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Sweet 16 on MTV


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Originally posted by The Vette:

If i see one more 16 yr old getting a new rover and their parents spending 200K + on a birthday party I am goin to slit my wrist and drown myself in a pool of gasoline...

I got a place to party for my 16th, that was it. My parent's probably spent $20 on the chips for my party. WTF is up with this shit. ANyone see the preview for the new one? THe girl has bouncers and shit
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you shouldn't be watching that shit to begin with...look at what it is, 'Sweet 16'...MTV targets mostly high school kids anymore. why don't they have 'My Wild 21' where people go get wasted and naked and shit, because it would be a bad example for all the kiddies. MTV is so weak anymore, i might catch 'Viva la Bam' but that is about it, that channel has sucked for years.


forget that 'Sweet 16' shit, you wanna talk about an annoying show, Road Rules/Real World...that show can kiss my fucking ass, i think 9/10 times i flip past MTV that fucking show is on, until someone comes out with "The Running Man"...reality tv needs to stop.

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Originally posted by 1Quik7:

you shouldn't be watching that shit to begin with...look at what it is, 'Sweet 16'...MTV targets mostly high school kids anymore. why don't they have 'My Wild 21' where people go get wasted and naked and shit, because it would be a bad example for all the kiddies. MTV is so weak anymore, i might catch 'Viva la Bam' but that is about it, that channel has sucked for years.


forget that 'Sweet 16' shit, you wanna talk about an annoying show, Road Rules/Real World...that show can kiss my fucking ass, i think 9/10 i flip past MTV that fucking show is on, until someone comes out with "The Running Man"...reality tv needs to stop.

My wild 21 would kick ass, someone needs to email MTV with that show idea
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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

By the end, I was wishing death on both of those broads. Painful, anal raping, set on fire death.

Those are my thoughts about every damn reality show and all MTV programming (except Jackass and Viva la Bam). :mad:


I'm about to use my V-chip to cut out MTV so I can save my IQ, can't stand it at all. And can that dumb, 16-year-old slut's nose get any bigger?


(I bet all her poor Jewish dad wanted was to give her a nice, quiet Bas Mitzvah and a damn nose job.)

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Guest GSRchick714

That Super Sweet 16 show is stupid. First of all, the parents are DUMB. Why would you spend that much on a freaking 16 year old's party?? And for some that I've seen previews for the kids are like "I'm hoping that after this party I'll be reallllly popular!!"

...I'm sorry but even if a ton of people show up, that doesnt mean you're popular, that means they wanted to go to an awesome party. Spending tons of your mommy and daddy's money won't make you popular :rolleyes:

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hahaha it's things like this that make me thankful I don't even watch T.V.


I spend my time on-line trying to figure out stupid little ways to make ANY car faster. And how much money this shop I'm building is going to cost me (Jesus fuckin Christ!)


Hell my parents own a lot of the Curves for Women in the Columbus area, $200,000 parties?! please!I can't get $20 for gas, my dad tells me I need to manage my money better or get a better job. And I'm in college.


hahaha I was actually told about two weeks ago that I couldn't move back home when I was done with WyoTech and that I needed to come home and start looking for apartments...


oh well I guess I wouldn't have it any other way, I can't stand for anyone to help me, takes away my feeling of accomplishment and I REALLY like that feeling.


would be nice to have one of those Z06 vettes though ;)

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I admit, I watched one.


2 girls, both with insanely wealthy parents, held at the Beverly Hills Hardrock.


The blonde was the epitome of the spoiled pretty princess, shallow in every way. I enjoyed looking at the brunette. She must have had a quallity nanny as she seemed to have shunned the typical entitlement attitude as she went out of her way to thank the entire staff.


I think I love her.

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Guest stvbreal

I vote for "Sweet 16 GangBang". Let the chick think she's getting all this stuff then walk her in a room blindfolded to see swingin' dicks in her face ready to pound some puddin'.


Can't we just bring back the MTV of the early 80's when it was just music videos and none of the this CRAP!?!?!

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Originally posted by The Vette:

If i see one more 16 yr old getting a new rover and their parents spending 200K + on a birthday party I am goin to slit my wrist and drown myself in a pool of gasoline...

You know its gunna happen, its fuggin MTV, so ya may as well go ahead and fill the pool now. tongue.gif

Can I have the vette? I'd need to sell it, got another mouth to feed now. ;)

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Originally posted by EvilEvo:

Can't we just bring back the MTV of the early 80's when it was just music videos and none of the this CRAP!?!?!

dude mtv is so bad they are even fucking up their other channel with dumb shit that was supposed to be for music only, guess we'll have to start m3
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WTF I fuckin hate that show, I wish that out of no where that dude got his ass beat at his party by some kid from his school he made fun of , That would make the show real intresting! How are you gonna buy clothes for girls just so they can come to your party thats not bein a baller thats bein desperate, If you got a strong enough pimp hand you would already have enough girls to come!
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Originally posted by 1Quik7:

you shouldn't be watching that shit to begin with...look at what it is, 'Sweet 16'...MTV targets mostly high school kids anymore. why don't they have 'My Wild 21' where people go get wasted and naked and shit, because it would be a bad example for all the kiddies. MTV is so weak anymore, i might catch 'Viva la Bam' but that is about it, that channel has sucked for years.


forget that 'Sweet 16' shit, you wanna talk about an annoying show, Road Rules/Real World...that show can kiss my fucking ass, i think 9/10 times i flip past MTV that fucking show is on, until someone comes out with "The Running Man"...reality tv needs to stop.

graemlins/thumb.gif no fucking doubt!
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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

I admit, I watched one.


2 girls, both with insanely wealthy parents, held at the Beverly Hills Hardrock.


The blonde was the epitome of the spoiled pretty princess, shallow in every way. I enjoyed looking at the brunette. She must have had a quallity nanny as she seemed to have shunned the typical entitlement attitude as she went out of her way to thank the entire staff.


I think I love her.

that one chick was cool in that show. (girlfriend made me watch it). the other chick was snobby and i wanted to kick her. MTV does have music on at like 330 in the morning sometimes. thats it.
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