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Doesnt look good for us guys


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That article made it seem like all, or at least the majority, of women are that way. Hell, even if they said moderately attractive on up, I still don't buy it.


Yes, I've dated one of those types. Kicked the bitch to the curb in fairly short order too; I'm no sugar daddy. But I've dated a number of women who weren't like that at all; hell, I got two different g/f's while I was UNEMPLOYED.


IMO, this article describes a group of women, and describes them accurately. That said, there are other groups of women out there. Hell, I got a # from a girl recently who's career position and salary were most definately higher than mine by a significant margin, she knew what I did for a living, and had no issues with that. And was very easy on the eyes too, so no rich heffer or anything.


I just avoid those kinds of women described in the article. They are usually pretty easy to spot. Don't let them know what you own, how much $$ you make, etc. I'm all for picking up a date in a $500 beater.....if that turns them away, that car probably just paid for itself.

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I have know that since grade school nothing new there thats why you lie and then get what you want then they can find out anyway What the hell are you worried abot Sam you drive a freaking Zo6 you may not be a doctor but that car would get you far lol.


Holy shit TJ. Ever heard of a PERIOD (.)? :eek:

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I just avoid those kinds of women described in the article. They are usually pretty easy to spot. Don't let them know what you own, how much $$ you make, etc. I'm all for picking up a date in a $500 beater.....if that turns them away, that car probably just paid for itself.


So wise and true.

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Ok, my opinion on this article:


So money -- or the assurance of money in the future -- is the single most significant criterion in how women choose men. The blame for this phenomenon lies in our society -- a society which promotes female arrogance and the manipulation of men; a society which panders to females across the board.



Most women will not allow access to that sex unless the man has first shelled out quite of bit of money for drinks, dinners, entertainment, etc. A woman expects a free ride just because she is biologically female; she expects men to pay for sex. She will vehemently deny this. But she chooses men in the first place precisely because of their ability to pay.

More bs...


I'm with Nitrousbird on this. This article certainly only describes a certain group of women. And is that group even the majority? I would doubt it, but I can only speak for myself.


"A society which promotes female arrogance and the manipulation of men"?? I would instead blame it on our materialistic society and the "money buys happiness" mentality. We can all make do with an average guy, who makes an average wage. It's the materialisic ones, who want shiny diamonds, fancy clothes, and bigger houses, who are out searching for the $$$.


I for one appreciate the more important things (well, more important to me, that is), such as personality and good-heartedness. And I know there are plenty more like me out there. Happy hunting fellas ;) .

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For the record, there's a lot of literature, which stems mostly from the field of evolutionary psychology, that supports the gist of that article. Certainly, the article was written with more than a little pro-men/anti-golddigging women bias, but, the gist of its contentions are supported in the available literature.


Additionally, as an FYI, Trivers, the author cited in that article, wrote a landmark article in 1972 that established the basis for sexual preferences in men and women. Essentially, Trivers said this: whichever sex invests the most into raising offspring will be the choosier of the two sexes. In the case of humans, and most other animals, the females are obligated to invest the most in offspring. (A man is obligated to provide only a teaspoon of sperm, whereas a woman is obligated to provide at least nine months of gestation plus many more if the child is to survive, from an evolutionary standpoint.) Thus, women get to be the choosy sex as far as humans are concerned - men vie for women, and women choose their sexual partners. In cases where the obligation to offspring is reversed and the males provide the most, then the tenets of Trivers' theory still hold true: the males in those species are the choosier of the two sexes. For instance, in some species of seahorses, the males actually carry the seahorse offspring - i.e., they bear the burden of caring for offspring. In those seahorses, the males are the choosier of the two sexes - the females vie for the attention of the male seahorses, who then get to choose who they have as their sexual partners.


Kind of interesting, if you're into seahorse sex and that sort of stuff. Anyway, just thought I'd throw that in there.

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I think it has alot to do with expectations. How, when, and where a women was raised.


I have dated the rich type, and I have dated the not so fortunate type. Either way I don't get involved with people that only want someone to look good on their sholder. Because they are not worth it.

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Guest racinbird

That article made sence, but only describes a certain type of woman. I really think age should be thrown in there. Im 29 and still date lower 20 year olds and young 30 year olds. Age has a big impact on what they want, what they look for, and how they do or dont behave.


I refuse to date anyone due to my belongings and pocket book.

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All woman are gold diggers end of story.

for those who dont beleive that and say they have dated some that are not like that, are you still with the brod, you will end up seperating at a later date if your still with them.

Sorry, I can't agree with his.


My last g/f wasn't a gold digger, not at all.


The one before that (3 years ago)....hell, she spent more money on me than I did on her. :D

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LOL... pretty pessimistic approach... if you find many women in your life like this, I'd start looking in new places for women :p I've had a few nice toys in my life (the RX7, motorcycle, now an M3) and they've never gotten me nearly as much (almost none) ass as I'd have "hoped" if I was in the mood for "sex-ploitation". :p
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