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ignorance I can stand stupidity I can't. I count someone as stupid once they are wrong about something or know nothing about it and REFUSE to learn that it could be another way.


example : (like you didn't know it was coming.)


I was explaining to a kid in my class who is a legitimate 'know it all' let me give ya some ideas of this kid, you should all REALLY enjoy this.


Drives a Honda hatchback, this is his upgrade from his Honda Del-sol he used to have, After selling his Del-Sol he had no way to get to school, though supposedly he had a 383 82 corvette sting at home, and a few other cars that are just badass ... but chooses a del-sol because it has better handling than all his other cars.


Daniel was a master chef at the age of 14, he helped weld a wing on to one of the space shuttles, though he can't remember which one. He was a government certified welder and helped to raise old sunken ships. Not a bad life really, except see, he's 19, he has a bunch of perfromance shops he worked for and even tried starting his own once but he had to end up selling it so he could come to WyoTech.


Some famous situations involving Daniel at WyoTech are.


Daniel: "Camber has nothing to do with tire wear on a Honda, because it's absolutely impossible to adjust a Honda's camber."

John : "you can do it with a camber kit"

Daniel : " well yeah but other than that ya can't"

Alabama : "It's absolutely impossible to time an engine! (sarcastic)"

*we all laugh*


McGraw : "well the monte has a 87 GTA 350 in it and a turbo-350 tranny"

Daniel : "Thats so fuckin stupid why would you put a turbo on your transmission, you should switch it to the engine." (he was dead nuts serious)

McGraw : "No the transmission is a type of transmission they're just called turbo 350's, like a turbo 400. They're beastly transmissions really."

Daniel : "whatever, I've never even heard of something like that and I've built 350's all my life."

McGraw : "How do you feed that thing?"

Daniel : "feed what?"

McGraw : "That high horse you ride on, you should come down to our level and try learning a thing or two."


Daniel : "I can build you a 700-R4"

Jerry : "No thanks Daniel I'd rather die because of a cheap whore."


Daniel : "Stock for stock a hoinda can out handle any other car in the world you guys just don't even know what the fuck you're talking about because you're all so biased!!" (screaming)

McGraw : "whoa whoa whoa!, I'm going to give ya the chance to redeam yourself before the wolves eat ya a live. You mean stock for stock, about EVERY other car in the world we're talking Ferrari, Porsche, Maseratti, Lamborgini, Hell Mustangs."

Daniel : "ANY other car in the world a honda can beat stock for stock becau.."

McGraw : "oh HonDan shut the hell up and go back to your corner, no one wants to hear ya."

Justin : "and we're biased?"

Alabama : "I left my waders in my truck, i'm going to have to go get them to get through all this bullshit."


there ya go got my rant in and hopefully my point across, we all get such a kick out of him thought maybe you'd all enjoy it too. Let me know are we just being mean? I mean he won't listen to anyone, and i'm the first to admit I don't know jack but I'm trying to learn every day.


People like Daniel just infuriate me


and i'm sure there are a ton of spelling mistakes in here.

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well it's funny cause he always is responsible for the stupid questions that you wonder "Did he just ask that?"

we got into alternative fuels, keep in mind we're taught how to fix cars in the basic classes not build dragsters. So he askes "Are we going to cover jet fuels and there application in dragsters and street cars." Tim the instructor writes in big bold letters "BASIC ALTERNATIVE FUELS." and says "no Daniel we won't be building dragsters or talking about jet fuels, nor will we teach you how to squeeze precious life juice from a kitten to get you any faster."


and he used to raise his hand all the time and make "well honda does it this way ... " comments



so about a month ago Tim is in a bad mood, just been through some things and everything Daniel raises his hand in the middle of a engine lecture and Tim look at him and annoyed says "What Daniel, what does honda do?" Dan just put his hand down and we all laughed.


WyoTech honestly has some of the coolest people you'll ever meet but from what I understand there is a Daniel in ever class and there are some kids who don't get it...


like we're talking about starters and alternators about 7 hours into the lecture kid finally asks "I just don't get it, like what is a magnet." i'm not even joking. Kid nexted to me slammed his head into his book and mummbled "we're never going to finish this now, why does he always have to screw it all up."

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Oh man, that reminds me of this kid at ONU, Tom Manusak. Talk about your all-time f*ckups. This kid was in all my classes until I co-oped, and somehow he's actually gonna graduate with a BS in mech engineering this spring. Here are the highlights:


"I want to be a mechanical engineer, but I never said I was mechanically inclined." graemlins/nonono.gif


Raises his hand and asks a question that was answered 5 minutes before. Put our statics class 2 days behind my freshman year... graemlins/doh.gif


Brings a laptop to class and talks on AIM over wireless during classes. :mad: Even Dr Marquart has told him he'd quit asking the dumb questions if he'd stop playing on the computer...


Fall of Junior year he broke a tool on the mill because he started moving the table (auto-feed) without turning the mill on first. Argh! graemlins/wtf.gif


Topping it all off, he wears this leather top hat thing every day. So at the end of the quarter, the whole class got plastic hats to mock him and put them on when the prof was writing on the board. Everyone, even the professors, crack on this kid to his face because he's a moron.


I feel your pain, McGraw.

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