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Juggalos? Seriously.

Devils Advocate

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Get a fucking personality, you face painting, white boy, white trash, lonely, ugly, small penis having wanna-be-thugs. We all know that you're closet homosexuals, so it's ok to stop hiding yourself behind those horribly baggy jeans, ugly knock-off jerseys, and cheap, meijer bought, waterproof face paint. Unless, that you're wearing that shit to SHOW everyone that you're gay....
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Originally posted by Republicant:

Get a fucking personality, you face painting, white boy, white trash, lonely, ugly, small penis having wanna-be-thugs. We all know that you're closet homosexuals, so it's ok to stop hiding yourself behind those horribly baggy jeans, ugly knock-off jerseys, and cheap, meijer bought, waterproof face paint. Unless, that you're wearing that shit to SHOW everyone that you're gay....

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Guest FBody Addict
Originally posted by Republicant:

Get a fucking personality(got one), you face painting(nope, never have painted my face), white boy(true, and i admit im a white boy), white trash(more redneck type whitetrash than wanna be thug white trash), lonely(not really), ugly(possibly, although my gf says im not bad looking), small penis (im white, hellooo i knew that) having wanna-be-thugs(nope, im a redneck). We all know that you're closet homosexuals (ask my gf), so it's ok to stop hiding yourself behind those horribly baggy jeans(i dress rather conservatively), ugly knock-off jerseys(dont own a single icp shirt), and cheap, meijer bought, waterproof face paint(never worn face paint). Unless, that you're wearing that shit to SHOW everyone that you're gay....(again, ask my gf)

you only know of the ones that give everyone else a bad name

we are everywhere

give up

Supraglue, i dont think this is going to end unless a mod closes it

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I don't understand juggalos, what exactly are they? Looks kinda dumb to me, adults painting their faces, maybe I just don't understand... so if someone could clarify that would be sweet.
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It's about par with the trekkies that dress up like Klingons and shit and go running around speaking klingon. About the only thing worse is the fucking Star Wars nerds that dress up like starwars characters. Basically they are fucking nobodys and the only way to get noticed is to put on clown makeup and act stupid. I told the resident Goth, and I will tell these jugajoke muthafuckers the same thing. If you really want me to believe that it ain't some sort of faggot ass act, and you really have the fuck you world personality that you bitches claim to, go get FUCK YOU tatooed to your forehead and show me in person, until that time, fuck off with your kiddie ass bullshit. It's a fuckin act, to get attention because you are a fucking nothing that no one wants to be around. So you dress up like a fuck and hang around with nothings that no one wants to be around. So it's the worthless fuck clown pussy, or was that possie. Same shit either way.


And to first of you that says that it gets you laid, well asshole, I seen bitches that would fuck dogs too, so the fact that there are skank hoes out there that think it's sexy, well consider that the bitch you was with last night, was probably with a different guy every other night that dresses like a fucking clown. So have fun passing that shit around. She been hit more times than a joint.

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Originally posted by desperado:

It's a fuckin act, to get attention because you are a fucking nothing that no one wants to be around.

Kinda like saying that you could build a 6 sec car for 25k... :eek:



Originally posted by desperado:

And to first of you that says that it gets you laid, well asshole, I seen bitches that would fuck dogs too, so the fact that there are skank hoes out there that think it's sexy, well consider that the bitch you was with last night, was probably with a different guy every other night that dresses like a fucking clown. So have fun passing that shit around. She been hit more times than a joint.

Hey what your wife does on her own time is her business, not ours..
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Guest FBody Addict

actually it never did get me laid, never got laid till i stopped hanging out with the guys who wore the icp shirts all the time, cut my hair, started lifting weights again, quit smoking pot all day every day, stopped wearing all black, you know, started looking like a normal person


now i got a chick thatll fuck me every chace we have


funny how that works, huh?

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um......im confused.


let me see if i got this right. republicant starts a thread making fun of "juggalos" (whatever) that is not so subtley directed at wickedpyroclown. clown then defends himself, kinda. des does his job as the 500 pound gorilla and jumps in on the side of republicant and proceeds to "break him off somethin propah", and then sam wades into the fracas and kiacks des in the nuts. although for the life of me i cannot figure out why, since as far as i know, he doesnt know wickedpyroclown, gets laid fairly often, doesnt wear makeup, has no shortage of self esteem, and is too busy racing other 13 second or faster cars to be worried about what goes on on this board anyways. and right after that, wickedpyroclown basically says, "des, youre right, it was a phase, it didnt get me any attention, and got me even less poonanny, and so i rejoined society as a whole, lost the act, and now i am a fine upstanding mamber of society with a sexual deviant for a girlfreind."


i dont get it.

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Got me too. Vette, your an ass. The wife comment would have seriously pissed me off, if not for the fact the being in the kitchen, you were kidding, and two that my wife has better sence than that. So I respect her, unlike other members that show so much respect for women that they can't even get off the keyboard long enough to get a blowjob and instead sit talking about in a chat room while its' happening. Personally I find it to be a bit disrespectiful. Figuring also that if I tried that shit with my wife, she'd probably bite it off and throw it at me. Which is what she should do after being treated in such a disrespectable manner.


Back to the juggalo thing, I am totally lost here, you first act as if this is the thing to be involved in, you have several other threads and posts on the board talking up the whole juggalo movement, but I speak my personal opinion about it and you start downing it? WTF??? I know that I can be rather convincing at times, and that while being a nice guy mostly can tend to try to push my views and beliefs as the best thing for everyone. But fuck, if I have this sort of effect on people I should run for office, seems with a few words I could convince everyone to vote for me. Hell, better yet, I sould be a therapist, convince people to not eat as much and brush their teeth and all sorts of shit. I could even do my own self help tapes. Yeah, that's it, I'm gonna be rich, have a carrer as a singer, and a movie star, if all I have to do is convince people that I am wonderful, and they should think as I do.


Dude, your a fuckin sheep. The level of ownage here is not measurable by huamn means. My opinion, while well stated, is only what I feel. What the hell are you doing by all of a sudden agreeing with me and denouncing what you stood for yesterday? Dude, this si a prime example of nutswinging, and not just a little bit, but like fucking Tarzan, with the big voice AWWWAWWWAW thing even. Dude, be your own fuckin person, who fucking cares what I think, or any of these other fucks think. You need to be happy with yourself at the end of the day. And jumpin from nutsack to nutsack on opinions is no fucking way to live life. Damn dude, just,,,, Damn! Be your own man!

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Desperado you can lick my ass. It not my fault that I got women in check so they will do something like blow me while I am on the cpu. As a matter of fact it wasnt even my idea. She can in while I was on the cpu, got under my desk and went to work. What kinda of person are you that comes onto the internet and make fun of someone you dont know that is 1/3 your age. You would think by your age you would have something better to do. I am sorry my last post hit to close for home for you..
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I've always wondered the same thing... where do people get off calling themselves Juggalos? And why would anybody want to be associated with the group that signifies WHITE TRASH? Please explain to me how being a "juggalo" is cool to anybody?
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