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goddamn asian drivers

El Karacho1647545492

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And not the women who drive too slow!


I'm so fucking sick of stupid asian ricers in Preludes pacing me on Morse road just because I drive an import. No i don't fucking want to race and no you are not the shit in your IS300.


On another note, fuck black guys in white STS's that put their blinker on and fly up on your ass at 90 freaking mph making you think that they'll move over and you have to swerve because you noticed that his head was below the dash looking for some shit under the seat.



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Originally posted by Corolla sans Engine:

Why does it have to be race-specific? graemlins/nonono.gif

BECAUSE MAYBE those are the specific races that he has experienced doing the things he mentioned. Not every God damned thread has to be torn apart by the racism cops.

Obviously, everyone here knows there are dumbfucks of every race.

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I'm talking about two people specifically if you didn't figure that out, it just so happens that they are both asian. One is a fuckstick with a prelude type SH with stock wheels painted black, he works at the Kroger on E Broad. The second was some guy that was fucking weaving around me in his IS300.


And I'm sorry but they black guy in the Caddy nearly crashed into me.


To be fair, I also hate WASP motherfucking moms in their SUVs that drink starbucks, talk to their friends on the cell, scream at the kids in the backseat, and still find time to flip me off because they wanted to run the red light and I didn't.


I also hate crotchity old white guys who drive 25 in the left lane on morse because they want to personally control the flow of traffic.


I also hate cocky-ass motherfucking yuppie teen drivers like myself who can do no wrong


I also hate crazy philippino drivers because philippinos piss me off.


I also hate mexicans.


I also hate jews.


I also hate russians.


I also hate those goddamn hippie drivers with their fucking flowermobiles and their "FUCK BUSH" and "rock the nader!" bumper stickers.







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Yes I am white and talk shit on the internet, how ironic. I also talk shit in person, and don't hate white people.


This guy however, just named a list of races/religions he hates. And gets in no trouble because he didn't drop the n-bomb?


"If I go you goin wit me."

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Originally posted by B:

scott do you have the rest of that clip, i am interested to see if that guy is paralized or not

I don't have the rest...but believe it or not, the guy who was slammed, actually won the match. He is a freaking Russian Cyborg...Fedor Emelianenko, for those that follow MMA(Mixed Martial Arts) The Black guy used to wrestle at OSU (2 time National champ). His name is Kevin Randleman.







[ 11. February 2005, 06:03 AM: Message edited by: The Pikey ]

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Originally posted by Corolla sans Engine:

Um, last time I checked, people were asshats and ricers regardless of race. Why does it have to be race-specific? graemlins/nonono.gif

+1 It doesn't matter what race you are, everyone can be an ass when he/she wants to be. As far as people driving caddy's at 90mph riding you ass, maybe you should tap your break, make them slow down, and if they don't go around you, just hit the break again and make them smash into you, then sue them ;) Not that I'm advising you to do so, because I am not, just an idea. tongue.gif
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Originally posted by RoadRage:

[QB+1 As far as people driving caddy's at 90mph riding you ass, maybe you should tap your break, make them slow down, and if they don't go around you, just hit the break again and make them smash into you, then sue them ;) Not that I'm advising you to do so, because I am not, just an idea. tongue.gif [/QB]

lets analyze your idea...first of all you should note that never did he slow down to ride my ass...i noticed him coming from about 1/4 a mile away and he was approaching very quickly. now, considering his estimated speed, and the fact that he was not moving over, i decided to avoid an accident. Ohio law states that you must do ANYTHING in your power to avoid an accident at all costs, which is why sometimes people who brake check are just as guilty as those who hit them. in addition, my insurance rates could go up regardless of responsibility because i could be classified as a risk if I get in accidents on the highway with little-no traffic around



and two more points for everybody...first, my sig as browning pointed out so nicely. also, rane, you've just been added to the list:


I hate people who can't detect sarcasm after being flamed by the racism police.


I love burger king. Screw people who try to read the NY times and drive simultaneously though, not that I have anything against the Times.



Rane, by dropping the n-bomb, you singled out an entire race and referred to them in a very demeaning way. The first rule of this forum is "no racial slurs." Now, if I was mad at asian drivers and said "fuck the ch*nks and j*ps" then I would obviously be as much of a jerk as you. However, I didn't (nor do I ever refer to asians in such a manner). If you'll re-read my posts, you'll see that the most potentially pejorative term I used is "Jews," which I am pretty sure didn't offend anybody. Obviously, nothing I said was a blatant racial slur. Though I was ranting about a couple asians and a black guy, are appearance/skin color not distinguishing characteristics of people?


Maybe next time I rant I'll call it "fuck the green-eyed people and i hate everything about them...we should segregate all society in order to prevent regular humans from having to deal with dirty green-eyes"

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I hate the be the bearer of bad news, but being mad at a few people who happen to be of a certain race and saying "That race can't drive", is racist. That's in it's very essence what racism is; stereotyping according to your (or even my) narrow experience of the world.
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