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Just for the record (running).

Trouble Maker

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So, kind of spur of the moment I ran a race with my sister, one of her friends, and her friend’s boyfriend. The boyfriend TOOK OFF pretty early. I stayed with my sister and her friend for a little while, maybe a mile (they were running about an 8:25/mile pace overall). They all ran the 5mi. and I only ran the 5k.


I've only been running for a few months, maybe three, for two to three days a week, usually about two miles when I run. I've taken whole weeks off here and there when I get too busy or don't feel so hot. I've been feeling like I'm at a wall as far as pace and distance go. I think maybe because I don't push myself hard enough? I couldn't keep that pace for the whole measly 3.1miles and walked about the last quarter mile. I ended up getting a 31:02 overall. That's a ten minute mile btw, which I think just SUCKS. I'm actually pretty pissed that I couldn't run the whole thing.


Before the race even started we (sister, her b/f and me) saw an add for a 5k called "The Beer-Athlon"!!! We decided to run it; it's on the sixteenth of next month.


For the record, I'm going to run six out of seven days a week until this race (taking Sundays off). I'll do 2 miles this week, 2.5 next week, 3 the week after that, then work on decreasing (time) my pace. My goal is to get down to at least an 8:30 pace for at least 3 miles by that race. Just putting it here to help motivate me more and keep track of where I am. I bet I would have run near that if I hadn't walked, so I don't think it's too lofty.


The first 50 men and first 50 women get a beer mug. I bet this will be a small race, maybe I can get one if I work hard enough until then? My sister will definitely be getting one.


FYI. My sister and her friend got 24th and 25th (91st and 92nd overall period) in their age group for females for that race (42:05) and her friends boyfriend got 4th (don't know what he ran, pretty quick)! They all got little medals and it was a pretty big race. I think that's pretty cool!


I think it would be cool if a few other people here wanted to try to run it with me! Info on the run

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You need to work on your endurance before you can work on your speed. Work on being able to run 6 miles without stopping at your current pace before you start trying to get faster. If you don't build up the endurance first, you won't be able to improve your time much. Start by doing like 4 miles one day, 2 the next etc and work your way up. Then once you can do that, then you can work on your speed ( You'll find that you are already faster though by that point).
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Yeah, just don't do two long days back to back, is all I'm saying. If you are running 6 days a week, 2 or 3 of those days should be longer days.


So maybe do: 2 on monday, 3 on tuesday, 2 on wednesday, 4 on thursday, 2 on friday, 3 on saturday


Then the next week:


2 on monday, 4 on tuesday, 2 on wednesday, 4 on thursday, 2 on friday, 3 on saturday




2 on monday, 5 on tuesday, 2 on wednesday, 4 on thursday, 2 on friday, 4 on saturday




You only want to increase your total weekly mileage by about 10% each week.

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what i did with biking and i heard works with running


say you want to run a 5 mile run.... run 2.5 and then walk the rest back


its kind of a "well if i have to do it anywys i might as well run it." once ur endurance builds up you will go farther and farther.

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I am in no shape right now, but ill put money i will beat you :p


I'll put money on it that I will beat you after I Tonya Harding your knee cap.


Lol, come to that race and get a mug!!! Maybe Mike (I think that's what the girl my sister works with boyfriends name is) will be there. He's probably A LOT closer to your pace than I am. : }~


Or is that race not 'long' enough for that all mighty Brandon?


Oh forgot, you have to be an adult (aka, 21+) to race in it since it's 'alochol related'. Sucks to be you.

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I used to run 2 miles in 12:30 during soccer conditioning in high school. Then I went to college and stopped working out.


I'm actually doing a 5k in about 2.5 weeks and my goal is under 30 min. I'm feeling a little more confident since I see you were about there. I think I'm in almost the same shape as you right now.

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Last five k I did, which was last summer, i ran in 19 minutes and 58 seconds! It was luck I ran that fast, cause I hate distance running.


And I am just messin with you Jesse, friendly stabs, but seriosly running is gay, ride a bike 23348764369784 times harder, and it dosent make your knees and ankles cry in pain.

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Without even reading most of that.. I can tell you that running for a few months, a couple times a week isnt going to do it.


I use to run 9miles a day, 5 days a week.. I could run the 5k in around 19mins.. running 9miles felt like a stroll in the park.


Just get out there and keep moving. Run 5 days a week and work your way up in milage. Start at 3 miles.. then work up to 4.. and then 5..

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Without even reading most of that.. I can tell you that running for a few months, a couple times a week isnt going to do it.


Just get out there and keep moving. Run 5 days a week and work your way up in milage. Start at 3 miles.. then work up to 4.. and then 5..


Haha, that's pretty much what I said. "I don't think I'm pushing myself hard enough". Shane pretty much said the same thing, but alternating long and short days. I don't think running that long days back to back is a good thing (just like Shane said).


Last five k I did, which was last summer, i ran in 19 minutes and 58 seconds! It was luck I ran that fast, cause I hate distance running.


And I am just messin with you Jesse, friendly stabs, but seriosly running is gay, ride a bike 23348764369784 times harder, and it dosent make your knees and ankles cry in pain.


