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Cedar Point -- Top Fuel Dragster


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I know that this ride is far from new, but i rode it for the first time today. Only 2 words can describe this ride.... IN-SANE. After figuring out that the 0-120 ~ 4seconds is about a mid 6 second 1/4 pass... a Pro-Stock car, i knew i must ride it. I have had the privledge in the past to feal a 9 second pass as a passenger, and even that did not prepare me for the moster i stood 2hrs in line for. It was the only thing i really HAD TO RIDE before i left.


Any way, i remember how the pass in the car felt. Instant snap pull right off the line, with a slighty decreasing sensation of G-force. This ride does the exact opposite. It feals like a turbocharger surging really hard, then harder, then harder still, and the fucking thing just keeps pulling harder and harder the faster it goes. So by the time it reached the end of the runway we'll call it, it was doing a buck twenty and pulling 3 or 4 G's. As you go up the incline, the G-Force moves smoothly from pushing your head to the rest, to puting your ass in the seat. Up you go 420ft striat up at over 100mph. If the sensation at that point wasnt enough, a barrel roll will give you some negative G's whilst still traveling upwards at over 80mph. All you see is sky. Over the crest now you go pulling more negative G's and making your way to the most god awful thing you ever see... lots of ground, no track, 2 seats in front of you, and this little yellow lap lock thingy that is in charge of holding you and all your body weight inside the now upside down seat. Again, if thats not enough, they throw in another barrel roll to see if you totaly shit yourself whilst you think about this stupid little bar being the only damn thing holding you in. Down now, you go, 80... 90... 100... 112mph into a smooth transition from totaly weightlessness into 3 or 4 more G's puting foot to ass and making you breifly feal like you weigh about 800lbs. Then come the brakes. Now i was dissapointed with this part belive it or not. I was expecting a soft free roll to a harsh snap likea chute, then a gradual stop. Well, the snap just wasnt there. Oddly though, i didnt realize it untill after i got off the ride that it hadnt happened.


Thats the most ridiculous part of this ride... it goes so fucking fast, your brain cant process exactly was has happend to you untill its already long over.... in other words, you can NEVER prepare youself.


This ride was the only ride that actully:


- Left me gasping for every bit of air i could get after it was over.

- Triple my heart rate in under 15 seconds.

- Make me think twice about riding it again.


Its actully that overwhelming. You almost have to have a good 5 min stretch and yoga session to cope with the total sensationalistic overload your about put yourself in.... gawd it was fucking great :D



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  • 3 weeks later...
I liked that ride as well. Going up wasn't bad, neither was going down. It was the crest at the top that scared the shit out of me. You were going so fast near the top that I thought the damn thing was going to fly straight off the track. I loved it though.
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It's Top Thrill Dragster. :p


Best ride at the part, no doubt about it. Other than when it has broken down for an extended period of time (it's about as reliable as a rotary :D ), I've never waited much over an hour to ride it. It's definately an awesome ride.

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Guest GSRchick714

That ride is awesome. I agree though - too short of a ride for the long-ass wait in line....but they're all getting to be that way. :rolleyes:

I went the year it opened and they were having problems...it kept not making it over the hill and coming back down :eek: Then one of the decorative tires FELL OFF when it was like on the top. It went into a fenced off area of the park luckily though

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