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Anyone work for Time Warner?


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hey guys, i just got my apartment friday, and i called about getting cable and internet on saturday, and i was told they couldn't get out there to set it up till wednesday the 28th. so i was just wondering if someone on here worked for them that could possibly speed things up, or do it for me.
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I now get basic HDTV/DVR (no premiums) + RR for about 100/mo. The general vibe is that WOW is better, but how is it on cost?

I don't have my price sheet with me, but for about the same cost, you could get our 4Mbps Internet service, HD DVR w/ the standard HD pack, digital pack, and an additional analog box. Unlike Time Warner, we include the digital Starz/Encore package free with our digital service, which makes it far more valuable than Warners/Insight's digital packages are, for the same money (BTW, I get all the premium channels free, and I watch Starz/Encore more than any of them).

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ya looking at there prices they offer similar services for $20 less a month.

i hate how timewarner has a monopoly.


how soon will it take WOW to have more coverage area. hurry up dang it.

It won't happen most likely. We'll build in the area as far as new developments go, but to expand beyond that is way too expensive. WOW bought out the Americas system, which was a failing overbuilder. Most overbuilders do fail in the cable industry. WOW has been the exception, not the rule. Building plant is an insanely expensive process, and to be an overbuilder (meaning building where there is a competitive cable company in the area) requires a large market. Hence why we are in Columbus and Cleveland, but not smaller areas.


We are ranked #1 in the nation this year for customer satisfaction by JD Power for television providers. Last year, we were #1 in cable but beat out by the Dish Network/Direct TV....this year we beat them too. :D

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