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Some fucker is following my kid to school.


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Thanks for all the help guys..


The cops are involved now. They will be patroling (bike) in the morning on that street where they walk (hopefully). The school filed a police report and the cops will be at the school in the morning talking to them. We'll see what happens.


I'd LOVE to punch this fucker in the face. That'll most likely mean assault and/or battery for me. Nope. I'll pass. I'll let the cops shoot his ass if they make a move on my son.


The father of the other kid came to our house today and we talked for a good amount of time about what will happen, and what's going on. He's going to leave a few minutes before the kids leave to school and go and park his car around that area and take some notes (magnum P.I type of shit :)). We'll see what happens from there.

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is there a certain house that this happens near, or is it on the whole path? if its near a certain house, talk to one of the owners, let them know whats going on, and see if theres a chance you can sit in front of the window while the son walks to school...i am suprised it took someone til the 2nd page to mention that if the kid goes to school with a weapon, he will be suspended. do they ever see him walk into a house?
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I doubt this, so dont get mad or anything, but have you talked to the kids about WHY this guy may be pissed/following them?


Just make sure they didnt egg his house or do something to his car as they walked by one morning, ya know?


Otherwise, hopefully this guy gets what is coming to him (sadly you said the PD was involved, so he probably wont)

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............. And lastly, dont take anyone up on offers by people to do bodily harm to someone made on the net. Ask the ones who dont make a public record of it.




im off monday morning. I could walk with em if you want me too... kinda keep an eye out for anything wierd. Id happily bring my digi cam too [/Quote]


;) ;) ;)

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Guest GSRchick714
Give your kid some pepper spray or something so he's at least got some sort of protection just in case. I wouldn't have him try to take a pic because that could make the predator dude pissed off and then he'd try to do something worse than just following him.
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Give your kid some pepper spray or something so he's at least got some sort of protection just in case. I wouldn't have him try to take a pic because that could make the predator dude pissed off and then he'd try to do something worse than just following him.


once again...this kid is walking to SCHOOL!!! Do you know what happens to kids who take weapons to school?


Maybe you should get a better job so you dont have to work in the hood


Stop being a fucking douchebag. I bet you are some loser fuck who lives with 5 other people in a shitty ass apartment, goes to CSCC part time, and works 80 hours a week in some shit ass job to pay for your shit. Congratulations on telling other people what to do with their lives

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What do you expect from someone with 13 posts and had 8 to start in this thread. How are we supposed to know you? Also where he lives is not bad, congrats on being BORN into the middle class. Boosted GS430, You sir are a douche bag. You will not last long here....
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What do you expect from someone with 13 posts and had 8 to start in this thread. How are we supposed to know you? Also where he lives is not bad, congrats on being BORN into the middle class. Boosted GS430, You sir are a douche bag. You will not last long here....


Im liking you more and more :) If only you liked Pittsburgh... ;)


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Welp.. it happened again this morning.


Walking to school. Guy yells at them "give me your lunch money or I'll beat the shit out of you". Fucked up part is.. my son brown bags his lunch..


Anyways. I called the school and the assistant priciple is going to call me back when she gets off of lunch duty.


Man, this is pissing me off.


Boosted - piss off.

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I even thought about heading over there this morning just to "observe" but I assumed there would be COPS around since, ya know, the school asked them to be there and all....


On a somewhat unrelated note - I saw a Gahanna school bus pulled over on 270 by CPD today. I chuckled.

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Gahanna is a crap area? I have six close friends who live in Gahanna, and they live in houses upwards of $500,000 easy. Two of them have some well know exotic cars in their garage. The owner of half the Tim Hortons in the Columbus area lives in Gahanna. Three of the Blujackets Live in Gahanna. Have you ever been in Jefferson Country Club? I live across the street from 300,000 condos for the smallest one.


Gahanna is an over all nice area. You're friends must live on the Mifflin side of Gahanna.

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Stop being a fucking douchebag. I bet you are some loser fuck who lives with 5 other people in a shitty ass apartment, goes to CSCC part time, and works 80 hours a week in some shit ass job to pay for your shit.


hey, nothing wrong with that :(


so any new news on steps that will be taken by the school or police?

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hey, nothing wrong with that :(


so any new news on steps that will be taken by the school or police?



nothin wrong with that unless you are acting like you are hot shit

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