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Howard Stern had his last show broadcast here today.


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FUCK! that sucks, now i gotta wait till he goes to sirius to hear him. I can't believe that the FCC went after the blitz for airing him.


+1....Now I need to get "ein, ein, ein"...I guess i'm back to CDs on the morning ride in.


F the FCC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I've listened to Stern from the beginning, everyday, nearly the whole time it aired. Its safe to say i'm a huge follower of his show and the length that the FCC is going to get him off the air is such a crock of shit. If you don't agree with him that pefectly fine, I find his show entertaining as hell. I don't understand whats so difficult about turning off the blitz if you don't like to hear what he has to say. It annoys the total piss out of me that I now have to be without something I enjoy b/c some religious pos listens to the show then calls in complaints. I've had a Serius tuner in my car since he announced he was making the switch. I can't wait to finally hear him in an uncensored rant about the fcc and the commander in chief. It should be entertaining. F the FCC x 111111100010101001
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Stern sucks. Who cares... his show has been going down hill for years, I personally am glad he's gone. I would rather that they played music in the morning. Maybe do a metal show, nothing like pre 2000 Iron Maiden, King Diamond, Slayer, Crippled Squirrel, and Danzig. Maybe even through in some Pantera and Ministry for good measure.


And someone mentioned the Grover shoe out of Cleveland. I have heard that guy as well. Give him enough time to get big and he will be gone too. There is no reason for people to get on the air and act like fucktards, then sell it in syndication as "entertainment".

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Fuck North American Broadcasting and the Blitz.


To you fucking cry babies (yes, I am talking to you little fucks), if you don't like Stern in the morning, listen to something else. Oh, nothing else on the radio?? That's because broadcast radio sucks ass; quit being a cheap bastard and get sat. radio. It's so much better than regular broadcast radio that once you have it, you can't fathom not having it.


I'd like to once again say fuck North American broadcasting for having no fucking backbone. The ONLY time I listen to the Blitz is for Howard. THE ONLY TIME. Being 100% serious, on my commute to work tomorrow, I'll be removing their station from my radio presets. Stern was the ONLY business they attracted from me; now I'll just listen to my Sirius stations during his broadcast time until he come onto Sirius, when I'll listen to him.


I honestly might listen to the Greg-o-fag-show Tuesday just to hear people give the fucker shit about being in Howard's place. It's so freaking sad that the FCC goes after him, yet don't go after the unorigional, talentless asses that just attempt to copy his style. The fact that the Blitz and their POS company support this just tells me that I'll never listen to their crap again. It's alright, in 5 years, Sirius and XM will have so much market that stupid ass broadcast radio stations with their 8 song rotation will barely be able to make ends meat, as advertisers will discover no one is listening anymore.

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Stern Rocks and though I'd love to say F-the blitz for taking them off I understand that it probly was in their best interest, However They should have stood up to those FCC @#%s and fought over it. The world would be a better place if the FCC would keep their noses out of everything


They must be using the extra money they are getting from gas prices to finance his death

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Stern Rocks and though I'd love to say F-the blitz for taking them off I understand that it probly was in their best interest, However They should have stood up to those FCC @#%s and fought over it.

Here is the best part. I took the time to listen on my way to work to the Blitz people having a discussion about it. It is obvious the DJ's didn't want this; probably just North American Broadcasting and maybe some upper mgmt. Blitz people. It seems they are getting rid of him due to fines from the FCC.


Alright, fine. But those fines are from broadcasts from 3 years ago. Anyone who has listened lately can tell you they hack the crap out of the show now. Whether they kicked him off the Blitz or not, they still have to pay those fines. They honestly have nothing to gain by getting rid of him.


And his replacement; some guy from Houston that couldn't hack it in a bigger market, so he moves to Columbus because some desperate radio station needs a morning host.

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listen to rovers morning glory on 107.1 sorta the same concept its pretty entertaining, its on from 6am-10am



Ilistened to them for about a week..untill friday when they treid to get a co-host to suck on a tail pipe till he passed out, so he could be revived by CPR. The fuckign dumbest thing I have ever heard, haven't listened since.


Pisses me off that the blitz got another fucking morning show. Why the fuck would you do that, all suck compared to stern, you'd get more market share by being the only station to air actual music in the morning.


Buiseness descisions suck. If you dont like that, be a hippy....or bomb the FCC hq.

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Stern sucks. Who cares... his show has been going down hill for years, I personally am glad he's gone. I would rather that they played music in the morning. Maybe do a metal show, nothing like pre 2000 Iron Maiden, King Diamond, Slayer, Crippled Squirrel, and Danzig. Maybe even through in some Pantera and Ministry for good measure.

my god....I agree 100%, but you forgot Motorhead.

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Fuck North American Broadcasting and the Blitz.


To you fucking cry babies ......and all the other shit you said


I concur. I listened to the Rover Show this morning, it sucked. He sounds like a fat Sam Kinnison knockoff and his show was so boring. He also spend 30% of his time making fun of the greg-o guy which i thought was shitty, like hes so fn cool with his massive ass market share. As shitty as it is i'll just have to wait for howard on satellite. I did have the liberty of hearing the O & A show on XM on the way to norwalk last month and they are so much better uncensored.

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You know that the fcc is a government agency used to police the airwaves, so i dont think you should say f the fcc, its disrespectful. Other people with vaginas will get upset. TO HELL WITH FREE SPEECH and being an individual. What do those people say that try to keep you from saying and doing what evr you want and if they dont like it they kill you or worse ban you SIG HILE


p.s. the veiws and opinions expressed in this post are not htat of the board or its owner/operators.



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