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MX Douchebag.

Devils Advocate

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Seriously, who the fuck are you, where are your parents, and why did they let you out of your cage? Take a few steps away from the keyboard, put away the vaseline, put down the Hasselhoff pictures, and go get some fresh air. Seriously, even MY posts aren't as ignorant as yours are, and I use proper punctuation and grammar.


www.dictionary.com <--- Use this.


If that doesn't work, buy something powerful from this: www.gunbroker.com , and don't visit www.suicideprevention.com ... Have a nice day.

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Guest boostedmx6
Well, my work here is done. I've managed to piss off people that are way to important to not be on this board every time they can so maybe i should get a life? But i seriously think its you people ..... oh i cant do this i love pissing you insignificant people off its the highlight of my pooping republicant call you mom shes lonely now that you and your edipus complex have left the rest of you since your soo cool go to a movie i mena i know its a big day for you out of the trailer and your at the libray using the free conection but please jsut settle down btu i seriously think its sweet i got my own thread i will live in infamy thank fellas and ladies
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Guest boostedmx6
arnt you supposed to be in class or did you drop out and now are living off of spam and nilla wafers cooked over a hot plate your a freshman yet you think your on top of the world you say you have a gf but "well she lives in canada and i go to see her on my one seater " whats that your school desk its an acoplishment cuz your an ass you do the smae exact thing to people calling them out on every chance you get so your the tool box your lucky finacial aid provided you with a library card so you could get on the internet 23 hrs a day you couldnt poss have a gf with as much time as you spend on here unless your the worst bf ever wiat maybe you talk to her on her thats even more sad now i do win cuz thats the name of this game i win ive been on here long enought to know hows worth talking to and you are not i will not lower myself again to be at your level aka freshman what are you takeing at ou trailer maint. " how to clean up after a fire caused by polyester drapes" im out you suck
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Guest boostedmx6
why would i care if everyone hated me i hang out with real people not at geeros and not racing and my car isnt brok 24 7 cuz i raced this guy in a ford wooohoooo go back to bed and think of your family that will sooth you well the thought of sucking on your mothers brest will
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Originally posted by boostedmx6:

arnt you supposed to be in class or did you drop out and now are living off of spam and nilla wafers cooked over a hot plate your a freshman yet you think your on top of the world you say you have a gf but "well she lives in canada and i go to see her on my one seater " whats that your school desk its an acoplishment cuz your an ass you do the smae exact thing to people calling them out on every chance you get so your the tool box your lucky finacial aid provided you with a library card so you could get on the internet 23 hrs a day you couldnt poss have a gf with as much time as you spend on here unless your the worst bf ever wiat maybe you talk to her on her thats even more sad now i do win cuz thats the name of this game i win ive been on here long enought to know hows worth talking to and you are not i will not lower myself again to be at your level aka freshman what are you takeing at ou trailer maint.

I think that is the longest sentence I have ever seen.......
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Originally posted by boostedmx6:

why would i care if everyone hated me i hang out with real people not at geeros and not racing and my car isnt brok 24 7 cuz i raced this guy in a ford wooohoooo go back to bed and think of your family that will sooth you well the thought of sucking on your mothers brest will

Are the people at Mr. Geero imaginary? :confused:


why did you join a racing website if it isn't cool to you? :confused:


I race all the time and my car is rarely broken. if you broke your car racing it you probably did something wrong and that isn't anyones fualt but yours. :eek:


if the internet doesn't provide you with a "real" way to meet others and setup meetings and fun events then please just go away we don't want you graemlins/thumbsdown.gif


-tosses another tool into the toolbox where it belongs




Have a nice day graemlins/finger.gif

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Originally posted by boostedmx6:

why would i care if everyone hated me i hang out with real people not at geeros and not racing and my car isnt brok 24 7 cuz i raced this guy in a ford wooohoooo go back to bed and think of your family that will sooth you well the thought of sucking on your mothers brest will

you obviously are a loser in real life cause if you really had real friends you wouldn't come on a board where people disliked you, since you are the loser king you don't get attention in real life so you come on here and get people paying attention to you since you are being an ass, and since no one pays attention to you in real life you will take bad attention over no attention anyday
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dude, please PM me with your posts before you post anymore, so I can fix the grammer.... your posting is seriously making my head hurt.


Second though, install MS Word on your computer... type your reply in there first, let it do all the spelling and grammer checking for you, then post it.


Thanks and have a great day.

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i hang out with "real people" and never go to Geero's or race my car....but your still a fucking tweedlebox.


i didn't even know you existed until i read this thread...but i'm pretty sure you're gay, maybe we can hang out sometime? graemlins/supergay.gif



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I decided to put my keyboard on the floor and let my dog take a stab at typing a few sentences.


Oddly, my dog’s typing was more coherent than what boostedmx6 likes to post.


This guy really needs to get a freaking clue. He goes on a board designated as a site for racing enthusiasts, then basically says we are stupid for racing (for as well as my poor dog could decipher, as I gave up trying). He makes some comment about a Ford, all the while probably to dumb to realize he is driving a re-badged Probe.


Of course he is probably going to come back with some lame comment, such as the following:


Sdflkjsadflkjfdsjlkdsfajlksdaflkj sdansadfp;ok asdpoinasdf kasdfjer safdklear sfda;lkasfd

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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

I decided to put my keyboard on the floor and let my dog take a stab at typing a few sentences.


Oddly, my dog’s typing was more coherent than what boostedmx6 likes to post.


This guy really needs to get a freaking clue. He goes on a board designated as a site for racing enthusiasts, then basically says we are stupid for racing (for as well as my poor dog could decipher, as I gave up trying). He makes some comment about a Ford, all the while probably to dumb to realize he is driving a re-badged Probe.


Of course he is probably going to come back with some lame comment, such as the following:


Sdflkjsadflkjfdsjlkdsfajlksdaflkj sdansadfp;ok asdpoinasdf kasdfjer safdklear sfda;lkasfd



Joe for President! ;)

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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

Of course he is probably going to come back with some lame comment, such as the following:


Sdflkjsadflkjfdsjlkdsfajlksdaflkj sdansadfp;ok asdpoinasdf kasdfjer safdklear sfda;lkasfd

funniest ever
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Originally posted by boostedmx6:

arnt you supposed to be in class or did you drop out and now are living off of spam and nilla wafers cooked over a hot plate your a freshman yet you think your on top of the world you say you have a gf but "well she lives in canada and i go to see her on my one seater " whats that your school desk its an acoplishment cuz your an ass you do the smae exact thing to people calling them out on every chance you get so your the tool box your lucky finacial aid provided you with a library card so you could get on the internet 23 hrs a day you couldnt poss have a gf with as much time as you spend on here unless your the worst bf ever wiat maybe you talk to her on her thats even more sad now i do win cuz thats the name of this game i win ive been on here long enought to know hows worth talking to and you are not i will not lower myself again to be at your level aka freshman what are you takeing at ou trailer maint. " how to clean up after a fire caused by polyester drapes" im out you suck

Spelling mistakes, and misused words marked in italic... I won't point out where the periods are missing... Maybe the douche washed all traces of them away?
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