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lol free red bull


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so i got out of class today. walk over to my bike, and im standing there and look down and notice that someone set a full can (unopened) of red bull on my bike, resting on the bars.

is it free red bull day for POS bikes?

maybe they just didnt like my radiator expansion tank and thought i should use a red bull instead. (protip: a red bull can is too small. i tried it and had coolant pissing all over the place. you would need one of the large ones)


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lol i had many reasons for using monster over red bull...

1. i like monster better, and had an empty can lying around.

2. they sponsor kawasaki race teams.

3. my bike is a kawasaki


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I think the Monster can is more appropriate, considering they at least sponsor a race team!

?????? i am pretty sure red bull sponsors racing teams of all motorsports...... i would say red bull has a sponsorship rating of 10 to 1 over monster. waht you said doesnt make any sense at all. but its ok i say stupid stuff all the time as well.

and john thats some pretty funny stuff.

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