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Fucking cab driver threw something at my car


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This was almost a kill story. I thought I was going to kill this guy.


So, I'm on High street tonight, heading north around campus. I'm in the right lane and no one is going fast, there’s no odd action going on or anything like that. Just regular traffic going slow. The car in front of me puts his signal on to turn right. I checked and the left lane was wide open. So I signal left and start to turn. This Cab behind me jumps out and try's to turn out and around me. My front end is already in the lane, and my signal was on. I finish my lane change and he's on my bumper, and then shines a spot light in my mirror. I change back to the right lane and we are next to each other at the light in front of Taco Bell. I put my window down and said "what the hell are you shinning a light at me for"? He claimed I cut him off. By this time I had my light out. It's a Surefire flashlight. If you haven't heard of Surefire, it's the small Super fucking bright light that S.W.A.T. mounts on their MP5's. I used it when I was in Iraq to signal car's to get away from my convoy. Anyway, I shine the guy with it and tell him it sucks doesn’t it. That's when he decides to throw a rock or something and hits my rear quarter panel. The light had turned green and their was no one in front of me. I mash the gas to pull up and get away from the guy. I go up about 100 ft and pull over. He is stuck behind a few cars. A cop pulls up right behind me and saw me take off. This is the best I've ever seen a cop in the right place at the right time. Granted, he thought I was driving erratically. I yelled back to the cop to grab that cab "He just hit my car with something". He tells the cab to pull over. Cab driver says he didn't throw anything. Whatever he threw did leave a mark though. The cop didn't see it happen, but said I could file a report. All this time the guy is being a dick to the, now 4 cops. He was smarting of to them trying to get them to hurry. He told them if I filed a report I would have to wait there for like 3 hours till someone from his insurance company can see the damage I claim he did. The cop said “no he doesn't". "When I tell him he can leave, then he can". Then the cop takes my report and makes the guy wait. The cops were very cool and understanding. They weren't taking sides, but they didn't give me shit for taking off like I did, and my tires were getting no traction.

The damage isn't bad. I probably won't mess with it. I just wanted something to take to his company and report him, if I decide to. No one saw him throw anything, so I don't really have anything on him. The guy’s just a lying asshole and lost money having to deal with this because he wanted to throw shit.

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I had one ( taxi ) riding my ass while I was on a test drive at work a few weeks ago. We got to a traffic light and I was first at the light, the taxi proceeded to get into the left turn only lane. When the light turned, he took off like a bat outta hell and cut in front of me, on top of this he had a passenger in back seat. So I quickly got close enough to the cab to get the number off of the back of the car then I slowed back down to the posted speed limit. Got back to work, parked the car and saw that the taxi was waiting at the light in front of the shop. So I told the driver what I thought about his driving, and he told me I was a stupid american and needed to learn to allow to faster vehicles to pass. (this all took place on a residential road, courtright, between refugee and livingston ) Well, then I went off about him not knowing the driving laws of this country, and how he needed to go back to where he came from, using some *choice* terms for his nationality, he then told me to fuck off, and left. Well I called yellow taxi and told them what their driver was doing ect. Weather or not it really did any good, I dobut it, but I felt better. I really wish that I had a button to magically send fuckers like that back their third world sand box country.
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I had one ( taxi ) riding my ass while I was on a test drive at work a few weeks ago. We got to a traffic light and I was first at the light, the taxi proceeded to get into the left turn only lane. When the light turned, he took off like a bat outta hell and cut in front of me, on top of this he had a passenger in back seat. So I quickly got close enough to the cab to get the number off of the back of the car then I slowed back down to the posted speed limit. Got back to work, parked the car and saw that the taxi was waiting at the light in front of the shop. So I told the driver what I thought about his driving, and he told me I was a stupid american and needed to learn to allow to faster vehicles to pass. (this all took place on a residential road, courtright, between refugee and livingston ) Well, then I went off about him not knowing the driving laws of this country, and how he needed to go back to where he came from, using some *choice* terms for his nationality, he then told me to fuck off, and left. Well I called yellow taxi and told them what their driver was doing ect. Weather or not it really did any good, I dobut it, but I felt better. I really wish that I had a button to magically send fuckers like that back their third world sand box country.


And people wonder why everyone hates America. Get an education, you racist ignorant piece of shit.

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If the cab driver I had a run in with was not an American, I don't know what I would have done. I am very happy their was a cop there and how it was handled. All I can say is I am reporting him to his company(probably won't do any good) and looking into going through his insurance for the damage. Again, I probably won't get anywhere, but I'lll feel better than just dropping it.


Greasemonkey, other than the words you may have used. I don't think you did anything wrong. You can't come into this country and run around like a degenerate on the roads. I would love to shoot a car with a paint ball everytime I see no turn signal or other stupid shit. Then people would know, hey that guy drives like an asshole.

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I love when the true ignorace of CR is exposed.


The general consensus here at CR generally revolves around the fact that you DON'T FUCK WITH ANOTHER PERSON'S CAR, NO MATTER WHAT. There could be a bigass truck that cuts you off, a brainless ricer that redlines in 2nd for three miles straight trying to make you race, or just another dumbass cabbie, but you take your beef up with the driver, not the automobile. I think for the most part, everyone agrees with that; as long as they didn't fuck yo' momma, or kill your sister, their car is sacred. You can bust teeth all day long, though.


