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helmet law?


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keep ohio free.

woah - new guy waking up the 2 yr old thread!

I wasn't active here when it started either.

The bottom line is that "Paternalistic laws" are revenue generators, plain and simple.

Once you're 18, I don't think the government should have any say in what you do or don't do when it comes to keeping yourself safe. If we allow that, then we're dangerously close to having a LOT of things outlawed.

Lots of people die from accidents that occur in the shower. Horses kill more people than any other domesticated animal each year. Should we outlaw showering and ban owning horses?

No - because neither pose a threat to anyone else. I don't see how not wearing a seat belt or not wearing a helmet is any different. I would be choosing to put MYSELF at risk, without compromising anyone else's safety.

Why should that be illegal? Our only legal duty is to not put OTHERS at unreasonable risk of harm. The minor statutory exceptions are things like littering.

Now, all that said, I think a person's willingness to ignore common sense should affect society's response to their distress.

If i don't wear a helmet, I certainly don't expect paramedics to try their hardest to save me when I haven't tried very hard to save myself. Same goes for seat belts, and any other non-essential (I want people to continue bathing) dangerous activity.

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once a helmet law, whats next. special socks? special law abiding boots? I think we have all seen that the state and govt laws just keep increasing more and more. A line has to be draw some where...and it has been drawn; so why change it?

that being said i always wear one.

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myself i wear my helmet just about everywhere i go but those who dont who gives a F$ck its just the state wanting more and more of are money it your head if it dont work out for ya why your out rideing and something happends just think about that when you head out for a ride with out it

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once a helmet law, whats next. special socks? special law abiding boots? I think we have all seen that the state and govt laws just keep increasing more and more. A line has to be draw some where...and it has been drawn; so why change it?

that being said i always wear one.

I'm not sure how much farther it can go...

The government already tells us what clothing can be sold (by way of materials) what food you can put in your body, what you can do to the outside of your body (tattoos must be a certain ink, etc etc)...

Not only have they gone so far as to say "This food isn't safe to eat" but state governments have breached into "this food isn't healthy, so we must make sure noone is hurt!" (think of the salt "bans" or trans fats, or calorie information)....

If there was a law tomorrow that said you couldn't walk up your stairs faster than x stairs per minute or you're issued a ticket.

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If people had common sense there would be no need for "The Man" to act as our baby sitter. Unfortunately many people are just don't have the brain cells to make the right decision.

Wearing a helmet effects many more people than just the rider. I would hate to be in a cage that had an accident with a bike and be part of a riders death just because he wanted to flex his freedom's and not wear a lid.

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Should everyone wear a helmet due to safety? Absolutely. Is it in the Constiution that everything a person does has to be safe? Hell no.

I simply don't want anyone telling me what to do or not to do unless it is absolutely necessary. I've watched over the years as the goverment has rolled over my liberties one by one, and usually it's because there is some concerned group of dogooders trying to save me. Sorry, I may not want to live like you do, that should also be my right as long as I'm not infringing on any of your liberties. That is what this country was founded on and it is sad to watch it being slowly taken over by the dogooders. Please allow me to make my own decisions. I'm 55 years old and have been riding since I was 16. I know what I want, and I've earned the right to make that decision.

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Should everyone wear a helmet due to safety? Absolutely. Is it in the Constiution that everything a person does has to be safe? Hell no.

I simply don't want anyone telling me what to do or not to do unless it is absolutely necessary. I've watched over the years as the goverment has rolled over my liberties one by one, and usually it's because there is some concerned group of dogooders trying to save me. Sorry, I may not want to live like you do, that should also be my right as long as I'm not infringing on any of your liberties. That is what this country was founded on and it is sad to watch it being slowly taken over by the dogooders. Please allow me to make my own decisions. I'm 55 years old and have been riding since I was 16. I know what I want, and I've earned the right to make that decision.

And don't think this forum is necessarily better, you'll immediately get labeled as a squid or newb if you show up not wearing a helmet... there's even people here that will flat out refuse to ride with people not wearing helmets.

There's a big difference between being stupid and making an informed decision.

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Last time I was called a squid was in the Navy during 'Nam, so I'm not sure what that means. I've got to tell you boys, if you don't ever want to ride with me because I won't do what you want me to, listen close now. Not a problem...

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Last time I was called a squid was in the Navy during 'Nam, so I'm not sure what that means. I've got to tell you boys, if you don't ever want to ride with me because I won't do what you want me to, listen close now. Not a problem...


Has always been my approach too, I understand when ride leaders get "concerned" but ultimately it's not their concern... if a ride leader says "Hmmm, I better take this ride slow because most folks aren't wearing helmets" that's where they were wrong :D

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I didn't always wear a helmet. But every time I dumped a street or dirt bike, I happened to be wearing one. And never thinking I hit my head, there was always a mark on the helmet where I did. I wear one now. Some of my friends don't wear helmets, and I'm ok with that. It is a choice. And it really isn't any one else's business. But it's also a personal choice to not want to ride with some one who's not wearing a helmet.

I'm also old enough to decide. And I still sometimes ride down to the corner store without a helmet. RStar417, you were 12 when I bought my first bike. Yeah, I got drafted...

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It is a choice. And it really isn't any one else's business.

I cant stand do gooders who want to tell me how I should think, act, or what I must do to protect me from myself. I am responsible for my own ass and as long as I am not bothering you or getting in your way, butt out. I am older than most of you out there and have been riding longer than most of you been alive. I got this far by using my brain and riding well and aware, and I work on riding skill constantly. The last time I effed up was 20 years ago. I learned something from that little incident.

