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Personal Accountability


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What the fuck happened to personal accountability. When i was growing up my dad would always tell me not to do something once. then if i did it and got hurt, the next statement out of his mouth would be "you'll never do that again huh" fucked my shit up lesson learned. This later developed into weighing out positives and negatives mentally before acting. If i screw something up then its my fault. But these days every mother fucker and their mom wants someone to pick up their failure and pass it along. I spilled coffee in my lap, your hair dryer isnt water proof and i died, I broke the law and got caught..punishment isn't fair, this man made me poor/keeps me poor. At what point in time was it ok to be worthless and have a governmental mommy/daddy hold your hand while you cross the street and support your cock while you piss. WHen you fuck something up people shut your fucking face and take your punishment. If you didnt save enough for retirement SHIT happens you've known about retirement for your hole life. You didnt get life insurance early enough, or you dont have health insurance, then you get injured and everyone one else has to pay for it. Its fucking rediculous and im sad to see the extent at which it exhists.



take responsibilty for what you do and have done. Consequences aren't something brand new they've been around as long as time. Accept yours and shut your face. ***

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It's the freaking truth.


I think it is partly because society is making things too soft for kids; they just can't learn the hard way.


I remember my elementary school's playground. It was all built on concrete. Merry-go-round was right on concrete; if you fall of, it's gonna get bloody. Tall-ass swings set - you jump, you just might break something. The big metal slide that's 200 degrees in the summer; bare legs = melted skin. Monkey bars that kill the monkey if it falls!


Today, it is 3' of soft woodchips, plastic everything, specially treated/sanded wood to prevent blisters, warning signs everywhere, short swings w/ plastic covered chains, etc. If a kid can't learn the consequences of his/her actions on the playground, are they going to learn them anywhere else??

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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

It's the freaking truth.


I think it is partly because society is making things too soft for kids; they just can't learn the hard way.


I remember my elementary school's playground. It was all built on concrete. Merry-go-round was right on concrete; if you fall of, it's gonna get bloody. Tall-ass swings set - you jump, you just might break something. The big metal slide that's 200 degrees in the summer; bare legs = melted skin. Monkey bars that kill the monkey if it falls!


Today, it is 3' of soft woodchips, plastic everything, specially treated/sanded wood to prevent blisters, warning signs everywhere, short swings w/ plastic covered chains, etc. If a kid can't learn the consequences of his/her actions on the playground, are they going to learn them anywhere else??

We are protecting the ignorant and the stupid (kids and parents).


What happened to survival of the fittest?


"Moog" alone attacks a Mastadon with a sharpened stick and gets crushed like a bug. Why, because he was ignorant and stupid!


Darwinism is taking a back seat.


How many of you wore a helmet on a bicycle? A helmet, knee, and elbow pads on a skateboard? A chest protector and full face helmet in little league? That stuff wasn't even a thought when I was a kid.


Is it more dangerous now? Possibly, because little Billy, in his skateboarding "armor" is now invincible and indestructable, and thinks that jumping off of a 20 foot staircase is safe because he didn't get hurt falling off of the 10 foot one earlier. Or, Jim thinks that he can't hurt the batter with a little "chin music" pitch because the batter is wearing his "armor". WRONG!


The media has taken individual, one in a million, tragedies and thrust them into the spotlight. "12 year old dies after being hit by pitch, ARE YOUR CHILDREN IN DANGER?". Hell yes they are, and have always been.


IMO, our society protects those who are weak, stupid, a danger to themselves, and also to others. Then add in modern medical break-throughs and we are propogating them.


[ 11. November 2004, 01:05 PM: Message edited by: Rotarded ]

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Kyle you would love the military. They tell you upfront what you can and can't do and if you do them, you suffer the concequences. If you get hurt doing something that you where not supposed to do or did not do the way they instructed (driving without a seat belt is a good example) guess who gets to pay for your medical bills (here is a hint: its not the US Military ;) )
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What happened? A few things;

-Guidence counselers

-positive reinforcement

-"time outs"

-weak parents caving into their kids.


I'm getting a taste of this now with my puppy. People are animals, and the young ones are just as stupid. Negative reinforcement is absolutely neccesary because in ingrains in the mind a negative effect to negative actions. Even after the kid outgrows spnkings, there still the "twinge" in the brain that says "oh shit, i fucked up!". It becomes not a fear of punishment, but rather a fear of dissapointing others.

Stop coddling your kids. When they do something good, reward them. When they do something bad DON'T WASTE WORDS, they wont work. Get mad, loose your temper, yell, ground them to their room, follow through with punishments, and a slap to the ass isn't going to hurt anything. If you use a closed fist or some object to hit a kid, I'll hve to kill you.

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Originally posted by Assured Risk:

What is time out?


I just got an ass beating.


And when you fucked up to mom, and dad came home from work, oh god.

Seriously. That's the way it was. Mom would get pissed and call dad, and then it was running time.


