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Drunk Driver (Scary stuff)


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So last night at about 12:30am I'm driving down 270 East from Hilliard to 23. In front of me is a Black Toyota Camry Liscense plate [A BRAT] and it's swerving all over the road. i call my friend who is following me, and he says he was about to call 1800 GRAB-DUI. I tell him i'll do it and call them. While I'm on the phone with them the Camry makes a B-line from the left lane over 2 lanes to the right, heading right for a Fuel Tanker. I'm actually on the phone with GRAB DUI in the middle of tellnig her where I'm located and i'm like "HOLY SHIT" in the middle of the convo cause i was expecting a huge explosion. At the last second the Camry slams on the brakes and another car it almost hit does the same and the tanker swerves a little. From this point I'm keeping back about 50-100 feet while this Camry swerves from one lane to the other, rides the wall on the left. etc.


Finally [A BRAT] goes to the far right lane and I throw it in 4th and gun it to get in front of this fuck and put some distance. My friend does the same. As I go by i look over to see if this is like a 5 year old or WTF is going on. It's a 16-17 year old white trash looking chick with brown hair, by herself, it looked liek she was hugging the steering wheel. I get off on 23 North (i usually get off on 71) to get off the highway. Granted by this point there is serious distance between us. I can see the Camry in my rearview swerving from side to side going about 60. While on 23 turning right on Polaris I look in my rearview [A BRAT] is doing about 80 swerving through cars, runs the Red on 23 north Polaris intersection and speeds off toward Delaware. Damn bitch went the same direction I did and somehow caught us. She almost side swipped me flying through the light. It pisses me off that she got that far without getting caught. 1-800-GRAB-DUI sounded mad that i called them and seemed uninterested. Ladies just like ya, uh huh, ok i'll tell the columbus police etc.


I really hope [A BRAT] didn't injure or kill anyone but themselves cause this was by far the worst case of drunk or high or something driving I've ever seen and I was defiantely shaken up after seeing it. If anyone knows a teenage girl that drives a black or dark blue Camry (left tailight out) no less with the Liscense plate [ A BRAT ] please beat her to within an inch of life. Thanks :)

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Ya, all i could think of is on the back of every cop car you see it says to call 1-800-GRAB-DUI if you see a drunk driver. I had no idea to think of what jurisdiction i'm in or something first. Just this person is going to kill somebody and they need pulled over NOW. It's a shame the perosn on the other end was more concerned with what number i called, how i got the number and my information then, getting this person off the road.
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Guest rperry74
I had an instance like that a few months ago. Only thing is I was on the phone with an OSP dispatcher and, no less, passed an OSP car sitting in the median about 3 to 5 minutes into the call. Never the less, the car cut four lanes and got off the freeway and I did not follow. It was 5 more minutes before a trooper called my cell phone and asked where I was. I said not to bother because they got on to a surface street and he said "OK, thanks for your help." That was it, no asking what direction, nothing. I just don't get it. Good on ya for calling though, that could have been real bad!
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I called GRABDUI once a few years ago on a car in Hilliard driving down the center of Avery Rd from the High School to the Marathon station. Hilliard Police was on him like flys on shit. Litteraly he didn't make it another 1/3 mile from the time I called to the time he was pulled over.
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