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shifting fast/smooth


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Is this just something you get better at/pick up as time goes on? I've been riding about 5 days now, maybe a week, put a couple hundred miles on my bike and I still have yet to get the shifting down smooth and I definitely can't do it fast.

It's weird, I can rip through the gears in any car, but this is like another beast or something. I was wondering if when racing you guys use the clutch or what?

Also, what's your guys 'routine' when shifting? Do you stay on the gas in the same amount, let off some, etc? Do you just release the clutch or slowly let it out, etc etc?

Call me retarded but I don't remember me having this much trouble when I learned how to drive stick like 5 years ago.


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shit after you start you dont even need the clutch really.......BUT......just keep riding, "blip" the throttle, and you only have to pull it in prolly like an inch or two, and click up......if your "jerking" or whatever, just keep on it man, it will smoothout :)

goodluck and have fun :banana:

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I'm not jerking really, at least not that I can tell. But my revs are all over the place, If I stay on the throttle my revs shoot up, if I back off the front end drops when i get in the next gear. Maybe that's jerking, lol, not sure. Another thing I think might be is I shift around 4k most of the time, maybe its too low in the powerband or something?

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I never use the clutch when racing....If I hit it just right....it's like I have one looooooong gear.

+100000000 I only use the clutch comming out of 1st and sometimes second when Im just cruising in town.. with any amout of speed I never use the clutch.

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I didn't know you could shift without the clutch after moving, hmm, that's speed it up a bunch it would seem. Can you be on the gas while shifting or do you have to back of a bit? Is it smooth or a rough engagement?

thanks guys, I realize it should come with practice, I just don't remember me having this much trouble on a car and I'm not very patient, lol.

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i would stick to the basics, and learn that stuff towards the middle of the year. observe other riders and learn from them. if you have only been riding for 5 days it is not going to be second nature to you yet.

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I didn't know you could shift without the clutch after moving, hmm, that's speed it up a bunch it would seem. Can you be on the gas while shifting or do you have to back of a bit? Is it smooth or a rough engagement?

thanks guys, I realize it should come with practice, I just don't remember me having this much trouble on a car and I'm not very patient, lol.

Yes, you have to let off the gas slightly....It's still much quicker than using the clutch. After you do it enough....You'll find the spot your bike likes to be shifted

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do this, find a nice empty parkinglot.

start in second, now while moving apply slight pressure with your foot like you are going to change gears, now quickly roll the throttle back and then forward again, all while applying pressure to the shifter. When you roll the throttle back, your foot should change the gear. and when you roll the throttle forward again, whoala!

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ooooooohhh, thasss nice! :thumbup: I got the hang of it, can't do it all the time, but the 2nd try is fine. And I officially popped my first wheelie tonight, scared me shitless but I came down smooth, lol. I was in 1st around 6k and a mustang was rev at me and I twisted it hard :evil: He liked it and once I stopped at the next light I laughed it off....Not wanting to do it again anytime soon, lol.

thanks for the help guys, it will definitely help a lot.

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