Dude, I know your just messing with me hence the Tonya Harding comment. You still have a good two minutes to shave off to be winning any 5k's around here. ; )


I'm going to work on my cardio via running first and then partially transition over into bikes when I get one (which is whenver I get a good paying job again) and swiming. I'll still run, just obviously not as much.


I'm actually doing a 5k in about 2.5 weeks and my goal is under 30 min. I'm feeling a little more confident since I see you were about there. I think I'm in almost the same shape as you right now.


I think so far you've conditioned more and better in the running department than I have. I don't think you should have any kind of problem with that goal. In fact I think you might surprise yourself. I don't see how I could have run it in over that if I had been able to finish running it. The last turn was at 4th and Nationwide heading towards the arena down Nationwide and I stopped running there. It ended in front of Frog Bear and Wild Boar (next to the arena) and I ran about the last block, just to give you an idea of how much of it I walked. Also, I walk SLOW for the first few blocks when I get done running. But it's better to be surprised about what you can run on your first run than disappointed.


I just got done checking the distance on a bunch of routes around my house with my car since I'm horrible at telling distances when running. Found a good 3 mile loop that I'm about to run. I won't let myself stop this time.

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Now I couldn't jog a half mile without blowing chunks.


That's becuase you're old.


You need to swim with me whenever I start. I hear it's good for the joints, like those hips. Wouldn't want to break one.


I notice no one else is posting shitty times like me. Just people with good times posting. Lol.


Just finished. Hit the wall again. Ran about a mile and a half. Knew I wouldn't be able to finish it so I walked about a half and ran the rest. Took 34 minutes... I won't run that route again though. Lots of traffic and some spots where you can't really get off of the side of the road. Not too safe and I hate running in the gravel.

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That's becuase you're old.


You need to swim with me whenever I start. I hear it's good for the joints, like those hips. Wouldn't want to break one.


I notice no one else is posting shitty times like me. Just people with good times posting. Lol.


Just finished. Hit the wall again. Ran about a mile and a half. Knew I wouldn't be able to finish it so I walked about a half and ran the rest. Took 34 minutes... I won't run that route again though. Lots of traffic and some spots where you can't really get off of the side of the road. Not too safe and I hate running in the gravel.

Mark out 2 miles, run it, DO NOT WALK, even if yor joging at a walking pace. Your leting your heart rest and doing yourself no good. Suffer!


While everyone is posting mile this mile that

Best mile 5:19

Best 2 mile 11:10- 11:30 cant remember which one

(those were back in the day when I was playing soccer)

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I can usually do two miles, that's what I've been doing, but I'm at a wall there.


You should go to your local Junior High School and see if you can train with the XC team... they used to run 2.1 miles races back in the late 96/97 when i did it. Maybe thatll help???

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You should go to your local Junior High School and see if you can train with the XC team... they used to run 2.1 miles races back in the late 96/97 when i did it. Maybe thatll help???


Why would training for running a distance that I can do right now help me that much? Here pretty soon I'm going to be very time limited and will only be running when I can. I'll still run six days a week. It's just what time of day I run will be completely dependent on my schedule. Anyways, regardless of how much it would help, I don't think I'd want to do that. Maybe going and socializing with kids in middle school (the worst age for kids in school imho) and older teachers is your idea of a good time, but it's not mine.


Maybe I should find some people or a group of people around here my age to run with. I'm still going to run into the time issue.

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Sooo... I actually timed myself on what I thought was my 2 mile run I have been doing and it's actually ~1.65mi (went out with the bike). Like I said, I'm bad at estimating distances. Ran it in 13:46. A little under a 9 minute mile. I don't think that's too bad for right now, if I could keep that pace for the 5k I'd run ~27min. I'd be pretty happy if I could do that next month.


I was VERY consistent. There is a road a little over half way to the turn around point. On the way there I was at 3:46, at the turn around I was at 6:56 (3:08), at the 'middle' point on the way back I was at 9:56 (3:00) and at the end I was at 13:46 (3:50). So I ran each split within 10 seconds of each other. I've felt like I've been pretty consistent with my pace and I'm glad this is showing me that I am.


Too bad that run isn't actually 2 miles. I actually walk to a path and start that run a ~.4mi from my house so I'll just have to start sooner.


Worst thing was that I felt like I could have definitely ran much longer unlike yesterday. I felt better today before and after my run than yesterday. Oh well, today is my '2' mile run and I don't want to push myself too hard my first week of running 6 out of 7 days in a week.


I'm going to try 3 again tomorrow. We'll see how that goes.

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here's what helped me get my 3 miles times down in the Marine Corps. First, drink lots of water. being well hydrated will help you a lot more than you know. Start out by jogging a little bit and getting your muscles warm, then stretch for at least 10-15 minutes. 1 day run distance without timing yourself. the next day run sprints till you can't run anymore. i rested a day after sprints, you can do whatever you want. the next day run a little further then you did on the first distance day and don't time yourself. then have another day of sprints. next day rest. next day run distance for time. Just keep doing that little cycle over and over running more and more distance on your distance day. After bootcamp i ran a 22 minute 3 mile. then went to okinawa and drank a lot and got fat and dropped down to a 27 minute 3 mile. I went to new york after oki and a buddy of mine there told me about this method, i tried it and got my time down from about 26 min to 19 minutes in a few months.
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