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Originally posted by BLACK ITR GUY:

here is how i think everyone in america should look at this election, Who would Osama bin Laden vote for?


in the position we as a country are in now that is the first question that should be popping into any americans mind when they step into a polling booth.

That has to be about the stupidest thing I have ever heard.
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Originally posted by BLACK ITR GUY:

i agree with you totally ........ here is how i think everyone in america should look at this election, Who would Osama bin Laden vote for?


in the position we as a country are in now that is the first question that should be popping into any americans mind when they step into a polling booth.

Christ you're an idiot. You actualy have a slight fragment of a point there, but you interpretation of it is way off base. Osama Bin Laden would vote for george bush. Why? Because, the muslim world hates George Bush, he is the opressor, etc. Dubya's stupid ass foreign policy is what keep OBL in power, and keeps adolescent boys running to him wanting to be martyrs.


All you Bush fans are some how gullable enough to think beleive him when he says "They bomb us because they hate freedom". That is stupid, how any idiot fuck could ever beleive that is beind me. They bomb us because they hate america, and its not because we are free and they are evil. Every human being on this world is born witht he same basic psycological archetype, they are no more evil then you or I. The difference is environment and the perception based on that environment. So, lets take a walk in your average young Jihadist sandals:

Old testiment, Exodus. Moses and a bunch'a Jews are wondering around the desert, They come to palestine and say "Hey, god told us this is our chosen holy land, we'd like to chrash here." The Palestinians in their apath, and possibly a desire to see some new faces, say "Sure, you guys can squat here with us, welcome neighbor". what hapens over the next millenia or two is, the Jews keep pressing the point "Achem, um, god says this is our land...OUR land" and wanting more and more control over it. It is not there land, it is called Palestine because it belongs to the palestinians. So we see where the tension comes from, and nature of the antisemetism amung palestinians. Let that stew for a while and fast forward to WW2. Rommel strolls through and says "Your army sucks, your guns are older then my grandparents, and you bitch at each other to much, this is NAZI territory now", no way in hell they could resist the invasion. a couple years Later, good news, the Nazis are defeated, woo hoo!....But wait a damn minute. "Whats this "Israel" shit?" say the ol palaestinians. The Face of the Allied powers in the region, the USA, basicaly tells you (if you're a palestinian) That your land is no longer your land. Your country doesn't exist anymore. Not only that, but they tell you your country has been handed over to the very people you've been arguing with for 2 millenia. You already hate the Jew, because you perceive them as a type of invader, some one who your ancestors showed kindness to by letting them in, and repaid the favor by trying to take everything over. And now, these Americans come and take your sovereignty and hand it over to those jerks? "Aw hell no" say the palestinians, and a state of psedo war ensues for about half a century. Peace talks are attempted, but neither side is willing to yeild. The Asshole Americans start providing Isreal with pimp shit weapons, tanks, F-16s, Machine guns, hell they're ven a nuclear power. What do the die hard palestinians have? Rocks and sticks...and explosives. So, many Muslim leaders start exploiting the Qaran, citing the rewards for dying for Alah, and begin convincing young men to fight their war for them. Thus we have the suicide bomber.


They do not hate us because they hate freedom, they do not bomb us because they are jealous of our Cable TV and central air conditioning. They dont think we deserve to die because we have beer and porn. They hate us because 50 years ago we royaly fucked them in the worst foreign policy mistake the world has ever known. All that other stuff is icing on the cake, more reasons to dislike us, and build propaganda against us.

Bush actions now only support this. They do not get their news from CNN. *** informed world supported our actions in Afghanistan, those that lived there didn't have the benifit of TV news, they get they info from propagandists, and they are eating this shit up. Evil Americans invading muslim nations and putting up puppet governments. The core reason we have terrorists now is because we pissed these people off. George Dubyuh Bush's idiotic, cocky, and fool hardy actions are not stoping it, they aren't even putting a dent in it. They are FUELING it. It may be harder for them to get around, but rest assured there are more Jihadists and aspiring jihadists now then there ever were before. Dubyuh motivates their anger, and that is what gives people like Osama Bin Laden power. That is why OBL will vote republican this time around. However, a "regime change" here would be a step in the right direction to patching things up with our mid east relations.


