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Stupid Mazda Forum/Venders that can't back their shit up


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ok so let me vent for a minute...


A few days ago a vender on the Mazda Forum made a post that basically said 'I bolted $3000 worth of parts on a MSP and went from 135 hp to 201 whp. 66 HP gain by bolting on all these parts and turning the boost up to 9.5 psi. I'll sell you all these parts in a package.'


Seeing as how I dynoed 160 whp stock and 135 is the lowest number I have ever heard, I asked what kind of dyno he was on. ...DynoJet, same as me. So I told him those numbers seemed low and asked him if he knew why and he said, "Yeah, they seemed low to me too. Not sure why." So I asked him what other info he had from the dyno, like pressures, and he didn't have anything but a/f. So he starts going off on me about trying to bash his company and people are always flaming him etc, etc, but never had any answers.


So I nicley told him that dyno numbers were good to have, but they really don't mean anything without other data. And that as a vender he should have a car properly instrumented when running tests on his parts. That way if the dyno is lower then every other car on Earth he might have an explanation why. He didn't even know what stock boost he was running until 2 pages later when I'm pretty sure he just made up a number because I kept asking questions.


Well, either way he continued to flame me and others joined in because they siad I would "scare another vender away from the Protege market." ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!? I asked three questions, 1) what type of dyno, 2) why was your stock number low, 3) Don't you think you should have tried to find out why it dynoed lower then any other car on the planet when you're trying to sell parts, AND I'M THE ONE OUT OF LINE!? People would rather buy parts from someone that can't back up their claims then have someone ask questions a vender should be ready for??


This has seriously pissed me off that the venders only answer is that I'm just there to flame him while others stand behind him blindly. $3k in parts to make 66 HP...ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!? I just need to start my own shop so things can be done right.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's an interesting tid-bit...this same vendor came out with his "Custom intake manifold" that he originally said was his design. A day later the story changed so that he's buying the manifolds from a secondary vendor that is importing them from Japan.


A few members raised the BS flag and said that his manifold was nothing but a stock 626 mani. He denied it saying, "The 626 mani won't work, I tried." And every other sack rider said that people were vender bashing. (Much like they did to me in the incident I started this topic over)


Well fast-forward a few weeks and a guy in Ann Arbor ordered a 626 manifold off car-parts.com for $60 and it's the same damn thing. All pictures are identical from every angle and it bolted on with no additional problems. And this guy is trying to sell it for $550.

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