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The Bush Administration, a Subsidiary of Halliburton Corp.

You guys wanna see a scam? Look at a few facts:

-Previous buisness connections between both Cheney and Bush to Halliburton.

-What is being spent on the war in Iraq

-The services that Halliburton and its subsidiaries provide.

We all know about the blind eye to the price gauging. But how else are they making money on this conflict? Lets look to one of their subsidiaries:

KBR Engineering, Constructions and Services. Specificaly their Government Operations branch. They perform and inumerable range of vauge tasks for the state department, department of defence, along with State, local, and regional governments. Can anyone guess how many "Defence Industry Contractors" are now employed in Iraq and afghanistan? Also known as Privat Military Contractors, aka mercinaries. No this is not an assumption, this is a fact, and they currently mumber in the thousands.

Of all the money the US is spending on invading, securing, and rebuilding Iraq, over 90 billion dollars, its safe to assume that no less then 20-30% of that is going to halliburton via thier operations or that of their subsidiaries, though its likely more.


There is alot of money to be made off of war, who's making it?

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Originally posted by copperhead:


what is so great about kerry?

Have you actualy listened to the man, of have you just been getting your info from Rush? BTW your sig line is an ignorant croc. Bush lies out his ass every other sentence, and he sucks at hiding it. You Mike Faigley, you tell me what Clinton lied about. Dont look it up, off the cuff, you think you'reinformed, spout it off, what did he lie about, other then blowjobs? How did he negatively effect the nation? "oohh our reputation shamefull, bleh". The world is loking a hell of alot more harshly on the iraq invasion.

Whats so great about Bush? I can watch Kerry and beleive a lil more then half the shit coming out of his mouth, Edwards; way more then half, over 3/4.

Bush, I cant stand to watch him speak, he horrible at lying.

In the end it comes down to what Idea the candidtate supports, because you know the means and particulars of the campaign promises are all subject to chang after the inaguration.

-I beleive war should be a last resort, not a second or first.

-I beleive the needs of the many exeed the needs of the few

-I beleive in paying slightly higher taxes now so that the future is more secure. Bush's plan is instant gratification and dooms us in the long run.

-I'd rather vote for some one who's only had 70% of life haded to him on a silver platter, as apposed to some one who was given 99% of his opportunities and accoplishments via nepitism.

-I'm pro choice, and beleive stem cell research should be persued

-I dont give 2 shit if queers mary.

-I dont give opportunistic liars a second chance.


Stop listening to Rush and reading slanderous web pages and actulay listen to the apposing candidate talk, read up on what htey stand for. Dont trust you data to propagandists.

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Originally posted by Gurkha:

The Bush Administration, a Subsidiary of Halliburton Corp.

You guys wanna see a scam? Look at a few facts:

-Previous buisness connections between both Cheney and Bush to Halliburton.

-What is being spent on the war in Iraq

-The services that Halliburton and its subsidiaries provide.

We all know about the blind eye to the price gauging. But how else are they making money on this conflict? Lets look to one of their subsidiaries:

KBR Engineering, Constructions and Services. Specificaly their Government Operations branch. They perform and inumerable range of vauge tasks for the state department, department of defence, along with State, local, and regional governments. Can anyone guess how many "Defence Industry Contractors" are now employed in Iraq and afghanistan? Also known as Privat Military Contractors, aka mercinaries. No this is not an assumption, this is a fact, and they currently mumber in the thousands.

Of all the money the US is spending on invading, securing, and rebuilding Iraq, over 90 billion dollars, its safe to assume that no less then 20-30% of that is going to halliburton via thier operations or that of their subsidiaries, though its likely more.


There is alot of money to be made off of war, who's making it?

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Guest stevil

-I beleive war should be a last resort, not a second or first.


Of course. But after Pearl Harbor do you think we should have tried to talk to the Japs and solve things peacefully? :rolleyes: We are on the offensive now. No more waiting to be attacked again by terrorists, by Iraq's biological and/or nuclear weaopons, etc.


We fought in the Gulf War because Iraq invaded Kuwait, nothing to do with us. We've been in Bosnia and all those countries, nothing to do with us. Vietnam and other stuff, nothing to do with us really. But after terrorists directly attack us, and Iraq is building up bio-weapons and trying to build nukes (wonder who those are for?), people get mad because we're fighting back???


-I beleive in paying slightly higher taxes now so that the future is more secure. Bush's plan is instant gratification and dooms us in the long run.


Tax cuts are from less spending, if you pay more taxes, the government will definitely spend it. Bush wants to go to a flat tax in '05, and dump the IRS. Everybody's tax will be fair. Kerry wants to penalize the rich, and tax them even more than now, which is crazy like 75%. He also wants to "make jobs" and wants more government programs to help all sorts of people, where does that money come from?


-I'd rather vote for some one who's only had 70% of life haded to him on a silver platter, as apposed to some one who was given 99% of his opportunities and accoplishments via nepitism.


You sure those percents aren't switched? Neither candidate is ideal, but I like Bush's plans better.


-I dont give 2 shit if queers mary.


Yeah, don't care at all! Next, men will be able to marry sheep, a woman can wed a monkey, a man can marry a 7 year old girl, a woman can get married to a toaster, etc. Where do you draw the line? Let's just make everybody happy! Yaaaayyyyyyyyy!


-I dont give opportunistic liars a second chance.


And Kerry doesn't have an opportunity here?

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Originally posted by Hoosier Daddy:


-I dont give 2 shit if queers mary.


Yeah, don't care at all! Next, men will be able to marry sheep, a woman can wed a monkey, a man can marry a 7 year old girl, a woman can get married to a toaster, etc. Where do you draw the line? Let's just make everybody happy! Yaaaayyyyyyyyy!


Hell, maybe in the future, a jewish man could marry a black woman. This country is just going to hell... :rolleyes:


Really, wht is the difference between two people living together, and two people living together in a committed relationship where they have legal rights and benefits. Does it really affect you?

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Originally posted by Hoosier Daddy:


He also wants to "make jobs" and wants more government programs to help all sorts of people, where does that money come from?


Won't those newly employed people pay taxes? With less people on welfare, and social programs, wouldn't that free up money for other things? Come on people, think for a second.
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Originally posted by Mensan:

He can pronounce NUCLEAR and subliminal

Shit, we better vote for him then. DO=n't mind at all that his position on Iraq, as stated publicly is.... YOU'LL FIND OUT WHEN I'M ELECTED! Nice. Does that not scare anyone else? :confused: Eli You're ugly and stupid and we know you lied about Mensa. Fagmo. tongue.gif
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Guest FBody Addict

not a big fan of george w, but id rather have him in office than kerry


and the lack of jobs in ohio thats being blamed on the republicans? see who has alot of jobs-------------the somolians who the democrats had moved here to settle the civil war in somolia, which was hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....

Clintons idea!!!!


the democrats have a way of making the problems they cause looking like the republican's fault

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Originally posted by wickedpyroclown:

the democrats have a way of making the problems they cause looking like the republican's fault

Ummm.... no. Look around you. Are we better off than we were four years ago? Elephant vs. Donkey has got squat to do with the state of our country now. The good ol' boy network is much stronger than any of us would like to believe... and it is the root cause of many of the problems we have today. No matter who we put in the White House, it's going to take a long time to restore the integrity associated with the Oval Office. Unfortunately, we can never bring back the soldiers who have died fighting Daddy's war.

I, for one, will be voting for Kerry; keeping my fingers crossed that he's only half of the asshat Bush is.

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