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Its Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!


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CR is back!!!!!!!!!


The harddrive which hosted columbusracing.com, cofba.org, and dynotunemotorsports.com died. It died a horrible death. To be specific, it was partitioned into three main partions. Two of those housed /var and /usr, which is where about 90% of what we used resided. Those two partitions crapped out. I'm not entirely sure, but it looks like the partition map got corrupted and dropped those two partitions.


We are now hosted on a new server, from me. I donated it. No fucking rumors of us buying one or anything like that. I donated this server to the goodness we call CR. Anthony bought, with his own money, two 200GB harddrives. I have these set up as a RAID drive. This means if we lose a harddrive again, everything is copied exactly on the other drive already. Fucking p-i-m-p. We had some troubles along the way, but we're here. MySQL works. PHP works. Apache works. ProFTP works. Squirrelmail works. Webmail works.


Cofba and dynotune are still down. They need to talk to me.

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It's been a fucking ridiculously stressful two weeks. Dealing with my diet, gettting my car running again, the CR car show, Norwalk, bullshit rumors, and then this.


If I posted everything that has happened, I'd be typing until tomorrow morning.


We're back. On our own server, with 400GB of space, on a private host. Thanks go out to Stillman for his time invested in this project, and my brother Chris for the hosting and procrastinating on the DSN entries :D

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