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sorry about the liberalism must die comment, but i do think of peta as extremely liberal, and most of the peta supporters i know think communism is the way to go


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And that's the opinion I'm trying to change. Tipper gore is not liberal, Peta is not liberal. A true liberal doesn't care.


And no hippy likes communism, period. You'll find socialists, but not communists. Despite what Ronnie Regan would like you to belive, there is a difference. The remaining real Penko people are hard to find.


Liberals/Democrats are more idealistic and think problems can be solved without conflict...but they still want to tax the fuck out of you to give it away to countries who can't help themselves. Talk about imperialism.

Not neccesarily. We're seeing more fiscal conservatism in the age following Clinton. I beleive taxes should be raised, and many upper income breaks need to be pulled back. The government gets it's money from taxes. Since Bush is on an all out 8 year spending spree, wasting our money on helping out a country that cant help itself, the govt is trying to make up w/o raising taxes. You see more and more things getting cut, "triming the fat" etc etc, which is good....Accept we're running out of fat and beginning to cut into meat, Perscription drug plans and public works projects coming to mind.


If you live here you gotta pay taxes, period.


"Small govt, more state power" is as vague as any hippy ideology. The govt has a job to do. If state power and "family values" is all your side is about, then pray to god you never win. You have guys like Regan and Bush that tell you they represent those values, and you love them, despite the fact that they are responceble for the outsourcing of american jobs, the Social Security delema, and soaring intrests rate.

You claim being a republican is about more state power and strong family values, but the truth of the matter is that being a republican is about helping buisness do buisness. Oh so focused on getting money to come into the country, yet oh so apathetic on what happens to it afterwards. 90% of it goes to 3% of the population, who then spend demand for lowering taxes on the part of blue collar conservatives, and the outsourcing of our jobs in the intrest of saving a buck by white collar conservatives, you have at least half of the US population and about 60-70% of its wealth holders NOT willing to invest money in their own country.

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Yeah, and wanting alliberals and those who think differently then you to die is also communism, with a sprinkling of fascism.




You just described Liberal, almost as good as Webster. But sadly, the right also wants to impose their own beleifs on the american citzenry. Less govt, unless they want the govt to be able to do something, then they mobilize and get shit done, even if its none of their buisness, like keeping a braindead lady plugged in or amending the constitution to prohibit gay marriage and abortion.


If you had to choose between conservative and liberal to define PETA's actions, Conservative would be the obvious choice. What they beleive may be different then you, but they way they go about beleiving it is the same. Just like Fallwell, the klan, and the people who bomb abortion clinics. Extremism is a conservative trait.


First off, I don't believe he meant that liberals should die, I think he believes that the liberal agenda should die. That I agree with. Having people die, or killing them, I don't get behind.

Now, as far as conservatives imposing there beliefs/morals on America, well personally I don't have a problem with kicking every able bodies American off welfare, and making them work. Nor do I have a problem with forcing people to be responsible for their actions, and not relying on the state to take care of them because of their habits/bad life choices. And while I don't stand completely on the side of pro life, I do have a SERIOUS problem with partial birth abortion. And it seems that after 6 years of a Rebublican house, senate and president, Roe V Wade not being overturned completely sort of takes the wind out of the sails of the whole notion that republican/Conservative leaders are going to "impose" their views with abortion.

As far as gay marriage, and the Terri Schivo situation, seems that the gay marriage thing has gone before the people of anmost every state that there are bans on it, and Ohio specifically, which already had laws on the books stating that a marriage could only exist between a man and a woamn and by a landslide, the breach of gay marriage being acceptable got larger. people, not just republicans/conservatives wanted that ban. It passed with more voted in Ohio than Bush got votes, so implying that it's simply a conservative thing is a pipe dream.

Terri Schivo, well consider that it was your child, your exwife, or your mother. And that your stepfather/brother in law/ whatever said that she would not want to live like that. Even though you knew better. Say that hse was at one point showing signs of improvement and that person disallowed treatment. The law says that euthenasia can only be an accepted treatment of illness as long as it was in writing by the person agreed with it, and had so indicated their wishes. It is not to prolong suffering, only to put in a control that would verify the wishes of the person. Would you really want someone else deciding if you lived or died??

As far as PETA, people that bomb clinics, and other wacko's I guess NO ONE wants wacko's to be ascociated with them. And you have to admit, there are a bunch more wackos's that are left leaning. And BTW, giving "rights" to animals other than the right to be treated humanily, and cooked properly, is not only wacko, but perverted, and twisted.


And as far as your comment about Bush'es spending, war is expensive, it seemed that Kerry claimed thet he was goingto send MORE troops, which cost money. And I remember them bitching that there was not enough money being pumped down south, or for the tsunami victims. So who spends the money? the 87 Billion would have been a drop in the bucket for Kerry. It's ok though, Hillary will be president next, and then you will get to see what a REAL tax and spend president is about. 4 years of her will break the bank, unless of course the books get doctored like her husband did.

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And as far as your comment about Bush'es spending, war is expensive.

Agreed, which is why we shouldn't have gone to wr int he first place. It was based entirely on lies.

it seemed that Kerry claimed thet he was goingto send MORE troops, which cost money.

yeah, because there arent enough. It is another veitnam, the difference being no draft. Johnson trickled troops in, Bush simply wrote a check our collective asses couldn't cash, not without raising taxes. He spends reclessly, as one would expect from a trust fund baby who's never earned or accomplished anything in his life. But that's neither here nor there, we're talking about stupid hippies.


Lets hypotheticaly give them their way. We free all agricultural and test animals, all the animals that dont get "love". Consider how many head of cattle there are on this planet, an estimated 1.3 billion. One for every 5 or 6 humans. A healthy milk cow eats about 40 lbs of grain a day. 52 billion lbs of grain a day going to our beloved cow freinds. Where do they get thei food? We grow it. If we do not kill all these animals the will fuck and fuck and fuck and eat the countries remaining hippy food supply.


So, the PETA agenda is to end life on this wourld as we know it.


Just for a visual aid, here is a cattle farm I pass on the way to Rocky Mtn Natl Park. It takes up a 2 mile stretch of 34 and is packed with tens of thousands of beef cows. Unleash them on the surrounding areas and watch the foothills become bald.

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