You will never stop terrorism by fighting it it will only stop when you stop pissing them off and try to negotiate. Dont you dare speak of the atrocities they've committed untill you consider those commited at the hands of christians, hebrews, and athiests (bulschevics) alike. Its not right, its not to be supported, condoned, or tollerated, but they perceive it as the only way they have left to fight.


Empathy is key. The first and oldes rule of combat is "Know your enemy." No one here is right.



this is too fuckin long to proofread

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negotiate? thats right lets have germany and france's opinion on everything we do. sounds like a great idea huh? every move we make from now on lets make sure its ok with our international buddies. face it we didnt crawl to the top of the superpower list to be intimitated my some bare foot guy with a towel on his head.


the united nations had a 10 years to try and disarm iraq and failed. i know for a fact my cousin was the lead weapons inspectors, and guess what she said "they had them." (i will elaborate on that if you want me to but its gonna be long.) if you want to take everything to the united nations then they need to be a little more strick then.


i think your wrong on who obl would vote for. i understand every point you make and all of them are very good, but do you think that if obl is still alive its easy for him to be planning anything out of a freaking cave or on a camels back. honestly i think life for osama will be alot easier if kerry is elected and he would know that.


i know im probably pretty young to be shooting political shit with all you "old guys" but im trying so sorry if im sounding like an idiot but its what i believe.

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Originally posted by Gurkha:

You will never stop terrorism by fighting it it will only stop when you stop pissing them off and try to negotiate.

The middle eastern culture and musilum society respects power and hates weakness, pandering to them only gives them time to prepare another attack. Your theory would only get more innocent people killed.
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Originally posted by Car Enthusiast:

yes because we were never bombed before george w, eric, and i think we have taken the "nice" approach for a while now with no results don't ya think

Nope. there is alot of history you guys are missing out on. Dubyuh was coincedentaly in office on sept 11. It didnt happen because of him, no, you are correct about that. His inital responce was a good one, but the high profile military actions should have stopped at afghanistan.

Black ITR guy, not sure if I should dignify that with a responce. "Gave them time to disarm". What the fuck? Tell me professor, why didn't Iraq disarm at the behest of the UN? Was it out of defiance? Was it because they were preparing to attack and wanted to horde their resorses? No, its because they DIDNT HAVE ANY FUCKING WMD! It was a bluff, a pompas cocky pile of BS. Saddam needed removed from power, but invading was not the right way to do it, it sure as hell wasn't the only way. Duyuh wanted a big, conspicuous, expensive campaign.

"didnt crawl to the top of the superpower list"

Whats this "we" crap? What have you done to elevate the nation? And yes, we should care what other people think, know why? Because we all occupy the same spinning celestial rock. Our actions effect them, their actions effect us, and these days we're feeling just how much pissing a pissant reagion off can cost us. Its the smart thing to do, and its the civilized thing to do.

Joel, you described Viking culture, not Mid Eastern. I dont know what you're basing these assumptions on, most likely right wing propaghanda, but its not correct. I know mideastern muslim people, I've worked with doeszens, and become good frineds with more then a few. Hard working and humble family men, people who had spend 3 or 4 decades in the region, I think they know the people a little bit more then y'al. You're getting too much of your info from scared white people. tongue.gif



Before anyone say it, I'm not anti sematic. however, I AM anti Isreal. We need to pull out and take our weapons with us, and we'll see alot of that region begin to not hate us so much. Let the fuckers fend for themselves and rheep what they have sewn, see how good they do.

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im no professor dickhead i just work at a gas station. (im being pretty polite i think) how can you say they arent finding any wmds the brits ran across a couple of warhead filled with sarin gas. what would you call those? even if they dont find them in iraq whos to say they arent in sudan or any other country like that. and bush wasnt the only on to say that sadam had the wmds either. a long list of politicians agreed that sadam was a threat to the US and the rest of the world. who are they you ask? i believe john kerry was one and ohh yeah bill clinton also just to name a few of the bigger names.


it was either this week or last that kerry even said he would have gone to war against iraq even with knowing wmds could possibly not be there.

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Originally posted by Gurkha:

I know mideastern muslim people, I've worked with doeszens, and become good frineds with more then a few. Hard working and humble family men, people who had spend 3 or 4 decades in the region, . . .

untill they strap a bomb to thier chest and off themselves in a crowd.


enough serious shit, this is the kitchen.


fuck off you red-haired, pastey skinned freak. graemlins/burnout02.gif

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Guest Ranger_Man
eric, write your posts in MS word, run spell checker, then copy and paste it into here. i swear that i have my 1st grade books and i wrote better than you can now.
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Originally posted by BLACK ITR GUY:

im no professor dickhead i just work at a gas station. (im being pretty polite i think) how can you say they arent finding any wmds the brits ran across a couple of warhead filled with sarin gas. what would you call those? even if they dont find them in iraq whos to say they arent in sudan or any other country like that.