I was never abused as a child, but when I fucked up, I got punished. A smack to the ass just makes you learn. A timeout in your room with cable, computer, phone, video games is just a reason to go and play with all of your shit.


I actually have friends that were scared of my parents because I would get spanked. They were all used to time outs and not being allowed to watch tv...


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Originally posted by Regenmeister:

What happened? A few things;

-Guidence counselers

-positive reinforcement

-"time outs"

-weak parents caving into their kids.


I'm getting a taste of this now with my puppy. People are animals, and the young ones are just as stupid. Negative reinforcement is absolutely neccesary because in ingrains in the mind a negative effect to negative actions. Even after the kid outgrows spnkings, there still the "twinge" in the brain that says "oh shit, i fucked up!". It becomes not a fear of punishment, but rather a fear of dissapointing others.

Stop coddling your kids. When they do something good, reward them. When they do something bad DON'T WASTE WORDS, they wont work. Get mad, loose your temper, yell, ground them to their room, follow through with punishments, and a slap to the ass isn't going to hurt anything. If you use a closed fist or some object to hit a kid, I'll hve to kill you.

Eric, this may be the best post you have ever written. graemlins/thumb.gif
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I remember our playground at elida elementary. It featured a wooden tower with 3 levels and no real descernable ladder. The only thing that had foot and hand holds on it wa sthe 7 foor wooden spyre that jutted up out of the top, finishing off at about 15 feet up. Attatched to the tower was a set of monkey bars about 10 feet long, nd dangled you about 7 feet off the ground (a long way up whn your 40" tall). Not to mention the child centerfuge, the tall steel swingset, the huge high slides, and various other bits of steel and wood. I saw many a bloody kid leave that playground, and no one bitched about it untill the late 90s. Personaly, I loved it, I had great fun, I loved climbing even back then. Its also important to child development. Wht better wy to say "athletics and acrobatics aint your thing" then plumeting 10 feet to a bed of gravel and being hauled off tot he nurses office to clean up your bloody wounds.


as for the little girl, fuck that brat, suspend her ass for insubordination. Fuckers who cant listen piss me off. The parents backing the kid piss me off more. If I was her dad, I'd say

:rolleyes: "gee, thats sum bullshit, they said it was cuz it was dangerous?"

graemlins/cry.gif "yeah daddy boo hoo"

graemlins/wtf.gif "well tell me this sweetpea, did they TELL you not to do it?"

graemlins/cry.gif "sniffle pittyme sniffle...yeah"

graemlins/nonono.gif "and you did it anways?"

graemlins/cry.gif "...but..."


fuckin grounded

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Originally posted by Regenmeister:

I remember our playground at elida elementary. It featured a wooden tower with 3 levels and no real descernable ladder. The only thing that had foot and hand holds on it wa sthe 7 foor wooden spyre that jutted up out of the top, finishing off at about 15 feet up. Attatched to the tower was a set of monkey bars about 10 feet long, nd dangled you about 7 feet off the ground (a long way up whn your 40" tall). Not to mention the child centerfuge, the tall steel swingset, the huge high slides, and various other bits of steel and wood. I saw many a bloody kid leave that playground, and no one bitched about it untill the late 90s. Personaly, I loved it, I had great fun, I loved climbing even back then. Its also important to child development. Wht better wy to say "athletics and acrobatics aint your thing" then plumeting 10 feet to a bed of gravel and being hauled off tot he nurses office to clean up your bloody wounds.


as for the little girl, fuck that brat, suspend her ass for insubordination. Fuckers who cant listen piss me off. The parents backing the kid piss me off more. If I was her dad, I'd say

:rolleyes: "gee, thats sum bullshit, they said it was cuz it was dangerous?"

graemlins/cry.gif "yeah daddy boo hoo"

graemlins/wtf.gif "well tell me this sweetpea, did they TELL you not to do it?"

graemlins/cry.gif "sniffle pittyme sniffle...yeah"

graemlins/nonono.gif "and you did it anways?"

graemlins/cry.gif "...but..."


fuckin grounded

Best. Post. Ever. And I mean that.


I agree with your statement on both accounts, the school is fucking stupid in the first place for saying the shit was dangerous, secondly she was a dumbass kid for repeatedly doing something they said not to do. I remember me and my friends would go out on old sawmill's metal swing set, and swing as high as we could, then jump the fuck off at the peak. What kinda hell sense does that make? NONE! We'd fall, scrape our knees/hands, you know whatever. Kids who didn't like it cried like little bitches and went to play basketball or something. The ones who could hang played that and tether ball. I know that'll be one that's going out next cause we would purposely try to clean each other clocks with that mother fucker.


Anyways I digress. Point is kids are way too fucking out there. I swear if my child ever tried talking back to me like ive seen friends do to their parents in the past, they sleep in daddy's room with a bed and a light and all their fun things?(xbox 3-4 etc) Yeah, that shit's getting sold.

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