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Dave being the voice of reason is a bit of a surprise, but he is still being the voice of reason.

Time for this silly shit to stop for a while.

Winter is coming, we can bitch at each other then. I am gonna stop with the asshat nonsence, and I think we all should for a while.

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Wanted to add some things here. I know that I have been generating alot of shit lately. Mostly out of being bored and not haveing anything better to do. But it was directed at certain people that it's always generated towards. But it never fails that several other people have something to interject about it. While some of the people that are doing so, Like Venomss, that simply want to start shit, same as me. Therea re others that will comments about me or the other guy, then comment that this shit neets to stop. But making comments just adds fuel to the fire. While I am not saying what I have been doing is right, or positively contributing, fueling the fire does nothing to stop the bullshit either.

Lets cliff note that last threee pages..


Cold Air Said I had been called out. But why in the Kitchen, This would have been fine it passing lane, Then Ben, Hoop-D, Orion, Venomss, and The Vette all comment about it.


So, there were a few unrelated comments, a couple comments by me. More bullshit back and forth between me and the RC people, then like normal, Doug has to stick his ass in. Not surprised, just took longer than I figured it would.


Someone says fagmo, someone asks why, the astoundingly retarded answer, because I don't like it. WTF? sort of reason is that. Then Ben drops the bomb saying I am trying to take over CR, and that I am the reason that he doesn't show up to meetings any more. Now, I find it a bit silly, but it still concerns me. I have also had discussions about all the bullshit that has gone on lately, and yeah, I am the center of alot of it. And its getting old for them, yes, some of it they find funny. But it's the same shit, it's getting to be like Halo. We all need to find other shit to do besides fight over the web. I have projects to work on, any of you are welcome to stop out and help, or chat.

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Originally posted by Doug:

you think you know but you have no idea

Way to go Sherlock, obviously their are more sections that we arent allowed to see. Do you wanna know how much I care about those other sections? Im having plenty of fun in the paddock.


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And its getting old for them, yes, some of it they find funny. But it's the same shit, it's getting to be like Halo.
are you fucking kidding me i think alot of people tried to tell you that in the SM section when you had to keep going picking apart everyone acting like it was your master plan to have people hate you. you iritate me so much with your replys and comments... lets come up with clever new words like fuckcuntbitchmotha and if you cant be as creative as me in your combacks you are below me.... i just wanna throw this fuckin comp at you. arg :mad:graemlins/finger.gif im done reading anything you post anymore
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Originally posted by desperado:

Dave being the voice of reason is a bit of a surprise, but he is still being the voice of reason.

Time for this silly shit to stop for a while.

Winter is coming, we can bitch at each other then. I am gonna stop with the asshat nonsence, and I think we all should for a while.

Cold Air Said I had been called out. But why in the Kitchen,
This is the only place if it doesn't go "there" way, it does not get shut down.

and hope we dont hear from your dumb ass tell winter

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Originally posted by Benn:

are you fucking kidding me i think alot of people tried to tell you that in the SM section when you had to keep going picking apart everyone acting like it was your master plan to have people hate you. you iritate me so much with your replys and comments... lets come up with clever new words like fuckcuntbitchmotha and if you cant be as creative as me in your combacks you are below me.... i just wanna throw this fuckin comp at you. arg :mad:graemlins/finger.gif im done reading anything you post anymore

Ben, chill out dawg. Go bang your girlfriend, have a "smoke", and get back to me. smile.gif


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Originally posted by BenJammin:

are you fucking kidding me i think alot of people tried to tell you that in the SM section when you had to keep going picking apart everyone acting like it was your master plan to have people hate you. you iritate me so much with your replys and comments... lets come up with clever new words like fuckcuntbitchmotha and if you cant be as creative as me in your combacks you are below me.... i just wanna throw this fuckin comp at you. arg :mad:graemlins/finger.gif im done reading anything you post anymore