No, they didnt. They found weapons capable of delivering sarin gas, not the gas itself. Suprised you haven't yet brought up the residue found amid similar weapons a few months ago. None the less, they were shells, range of possibly 5 miles, evictive "kill zone" of maybe 300 sq meters.

as for the dems supporting the war...so? I never said i supported them in that. I just hate kerry about 80% less then I hate Dubyuh. graemlins/thumb.gif

People these days see what they want to see to make themselves right, and ignore the rest.untill they strap a bomb to thier chest and off themselves in a crowd.


enough serious shit, this is the kitchen.


fuck off you red-haired, pastey skinned freak. graemlins/burnout02.gif [/QB]

umm, hopefully that first line wasn't serious. so tell me, christian, you ever go out and capture a jew, tie him up in your baesment and torture him till he converted?



My hair aint red, sucka dog, just my beard. tongue.gif



yes I honnestly beleive Iraq didnt have WMDs. a lil gas doesn't count, I gues my deffinition of "mas destruction" is different. There is no doubt, however, that Iraq wanted them, and tried on many occasions to aquire them. But lets face it, they could barely muster the funds to fill up their 3 remaining helicopters during the invasion. Saddam wanted chemical weapons and Nukes, and People in hell want icewater. ;)


aron, spel chek iz fer loozors.

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Originally posted by mesteno:

untill they strap a bomb to thier chest and off themselves in a crowd.


enough serious shit, this is the kitchen.


fuck off you red-haired, pastey skinned freak. graemlins/burnout02.gif

Dude, where the fuck did you get your debating skills? OK, how many white people have shot doctors who perform abortions? How many white people have bombed gay bars? Or hung black people? Or bombed abortion clinics? Or attacked Jews? Or bombed buildings in Oklahoma City? That one was in retaliation for white people attacking more white crazy people. Just because they were smaller attacks doesn't mean they aren't terrorists. According to your logic, we should kill all white people too. They are just terrorists waiting to happen.



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Originally posted by mesteno:

enough serious shit, this is the kitchen

i was waiting for someone to complain about a good debate happening in here.


anyway Gurkha its all in good fun


(and since this is the kitchen) you democratic piece of shit thanks for the good debate

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Originally posted by BLACK ITR GUY:

i was waiting for someone to complain about a good debate happening in here.


anyway Gurkha its all in good fun


(and since this is the kitchen) you democratic piece of shit thanks for the good debate

I aint a Democrat you (insert right wing slur here). I'd rather see Mcain in office then either of these to asses. This time around I just hate the Dems less then the republican candidate. graemlins/thumb.gif

the lesser of 2 evils

the more honnest of 2 liars

the smarter of 2 idiots

the poorer of 2 richboys


fack I hate these 2 parties, what happened to the Wiggs?

Fuck Bush......I like'm shaved. tongue.gif

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Originally posted by Gurkha:

I aint a Democrat you (insert right wing slur here). I'd rather see Mcain in office then either of these to asses. This time around I just hate the Dems less then the republican candidate. graemlins/thumb.gif

the lesser of 2 evils

the more honnest of 2 liars

the smarter of 2 idiots

the poorer of 2 richboys


fack I hate these 2 parties, what happened to the Wiggs?

Fuck Bush......I like'm shaved. tongue.gif

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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Gurkha:

Before anyone say it, I'm not anti sematic. however, I AM anti Isreal. We need to pull out and take our weapons with us, and we'll see alot of that region begin to not hate us so much. Let the fuckers fend for themselves and rheep what they have sewn, see how good they do.

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Originally posted by Mensan:

Dude, where the fuck did you get your debating skills? OK, how many white people have shot doctors who perform abortions? How many white people have bombed gay bars? Or hung black people? Or bombed abortion clinics? Or attacked Jews? Or bombed buildings in Oklahoma City? That one was in retaliation for white people attacking more white crazy people. Just because they were smaller attacks doesn't mean they aren't terrorists. According to your logic, we should kill all white people too. They are just terrorists waiting to happen.



please reread post remember to put [sarcasm][/sarcasm] around it.

