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After 8 years with Nationwide, I'm looking for IT work


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Yes, I know that many of you probably think I dropped off the planet, but I'm still alive and kicking. In a nutshell in the months I've not posted my wife ran out on me (details not to be given publically), my job was terminated, and the bank has already claimed 2 of my 3 cars. I'm now at a point that I've got to get back into some work fast. I've got 8 years as a Specialiast Syst Eng/Admin (Used to be called a software specialist III prior to new naming structures). When I left nationwide I was making 72k/yr so that is the ballpark I am looking for to keep my quality of life (which is quickly falling away). Depending on the job and benefits I'm not turning any offers down without hearing them though.


Here is a rough pasting of the general sampling of my skillsets (those who might have leads I can send a resume to in office format):


SKILL HIGHLIGHTS (Most All at the Enterprise Level):

Overall Domain Administration - 11+ years

Experienced with a wide variety of networking domain structures and administration specializing in Microsoft infrastructures.


Systems Analyst Hardward/Software - 11+ years

Trobleshooting components to the board level as well as tracking application errors down within known script or coding.


Domain Server Architecture Planning and Implementation - 9+ years

Experienced in client/server planning as well as leading the project team to accomplish implementation goals for the enterprise.


Project Coordination/Management - 9+ Years

As the lead in my teams, I have headed up many large and small scale projects for my teams. I have participated in both a lead and contributive capacity in each endeavor taking ownership through the project through the entire project phasing lifecycle.


Microsoft Security Compliance Monitoring/Patching - 8+ years

Secured and Patched servers based on findings from Microsoft bulletins as well as periodic security assessment scans performed with IS scanner application. IDS and domain policy customization and compliance also maintained.


Lan/Wan Networking - 8+ years

Intermediate skills in custom configuration of Firewall applications (PIX and small platform), LAN patch wiring, various system protocal configurations, remote device access planning, and basic switch/router configs.


Intermediate Systems Programming/Scripting - 8+ years

VB 6 & .NET platform (light work with ADO), Lotus Notes/Domino Developer, SQL scripting, Autoit, KiX, etc


Intermediate Lotus Domino and SQL Server Administration - 5+ years

Trained in Lotus notes formulaic language to develop small tracking applications for workflow enhancements. Also experienced in building and maintaining a notes server/cluster environment.

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Thanks you two. Things are starting to come full circle now and there are some very happy things developing in my life now (new relationship developng). It was very hard for me through the holidays alone and jobless, but I survived smile.gif For a while there I shut out all my family and friends and just rotted away in the house. I'm glad that that part of my life is over and that the divorce is now done. I don't regret the time and past we had together, but that's it. The things that were done can never be changed and hurt me too deeply to ever wish I could go back. I'm finaly able to stand on my own feet again and am starting to get back into the social circles (as you can see I've found my way back home here, hehe). So now the only thing really missing is income, something I hope to resolve very soon! :D
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Originally posted by Pony Pimpstress:

Paul, you may want to try out with the banks. When I worked for National City they were always looking for tech help. Not sure that the money will be what you are used to or not. Good luck with the job search and the new relationship!



I hadn't checked with National City, I know that JP Morgan Chase/Bank One had a few openings, but they are slow to respond to many of them from my experience. My step father is pretty deep in that company on the IT side so I'm working that angle for sure.


I'll give National City a look over to see what they may have. Like I said earlier, I'm to the point that I may have to take a small step backwards in order to get back on my two feet to stand.


Thanks Jenn!

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Yeah things are crazy out there Paul.. I have went on about 15 interview and have heard back from like 2.. I call etc and they dont call back dont want to seem like a stalker.. I just cant understand does anybody have professionalism anymore? Sorry to hear about your cars which ones were repoed? I got a lead on a job at aol but it only pays about half of what you are used to. CJ
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Originally posted by CJINOHIO03:

Yeah things are crazy out there Paul.. I have went on about 15 interview and have heard back from like 2.. I call etc and they dont call back dont want to seem like a stalker.. I just cant understand does anybody have professionalism anymore? Sorry to hear about your cars which ones were repoed? I got a lead on a job at aol but it only pays about half of what you are used to. CJ

Sad to say it was the vette and explorer. So now I'm driving these manly of the three cars, lol. Oh well... If someone will hire me and put cash in my bank I still have a chance to snatch them back. I'm going to go insane without a nice fair weather sports car to work on and drive around. Of course, maybe this is my chance to get out of the higher dollar cars and pick up an old classic later that needs a little love


Originally posted by Shitaro:

Dang paul, get out and drink with us mang! You stood us up a few weekends ago.

Hehe, I'm not into your game nights-you guys are playing the games I have very little love for. tongue.gif Remember, I'm a fantasy online gamer-not a wartime first person shooter hehe. I told John that I had things going on that weekend anyhow. I have some friends from connecticut and thier staying with me until they found a job (promised to help them out before things got as bad as they were). She just got a job with with Honda so they will probably be leaving soon into a new house closer to the place she'll be working and her hubby will be going to school. So my weekends are becoming more open.


John mentioned there might be a slight chance at a superbowl gathering, but never heard anything else on the subject so I guess that fell apart, smile.gif . I've been telling him we need to get together at BDubs sometime on 1/2 price wing night and let me fill you guys in on the WHOLE story with my marriage and job and everything else.

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Originally posted by SsseeYa:

Sad to say it was the vette and explorer. So now I'm driving these manly of the three cars, lol. Oh well... If someone will hire me and put cash in my bank I still have a chance to snatch them back. I'm going to go insane without a nice fair weather sports car to work on and drive around. Of course, maybe this is my chance to get out of the higher dollar cars and pick up an old classic later that needs a little love


</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Shitaro:

Dang paul, get out and drink with us mang! You stood us up a few weekends ago.

Hehe, I'm not into your game nights-you guys are playing the games I have very little love for. tongue.gif Remember, I'm a fantasy online gamer-not a wartime first person shooter hehe. I told John that I had things going on that weekend anyhow. I have some friends from connecticut and thier staying with me until they found a job (promised to help them out before things got as bad as they were). She just got a job with with Honda so they will probably be leaving soon into a new house closer to the place she'll be working and her hubby will be going to school. So my weekends are becoming more open.


John mentioned there might be a slight chance at a superbowl gathering, but never heard anything else on the subject so I guess that fell apart, smile.gif . I've been telling him we need to get together at BDubs sometime on 1/2 price wing night and let me fill you guys in on the WHOLE story with my marriage and job and everything else.</font>

haha.. I was talking about the play offs, but dude, xbox night is fun too!


bdubs is cool whenever, just let me know.

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Originally posted by smokinhawk:

Man, sorry to hear that Paul, sucks to see bad things happening to good people.

best of luck to you and hope you get everything resolved.

Thanks for the well wishing, things are coming around quickly, so I've very optimistic :D All I have to do now is get one of these postitions out there that are showing interest. Easier said that done. :D
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Originally posted by HERWS6:

What!!!? Give me a call.

Would love to, but along with everything else, the company phone and laptop are gone too (had all my phone numbers and other things in it). Can you PM it to me?


BTW, Good to see you guys are still around here too. :D

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