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Ignorant preppy ****s (nws)


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So my girlfriends birthday was this past weekend and we were up at magic mountin in polaris. A couple of people we knew who played ddr with emily on occasion showed up and we said hi etc. One persons name was pat, the other one was Monica. Well monica just was being all kinds of "ugg" attitude for whatever reason towards us so we just shruged it off and went about our business. A bit later in the night, we came to the ddr machine to play a couple games and noticed it was completely off. So i asked pat did he know what was up but he couldn't hear me. Since monica was right beside him and probably knew, I tapped her on the side to say "hey what happened to the machine?" The response? The bitch freaked. Clutched her purse and eyed me like I was about to take off with her precious.


I just sorta stared in disbelief for a minute then said "Ya know, just because im black doesn't mean im going to rob you. Thanks for that nice jolt back to reality though".


My question: Why the fuck people gotta be all jacked up like that? You'd think we'd be a bit past that shit now. That's been burning me up since saturday when the shit happened. I know I should be the better person and just let it slide off or what not, but it just urks the hell out of me. Flame, flame away.


Bah, /rant off but people are fucking ignorant.



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Why do you assume she was reacting to your being black? Did she know it was you, or did it take her a second to recognize you? Does she have any history of being the victim of a crime, especially in the establishment of which you speak?


In a vacuum, if the situation was exactly as you described, perhaps your response is warranted. However, since we can't accurately establish her state of mind at the time we are grasping at straws, and ironically it is you who has jumped to conclusions and presumed her reaction stems from prejudice due to ethnicity. Sit back and think about it for a bit. Maybe you're right about what happened to the letter, but for the time being, let's give her the benefit of the doubt that you would want if she were pre-judging you.

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Let's hope it wasn't for the reasons of which you believe. Let's hope people are grown up enough and smart enough to not distinguish from one color to another and place blame on one or the other, simply because of their skin color. I know there are those ignorant individuals still among us in today's society who, for whatever reason, still choose to classify people strictly by the skin color they have. Let me say that I totally disagree with that and believe that is totally wrong, however, some people do feel that people in general play the "race" card a bit too much when a controversal situation arrises. Just my $0.02
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ill stab both shief and mr.2 > redface.gif


And it took her a moment to recognize me. But then again, she had this standoffish attitude the entire time when I had met her in the first place. I'll stick with my own idea reguardless black or not the fact she instantlyu did that was disarming, the fact she didn't apologize either was rather rude reguardless who or whatever reason she did it. Isn't the first time something like that's happened and im sure it won't be the last for me either. And i can't do this "oh people are all great now a days im sure it couldn't be that" because people are still how they were fifty years ago, just a few less but the attitude isn't as outward. Believe it or not it's true.



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oh yeah... forgot to add she's been known to make some sideways comments about different "people" on this other forum that we frequent regularly. Another reason why i'd doubt the former.
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Originally posted by Car Enthusiast:

everyone stereotypes everyone, just like this thread

Yeah they do. I'm just glad people think I'm smart, can do math and I can fix things automatically (Asian, heh). It's much better then other stereotypes.
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Shit happens. Be proud of your race and laugh it off. You've got every right to be pissed at her, but why not just feel glorified in the fact that she's an ignorant schmuck that will probably end up marrying a guy 15 years older than her to live in a multi-million dollar home in New Albany and never have love in her life because she's been brought up to love money more than life.


I go to Columbus Academy, I know how the preppy dumbass's mind works.

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Originally posted by Mr. 2:

You're black?! :eek:

haha same exact thing i was going to say...... dont sweat it man people are just bitches. Dont let the little whore mess you and your girl time. BTW i work tomorrow 2-9 if you want to look at those speakers.
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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

Well, to play devil's advocate, you also get to live with the big penis stereotype..........

ROFL that's the first thing ive ever read from Joe that has made me laugh, nice one. Hahahaha.
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Guest Rane

Maybe she just didn't like you, seriously.


I'm white and have fought numerous people about making racist comments towards black people. Mostly because I have like 75% black friends some of wich I consider family and vice versa.


But, it makes me just as mad or not madder when everytime something negative happens to them they say its because there black. Most of my friends, even the "Ghetto" ones or "Thugs" dont even play that card unless there joking.


On another note, if she was being racist don't think you get any more bs for being black then anyone else does for being there race. I live in a not so nice area, went to Yorktown/Independence not very many white ppl there, didn't bother me but alot of fights started because I am white.


It goes all ways bro, just don't let it cloud your judgment on other races.

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Stupid hateful people exhist everywhere and we just have to shrug it off...OOOrr you can use it to your advantage and fuck with the bitch everytime you see her. If you're already the bad guy to her why not have a lil fun with it too. :D
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Originally posted by Veritas:

So my girlfriends birthday was this past weekend and we were up at magic mountin in polaris. A couple of people we knew who played ddr with emily on occasion showed up and we said hi etc. One persons name was pat, the other one was Monica. Well monica just was being all kinds of "ugg" attitude for whatever reason towards us so we just shruged it off and went about our business. A bit later in the night, we came to the ddr machine to play a couple games and noticed it was completely off. So i asked pat did he know what was up but he couldn't hear me. Since monica was right beside him and probably knew, I tapped her on the side to say "hey what happened to the machine?" The response? The bitch freaked. Clutched her purse and eyed me like I was about to take off with her precious.


I just sorta stared in disbelief for a minute then said "Ya know, just because im black doesn't mean im going to rob you. Thanks for that nice jolt back to reality though".


My question: Why the fuck people gotta be all jacked up like that? You'd think we'd be a bit past that shit now. That's been burning me up since saturday when the shit happened. I know I should be the better person and just let it slide off or what not, but it just urks the hell out of me. Flame, flame away.


Bah, /rant off but people are fucking ignorant.



Thats a funny story, cause your the whitest black dude I know! graemlins/lol.gif




..but no, really..


WERD! graemlins/burnout02.gif

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