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Anyone have HDtv?


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I have DirecTV and I am a little mad they haven't expanded their content. They have like 6 HD channels and then 1 HD HBO and 1 HD Showtime. I want to be rid of my OTA and have all my locals via the dish on the HD feed. Also, I want some of those old VOOM channels and ESPN2HD (NHRA B-Casts in HD now).


Anyone else have HD, are you happy with it?

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Guest GSRchick714

I have HD but its not through a subscription. I bought an HD antenna and I get NBC, WBNS, FOX, UPN, PBS (blah)...and some others that I can't remember because I don't watch them.

But anyways, they're all free!

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DirecTV launched a new satellite this year that will put ALL the channels in HD! I get the NFL Sunday Ticket. All the games, except those localy broadcasted, are in HD this year.


DirecTV's MPEG 4 technology will only put local channels in HD until 2007. Really I just wish their was more content. Voom had enough for 15 channels, I don't understand why they aren't being picked up on DirecTV.

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Since I work for WOW, I get everything free (all premiums, HD stuff, HD DVR, 6Mbps internet, etc.).


For my HD, I get:






- Discovery HD Theater


- HD Net

- HD Net Movies

- Wealth TV HD

- NFL HD (just released yesterday)

- HBO East HD

- Cinemax East HD

- Starz East HD


13 HD channels isn't too bad. Warner doesn't offer Wealth HD, Cinemax HD, Starz HD, NFL HD....but does offer TNT HD (though I doubt much of their programming is even in HD), IN HD 1 and 2, and Showtime HD (I hate Showtime, so no loss for me).


As for Insght. They were suckers and paid the outlandish fee to carry FOX and ABC (that's why WOW and Warner and don't have it). They carry CBS and NBC as well, and a bunch of WOSU channels that no one watches (WOSU-34 (PBS), WOSU, WOSU (Kids), WOSU (You), WOSU (Plus)) and Universal HD, then your ESPN HD, HD Nets, and Discovery HD, and HBO/Showtime HD.


As far as the channels I prefer as HD channels, it's CBS, NBC, Discovery, HBO, and Starz HD. I really don't watch the other ones, though will probably use the NFL HD a bit. Too bad I don't have an HD TV; just a standard 50" that I downconvert the signal to work; still looks good, and I at least get the widescreen picture that I prefer, and stuff in 5.1 Dolby Digital. As far as local cable companies go, I feel we offer the best variety of channels people will want to watch in HD.

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Im moving to worthington. Should I get WOW internets/cable?

I may be biased because they provide me my paycheck, but I've loved my WOW service well before I ever worked for them. Can't say the same for that piece of crap Insight service I had. BTW, it's cable, internet, AND phone now. :)


As for DirectTV launching another dish, unless they have more bandwidth to use for said dish granted by the FCC, or are able to compress the data further, it won't do anything to allow for more channels. More dishes != more bandwidth. Though I'm not a big fan of dishes anyway; when I lived on campus, we had DirectTV. Setup correctly w/ VERY good signal strength on a clear day, and had a clear view of the sky. Plane flys overhead = dish goes out for a couple seconds. Storming out = no TV for you. It definately got annoying....I can honestly say I never watched a single movie on it start to finish without at least one hiccup in the picture. Perhaps the newer dishes are better than what was offered 4 years ago.

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if anything, im bound to say i hate it just cause joe likes it, but in this case, i cant. i wish i could get wow where i live, but its not available. had wow at my old place, and i loved it. im no expert, just a very happy customer. insight sucks moose cock.
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