Ben, think about something for a second, and not through the eyes of hate that you have for me. When all that was going on, and even now, how closely were you following it. There were several people that couldn't wait to see what happened next. Hell, I remember someone specifically saying that they couldn't wait to get home from work to see what was said. I ain't gonna bother trying to go find the quote, but I specifically remember it being said. As far as my conduct at the meetings, as far as I can ever remember, I sit there, drink my coke and pretty much keep quiet. This is all about drama, and besides it's the fucking Internet for God's sake. Have you ever seen me get up in anyones face at a meet and act foolish like i do here. That would be NO. Have you ever seen me get even a little out of hand or even loud at a meet, again, that would be a NO. So what the hell man? You want to hate me, go to it, if it makes you happy. It ain't gonna keep me up at night worrying about what you think of me, or any one else for that matter. I din't realize I was here to try to keep the peace, that would have been when I was a mod. And we all saw how long that lasted. So don't come in here trying to guilt trip me into feeling bad because you hate me, or that the whole fucking group hates me. Seems that not a damn sole ask me to leave Friday night, or even indicated that I wasn't welcome. It seems that you are the only one taking this shit that personally. Dude, it ain't mean to be personal, it's for fun, and for the drama, that's it. You can hate me if you so desire, or not, you can choose to not hang with the group because I am there, again that's your choice. But laying down a guilt trip of I hate you because you are a dick on the Internet is a bit much.


And, if you really think about it, you mentioned the master plan thing. Consider this, while I never expected to run you, or anyone else off from CR and the Friday night meets, obviously I am a consideration in your everyday life, and was the center of attention on the board. So you tell me what my motivation was. You know that I don't act like this in person, so obviously there was SOMETHING else that motivated me to do what I did and have been doing. And it is the Internet, not real life. You really need to consider this, they are seperate.


And BTW, no I was not kidding, it is getting old, and boring, and coming up with asshat nonsence to say is starting to make my head hurt.

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Originally posted by COLD AIR:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Cold Air Said I had been called out. But why in the Kitchen,

This is the only place if it doesn't go "there" way, it does not get shut down.


Their tongue.gif


Our way is to prevent people from getting too problematic in a local scene. It's not hard to find anyone, and that can turn into something more. That's why shit gets edited and deleted, and that's why there's a place (here) that doesn't conform to these rules, within reason.


Ya wanna vent? Fine. Ya wanna talk shit? Go ahead. Ya wanna threaten someone or make fun of their heritage? Bullshit, you'll get edited or deleted.


Starting to get the point yet?

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Guest Ranger_Man
Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Way to go Sherlock, obviously their are more sections that we arent allowed to see. Do you wanna know how much I care about those other sections? Im having plenty of fun in the paddock.


why the hell do they have a paddock? to my knowledge, none of them have ever gone to an open lapping day, or even plan to go to an open lapping day. that section should be called the onramp or some shit like that.
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Originally posted by COLD AIR:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Cold Air Said I had been called out. But why in the Kitchen,

This is the only place if it doesn't go "there" way, it does not get shut down.

and hope we dont hear from your dumb ass tell winter</font>

actually i thought that was why RC was created, they were tired of it being someone elses way so they started their own board so all the people that sided with them would seem like the majority and would feel right, and yeah things get edited deleted and locked here, but RC does nothing to control people that don't agree with them, go ahead and wait on me to believe that
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Originally posted by Beer Guy:

why the hell do they have a paddock? to my knowledge, none of them have ever gone to an open lapping day, or even plan to go to an open lapping day. that section should be called the onramp or some shit like that.

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Originally posted by Car Enthusiast:

actually i thought that was why RC was created, they were tired of it being someone elses way so they started their own board so all the people that sided with them would seem like the majority and would feel right, and yeah things get edited deleted and locked here, but RC does nothing to control people that don't agree with them, go ahead and wait on me to believe that

This is one reason they created, because they were doing/saying shit on here that wasn't tolerated, and were warned about numerous times. They didn't like the playground rules, so they went and created their own. Just like CSR.com and CSR.net. They leave and take their badass nutswingers with them. Be that way, it's cool. Better to have the majority of the assholes who do nothing but cause hate and discontent somewhere else so that true automotive enthusiasts can enjoy some peace.


Also, they do edit, delete, and lock shit that doesn't appeal to them. Some of you noob RC people have no idea the shit they talked about some of you in a specific nature. Why do you think Ricky removed everything up until a week ago? So people going over there wouldn't see what was actually said about them among other things.


So, there's more. But, RC was created more to spite me because of the IPS thing more than anything else. Go to www.netsol.com and do a whois query on their domain name, it comes back registered to IPS, not Ricky.


So all of this being said, oh well. CR is more civilized and caters to everyone in the automotive community, and always will. Sure, it was based on street racing in the beginning, as the core members met each other doing just that. However, we're moving forward and they're staying put trying to exist on a single series of events that not everyone is into, and is quite illegal to boot. Look at Spyder Rob for a good example of why some of that shit gets really stupid.


