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Fuck Gas Prices, 42.00 to fill up!


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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm not talking about tapping China for Oil, I'm pissed about their Car boom! in 2010 China will surpass America with the most amount of cars on the road. China is the major factor in gas prices, it's just not talked about. In 1995 there were 2 million cars in China, in 2005 now there are 20 million. Think about that for a bit......Supply and demand.............


Not to mention their cars are less efficent than ours with the 1980's emmisions equipment they are using (fucking GM). They use Euro 2 standards, Europe is now on Euro 5 standards. China's government is afraid to make GM and other manufactures use better emissions equipment because the automobile is the Number one driving force in their economy right now and they don't want cars to cost more.


I'm waiting for my first 300hp STI hybrid!


I agree with you to some extent. China is a major factor for the price of gas going so high. They are becoming much larger portion of the oil use. Their increase in demand what has fueled the price soaring. China's view on saving environment is probably a two sided argument, we can't be selfish in this situation, but I understand where you are coming from.


I would love to see oil prices bomb, back to 25$ a barrel, but what the hey. I can still afford it......for right now.


So if you want higher gas prices. Don't hate......populate.

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buy diesel truck, make bio-diesel in garage. spend 65-70cents a gal. that's what my buddy is doin now and as soon as i buy my cummins i'll be doin the same.


Also, prices are gonna go crazy here soon. The areas hit hardest by the hurricane produce 25% of the US's oil. all the oil refining and drilling/pumping is haulted, as well as any way to transport it.

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out country depends on oil too much. i'm just as guilty of it. if something isn't done soon, this could be total devistation to our economy. my dad has employees calling off work because they can't afford to drive there. this is just the beginning.
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buy diesel truck, make bio-diesel in garage. spend 65-70cents a gal. that's what my buddy is doin now and as soon as i buy my cummins i'll be doin the same.


Also, prices are gonna go crazy here soon. The areas hit hardest by the hurricane produce 25% of the US's oil. all the oil refining and drilling/pumping is haulted, as well as any way to transport it.


hey drew what kit did your friend buy, im trying to find a ready made kit to buy over the internet for my beater.


i have found several information sites though, great alternative. http://journeytoforever.org/biodiesel_make.html


Our country may be stuck using fossil fuels for decades, but that doesnt mean you have to for your evey day tranportation. we should've learned long ago that fossil fuels and petroleum are much too valuable to use for daily personal transportation. but im young what do i know.

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out country depends on oil too much. i'm just as guilty of it. if something isn't done soon, this could be total devistation to our economy. my dad has employees calling off work because they can't afford to drive there. this is just the beginning.


Its not even close to total devastation, you had a hurricane hit the gulf of mexico, which is where a large portion of america's own oil rigs are. But we really dont get much crude oil from there, its mostly natural gas, so actually we're lucky this didnt happen during the winter time. Crude oil may have gone up slightly, but thats not even the reason for the gas hike, the middle east and south america still have oil pumping out. One of our refining plants was shut down because of the hurricane, that is all. Once the storm passes, and the plant is up and running, or tankers of crude oil are diverted to refining plants that can handle it, the price will go back down. Plus this is a holiday weekend, its the combination of severe demand with somewhat shorter supply that is raising the prices. Its a fossil fuel commodity, you have to expect things like this to happen, but it'll pass soon, there will be no total devastation!

Oh and people not being able to afford to drive to work is utter bullshit, they just wanted a day off and used it as an excuse. Same reason a lot of companies are jacking up prices because of gas, they don't really need to its just an excuse to make more profits. Playing with people's frantic emotions.

High prices suck, get over it

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  • 2 years later...
Used my "Speedy Rewards" points last night for $.25 off per gallon up to 25 gallons. Saved 6 bucks, and still dropped $76.00 into the *only* tank in the truck. $2.64/gallon at stygler and agler for diesel in my truck.


I sure am glad I'm not driving that Suburban any more. $2.64/gallon would sound like a fantasy compared to what diesel prices are now. The cheapest I've seen diesel for around here recently is about $4.39!


Hell, it takes $52 to fill my Contour from 1/8 tank now, and it's only a 12.5 gallon tank.

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lol, good shit, i vaguely remember whining and bitching about $2.00+, right after i got one of my camaro's. i would relly give my left nut for $2, hell even $3 dollar prices now. this shit is rediculos. $65 to fill up is flat retarded...



I was just thinking that the other day. 2 dollar gas seems like heaven to me right now! Just wondering anyone who said they were going bio-diesel actually do it?

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