however. whats the matter...can't you find any pictures of a school bus on tv to help you masturbate? do yourself, your tormented parents, 27 generations of your ancestors, and all misfortunately acquainted with you a favor: encase your clubfoot in quick drying cement, and go parachuting off the steep side of mount everest (parachute optional).
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Originally posted by Venomss:

Yeah, I think it's Trekkie, with two K's. Then again, I'm not one, so I can't be sure.


Also, Marc, for the record, you misspelled "misspelled."

Damn you and your two degree's smile.gif


DJ, remove your mouth from Eli's nether region and resume your weak attempts of ownage.


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whatsamattah marc, jealous?


im still waiting for something worthy of a comeback from you.


if you cant think of anything, thats because you cant think. your entire existance is limited to the things that define life, none of which is thought. hell, your barely alive.

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Originally posted by Orion:

Whatsamattah Marc, jealous?


I'm still waiting for something worthy of a comeback from you.


If you cant think of anything, that's because you can't think. Your entire existance is limited to the 7 attributes of a living organism; none of which is thought. Hell, you're barely alive.

I fixed your original statement so that everyone else reading this thread can understand your drivel.


Oh, and your insults are about on par with my 5 year old cousins.


DJ swings and misses... graemlins/lol.gif


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so, if i tell you im still waiting, and i get a third strike, does that mean youre going to regale us with your amazing trashtalking skills?


if so, then im STILL WAITING.



i imagine though, that your retort will be something more inline with your capability, read; one sentence with mostly short words that are easy to spell.

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Originally posted by BenTSi:

"I wear Abercrombie, and play poker just about every weekend with four friends. I'v also never brought any of my Girlfriends to any meets. But no ones questiond me, or doubted me."

homo! graemlins/gay.gifgraemlins/supergay.gif:D


I enjoy wearing nice cloths
yeah, we all do, but we find them at walmart...you know..without the name...
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DJ, are you at a loss for words? Maybe you used all of your "good" insults on John? Or just maybe Mark and Eli aren't around to 'help' you think of some witty remarks?


Either way, you need to go back to the hood and come up with some material that is worth anyones time and effort.


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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

DJ, are you at a loss for words? Maybe you used all of your "good" insults on John? Or just maybe Mark and Eli aren't around to 'help' you think of some witty remarks?


Either way, you need to go back to the hood and come up with some material that is worth anyones time and effort.


you love men.
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i imagine though, that your retort will be something more inline with your capability, read; one sentence with mostly short words that are easy to spell. -dj
DJ, are you at a loss for words? Maybe you used all of your "good" insults on John? Or just maybe Mark and Eli aren't around to 'help' you think of some witty remarks?


Either way, you need to go back to the hood and come up with some material that is worth anyones time and effort.


is there really anything else that i need to say? i know you better than you know yourself, missy.


oh, and by the way...



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Originally posted by Orion:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />DJ, are you at a loss for words? Maybe you used all of your "good" insults on John? Or just maybe Mark and Eli aren't around to 'help' you think of some witty remarks?


Either way, you need to go back to the hood and come up with some material that is worth anyones time and effort.


is there really anything else that i need to say? i know you better than you know yourself, missy.


oh, and by the way...


...IM STILL WAITING. </font>

you love men too.
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