So all of this being said, I'm not saying choose one or the other. What I am saying is try to be partial to both. However, no bashing of CR or it's members wll be tolerated around here, and that's always been the norm. You will find yourself banned from here, and you know what, it shouldn't really matter anyways. If you're not happy enough with CR to bash it and be a cock about it, I don't see why you're on here anymore anyways.


Another good example would be Venomss. John is one of the biggest posters over there, and has talked his fair share of shit about me/CR/etc. However, he's remained pretty civil over here, participates in discussions outside of this forum, and is not a bad guy in general. As long as he keeps his opinions of CR or whatever over there, more power to him. He doesn't have to be here, but he is, and is mature enough to remain on both boards and maintain impartiality.


Some things to think about.


My $.02.

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Originally posted by N/A Again:

Also, they do edit, delete, and lock shit that doesn't appeal to them. Some of you noob RC people have no idea the shit they talked about some of you in a specific nature. Why do you think Ricky removed everything up until a week ago? So people going over there wouldn't see what was actually said about them among other things

I think its more along the lines of keeping it hidden from the newly "welcomed" general public, but yes I completely agree.
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Originally posted by N/A Again:

Another good example would be Venomss. John is one of the biggest posters over there, and has talked his fair share of shit about me/CR/etc. However, he's remained pretty civil over here, participates in discussions outside of this forum, and is not a bad guy in general. As long as he keeps his opinions of CR or whatever over there, more power to him. He doesn't have to be here, but he is, and is mature enough to remain on both boards and maintain impartiality.

Let me clarify some things.


I can't recall ever talking shit about you. Certainly, I have never made any derogatory comment about you with respect to your weight or appearance - that's just not my style. In any event, I'm quite sure that I haven't said anything about you on RC that wouldn't say to you on CR.


As for talking shit about CR, if my memory serves me correctly, the only negative thing I've had to say about CR was expressed to you privately in a PM. Remember that? You PMed me about some stuff you had read on RC (because you either had access to someone's password or a mole was feeding you information) and then, in that exchange, I voiced my concern with how some of the moderators, like Desperado and Satan (who are complete morons that seemingly kissed just the right amount of ass to inherit their moderator positions) reflect poorly on CR in general and administration in particular. And that's it.


I don't change between boards - maybe I'm a little more defensive here, but, hey, that's the nature of the beast. Though, have no doubt, I'm not saying things there that I wouldn't say here, and vice versa.

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Nah, nothing overly bad I saw you say. You were just the one who came to memory first, so I used you as an example. Just a jab here and there that I see not just from you. But I see you over here more as one of the "newer" CR members.


Trust me, Mods don't kiss my ass. I take my fair share of shit from them online and in person. Why? Becuase most of them are people I've known for years and are friends with. Why pick friends for Mod positions? Is it because they "kiss my ass" or whatever? Nope. It's because they contain something quite a few others don't. My trust in them. Now, because they're my friends and I trust them doesn't always mean they're a good Mod or can do their job well. But as a personal friend and active on CR, they do get a jump on others I may consider. If they can't cut it, then they'll usually be removed. You weren't here when we had eight Admins and almost thirty Mods (for less than 1000 members). Included in that were the IPS folks, two Admins and two Mods. They weren't removed during the IPS thing, either. They were removed when it was proved I couldn't trust them anymore, with the exception of Howard because he became inactive.


So contrary to popular belief, Mods aren't placed due to how much ass kissing they do. They're placed based on how much I know and trust them. Keith was removed because he wasn't right for the job. Ben is still on because he can do the job, and can be an asshole when needed. However, he's been made very clear to where the borderline lays, and has made changes to stay on the positive side of it.


However, I'm not getting into the specific details of how/why things are run the way they are. But, now you know why Mods are who they are so you're not vague on that particular reason anymore.

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Originally posted by The Vette:

desperado, you got a big motor in the camaro, I got a small 346 cubic motor in my car. I will drag that piece of shit down the 1320ft mark....

Dude, I think he finally shut up. Please don't make him 'have to' start back up again, I was plenty sick of seeing his worthless post.
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Guest slobird



BRUSH THE SAND OUT OF YOUR VAGINAS AND SHUT THE HELL UP!!! Im not picking sides because i just got back on the board but you two sound like little kids, i dont know when this bullshit started happening on CR but i guarentee its because of dumb shit like this, regardless of what CR was or is, It doesnt need keyboard warriors or other dumb fucks whipping out their dicks and measuring them over this fucking board.

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