I'm aware that some very bright people find it hard to understand jokes sometimes.


sorry i got tired of going around in circles over the same shit, saying the same thing that has been argued a thousand times already.


fuck george bush, he's a liar trying to steal money from the poor to give his rich oil buddies at haliburton and only invaded iraq because they tried to kill his daddy, there were never WMD's the shit saddam used to kill the kurds was actually powdered suger, unfortunatly they were alergic, bush planned 9/11, bush is cheney's puppet, bush stole my wallet, and my job and took it over to abu-dabby so that it would fuck our economy, while stealing old people's healthcare. you win i believe all this, now can i goin the liberal cult now? which tree do i bow too? can i get that free poster of Al gore? will clinton autograph a fat chick for me? make me liberal eli, i want to believe what you believe, I want the The United socialist states of america too. 2+2=5, these trees are pretty but where is the forrest?

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I'd say fuck Israel too. Fuck the whole region, but we can't really do that if we want to use there oil instead of ours. Don't say that shit is bushes idea because its not. We drilled for our own oil over the last 100 years and for some damned reason we capped all the wells and we let OPEC sell us theres at a price they are asking for. I guess this could be because once they run out and China and Mexico become bigger powers running automobiles around using gas we will uncap our wells and make off like bandits with the worlds money. Don't believe that part about capping our wells. Give me a call sometime and I'll take you out in my truck and we will see vast fields of gas wells that are not being used, but are being maintained all over southern, OH, west virginia and I'm sure about any other state in the US.


I say fuck the democrats and republicans. about the only difference really is that the republicans support business in there politics and the democrats support mostly minority groups. Of course they support business too, but try hard to seem like the adverage joes. That shit is just politics and theres not alot we can do about it. I know it sucks. I'm all for the republicans though since there votes are least likely to effect me in my life where as the democrats votes will do things like make a national or state level E-Check, increase taxes, and probably try to stop outdoor motorized recreation to help out there ecowacko buddies.


I can't stand the dumass jerks on here who actually think that Bush being president caused a recession. Look at yahoo stocks you assholes. Go to a graph of about 10 years back you can cleary see a recession starting a year before Bush took office. You will also see that the stocks have nearly doubled there lows from the recession. My stocks are doing great I have a job better than I've ever had. Shit I started out making 4.75 as a programmer/PC tech at a small firm and now I work for a great company as a field service engineer making around 18.00. Stop blaming other people for your problems and start doing something about it. I'm about as adverage as you can get too. I came from a home where my dad worked as a mechanic. I didn't even go to grade school, high school, or college (Yeah it usually shows in my spelling too.)When I was having trouble finding jobs in my field I went to work in a warehouse making 9.50 while I waited out the recession. While I worked there I bought a +100K house in the middle of Westerville, got a loan for a decent truck and am quite comfortable. Fuck all this "Bad Times Crap"



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Originally posted by mesteno:

please reread post remember to put [sarcasm][/sarcasm] around it.

I'm aware that some very bright people find it hard to understand jokes sometimes.


sorry i got tired of going around in circles over the same shit, saying the same thing that has been argued a thousand times already.


fuck george bush, he's a liar trying to steal money from the poor to give his rich oil buddies at haliburton and only invaded iraq because they tried to kill his daddy, there were never WMD's the shit saddam used to kill the kurds was actually powdered suger, unfortunatly they were alergic, bush planned 9/11, bush is cheney's puppet, bush stole my wallet, and my job and took it over to abu-dabby so that it would fuck our economy, while stealing old people's healthcare. you win i believe all this, now can i goin the liberal cult now? which tree do i bow too? can i get that free poster of Al gore? will clinton autograph a fat chick for me? make me liberal eli, i want to believe what you believe, I want the The United socialist states of america too. 2+2=5, these trees are pretty but where is the forrest?

Ah, I see since you ran out of responses you just went with the "crazy guy" retort. Honestly, I think it works better. It makes more sense than most of your arguments. tongue.gif
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Originally posted by Tractor:

Fuck all this "Bad Times Crap"



I know I'm not that old, but I am old enough to realize that my life isn't total shit. Neither is it for my parents, my brother, and even my friends. I'm pretty content with how things are now. That's why I'm voting for Bush. Why change things?

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