I have 2 bikes, a sport bike and a cruiser. With the sport bike, I know I'm gonna head for some corners and play a bit, so the helmet and full gear is mandantory when I ride that bike. On the other side, the VTX1300 is an ez ride. I typically head for local country roads, mostly at about 40mph. I'm lucky to see another car on that ride. I admit I enjoy cruising sans helmet. The risk factor in that ride is low, so I'm comfortable with it. Its not like I'm jumping on I-70 and playing in traffic. That situation demands a helmet.

So I'm about 50% time with and without the helmet. Its my choice.

Edited by scorpiot
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That's right all you daredevils I said


I don't see how you can campaign to re-enact a helmet law and not just try to ban motorcycles altogether. The same reasoning applies to both changes in the laws.

Joke or not, this WILL happen at some point in the future, mark my words.

Motorcycles will be banned on public roads, they will continue to operate on tracks, and by outlaws in small towns for a while, then not at all.

It'll be a while, but it will happen.

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  • 4 months later...

I'm bored today, so I'm reading through old posts, and I'm sure I'm going to revive something here, but I thought I'd weigh in.

I'm pretty against a helmet law, and against seatbelt laws as well. I wear a helmet every time I ride, but that's because I have to at the moment (endorsement less than a year - I didn't always before, but then got pulled over, which sucked, violating restrictions is a major misdemeanor, same as prostitution and DUI). In the past, I've worn a helmet some of the time, and not others.

I ride a cruiser right now, which I chose for a number of reasons, none of which involved taking risks (beyond the inherent risk of getting on a bike in the first place), so I don't feel terribly unsafe if I ride without a helmet around town, or the long way to work where I hit 55 once for a 1 mile stretch. If I'm on the highway, though, I'll always wear a lid. I'll also wear shorts and a tee shirt on a 100 degree day if I make the 2 mile trip to the store.

While there's some truth to "dress for the crash, not for the ride," there are some days where full gear is just too hot and too uncomfortable to be enjoyable - and that's absolutely a risk, but there are a hell of a lot more risky activities than riding without full gear.

A lot of that is because of the bike I ride, though. I plan on saving my pennies during the off-season for a bike for pure fun, a sport bike. I have no doubt that I'll ride with gear every time, since I know myself well enough to know that I'm going to want to have some fun every time I ride.

The insurance argument seems kind of silly to me. I'm not sure how lower insurance rates would be with helmet law - I pay $100/yr for great insurance. Part of that, again, is partly because of the bike I ride.

I guess the point is, I don't really want to be told that I MUST wear a helmet. I'll choose to wear one a lot of the time, and sometimes I won't, and it's my head that will hit the pavement.

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Yeah, that's never made much sense to me.

In a car with the windows up and the radio on, loud pipes do nothing for you in a blind spot. I've never really understood the loud pipes cock contest.

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Motorcycle fatalities are a multifaceted problem. It's not just the wearing of a helmet. It also must include the age and experience of the rider. And the type/size of motorcycle, in relation to what a rider may have ridden before.

It is also well known, that intoxication is a big factor. That should be dealt with also. Excessive road speed factors in also. Another is that riders with medical insurance, are survivors. I don't know why that works, but it should be mandatory for riders to have medical insurance for themselves and a passenger. Those items, along with wearing a helmet, eliminate about 80% of the fatalities.

Now the other part. 80% of fatalities also are from either collision with a vehicle in an intersection, or failure to negotiate a curve or turn in the road. Split evenly about half and half. Therefore, if all intersections and corners/curves were eliminated, same result. 80% reduction in fatalities.

Take your pick, neither will happen overnight.

Edited by ReconRat
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I don't know why, but it should be mandatory for riders to have medical insurance for themselves and a passenger. Those items, along with wearing a helmet, eliminate about 80% of the fatalities.

That part has kind of been taken care of.

In my MSF class, they taught that most fatalities are the result of improper cornering. I hate to say it, but requiring MSF courses might go a long way in reducing fatalities. I've been riding for years, but I learned a lot in my class, and they spend a lot of time on cornering, and proper cornering is actually the most highly weighted part of the skills assessment portion of the class.

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I've found myself preaching mandatory helmet use while riding but fall short convincing the die hards. The arguments against helmet use are the same; government meddling and "if I go down I want to go quick". I usually don't have much of a rebuttal after that except the potential risk of being in a vegetative state after a minor low speed crash+head into curb.

That's when I give up, "to each their own" and don't go down near me.

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I'm definitely not for helmet laws. Yes, if I go on trips I wear my track gear, and if I'm going on a short trip I'll wear the helmet, armored jacket, and back protector. There are a few occasions where it's nice to break the rules.

I have my own guidelines for wearing my helmet...

There are a few instances I don't wear a helmet, and it, like magley64, usually involves speeds at which I can ride a bicycle.

1. Cruising through the park with the scenery and nature sounds blending with the sweet sound of a v-twin.

2. Riding down the block to fill up the bike before putting it in the garage.

3. Going down the street to pick up a video, lottery ticket, burger; or go to the gym.

4. When riding down the sidewalks.

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Another time I don't wear a helmet is when I go out to photograph. Photography has been a hobby of mine for a long time, and I stop and get off the bike 10 or 20 times in half an hour sometimes, which makes the helmet a pain in the ass.


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