I love when ever so often, though, someone makes a dumb comment like "man, I'd love to fuck his car up" or "why don't all you sand n*****s go back to the middle east!?"


Disclaimer: I don't think middle easterners are any less human than I am. I do not have a superiority complex about races or social classes. I do have a superiority complex about uneducated ignorant racist bastards that fail to see that the cause of the problems festering in the Middle East and in terrorist organizations all over the world is caused more by the unwillingness to comprehend and/or accept the alternate beliefs of other fellow humans than it is blatant acts of aggression. I fully support G-dub in his attempt to mollify the situation in Iraq, but people need to stop believing everything they're told, maybe do a little research, and develop an opinion of their own instead of what 'the Party' tells them to think.



this is great kitchen material

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Auctually 10xthecockloving, I've been in an area where I had to deal with these ass holes every day. They are the ignorant ones. They come over here and think that we as americans own them something. It's bullshit. I don't like those people ( as a whole ) And simply wish they would leave. Yes, there are some that are cool, I have met a few, but the old saying is true.... A few bad apples ruin the whole crop.


And I honestly resent you calling me a racist. Hell, you don't even know me. When I first acquired that job, I really tried hard to be fair and nice to everyone. Yet in the end, I just got tired of the headaches. So really, YOU are the ignorant one. When you get a real job, in the real world, and see how things really are, not just what you read on the intraweb, or see in the news, then you can make an educated statement about me and my opinions.


On a side note, Jon, please explain why you would like to ban me??? I have not broken, nor come close to breaking any rules. 10xthecockloving has come much closer to that line than I.


Also, I would not have said anything to cab driver about his nationality, except that he insulted mine directly and first.

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You're right 10xWorse, everyone is ignorant but you. Why don't you go to another country and act like a complete jackass and see what they do to you. Not only will they call you every name in the book, but most likely you will be gutted like a fish, and we are the ones who are racist biggots? Most of us try to make an honest living, just to have some thug taxi driver from God knows where, throw a rock at my car. I dont think so. Hell he probably doesnt even pay taxes. Keep stickin up for people like that, they'll stab you in the back and take everything you got in your pockets, you poor bastard.
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I saw some white dudes slip over a car on campus once an dlight it on fire. i guess all white people are bad since a few bad apples ruin the crop.


sweet8tooth, where is your family from, don't say america unless ur native american.



why can't people just be assholes. instead of derogatory names + asshole.

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Sweet8, what country have you lived in where you would be "gutted like a fish"? I'm interested to hear about your firsthand experience.


One of the things that makes this country great is that Rick has the right to spout off as much inane racist bullshit as he likes. Hell, we all do. I don't have to agree with his ignorant elitist opinion, but I do need to respect his inalienable right to express it.

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One of the things that makes this country great is that Rick has the right to spout off as much inane racist bullshit as he likes. Hell, we all do. I don't have to agree with his ignorant elitist opinion, but I do need to respect his inalienable right to express it.

Thank you. Just like the nazi party in toledo, they had a right. They filed for the permits. Aint gota like it, but damnit its a right.

I got alot to say on that, but ill save that for its own thread if someone else manages to get one started.

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10xWorse posted = And people wonder why everyone hates America. Get an education, you racist ignorant piece of shit.


Perhaps my friend YOU'RE the one that needs an education???? Admittedly Grease Monkey's statements could've been made a little more eloquently but here's some points that unfortunately are the way it is in waaay too many scenario's that involve folks that have come to America (middle easterners, somalians, to name a few).


* Many of them & I (assume) they're the lower classes from their respective countries are very very good at taking advantage of the American system / ie our country pays for their medical insurance. Us working stiffs PAY FOR OUR OWN MEDICAL INSURANCE, if we can't afford med ins - then we don't have any because our country won't pay for ours

* additionally they also can & do recieve in many instances free education / again we as American citizens DO NOT recieve this benefit

* to add to all of this, I've personally observed rudeness like - cutting me off on the road, cutting in line in front of me at the store because they're in a hurry, demanding certain things from store clerks, gas station attendants, etc


Is every person from another country like this? NO. But in todays AMERICA things are different - you'd do yourself justice by opening your eyes to whats going on around you, before you post how ignorant CR members are. Actually we're quite a diverse group and an intelligent group as well. We may not always articulate our thoughts & positions the correct way, but if you read between the lines, you may find the message is in fact on target -

I don't care where someone is from, their nationality, if they do or don't believe in a God. If their good people & treat me right / I'm going to treat them the same. If they're "tools" then they should recieve the same as they're handing out -

Now on to the "kitchen" -----

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* Many of them & I (assume) they're the lower classes from their respective countries are very very good at taking advantage of the American system / ie our country pays for their medical insurance. Us working stiffs PAY FOR OUR OWN MEDICAL INSURANCE, if we can't afford med ins - then we don't have any because our country won't pay for ours


I thought if u didn't have insurance u didn't get medical service? all a hospital is allowed to do is get you stable and then kick your ass out.


* additionally they also can & do recieve in many instances free education / again we as American citizens DO NOT recieve this benefit

How does the free education work? U mean to say people can't go to public schools? That is paid for by taxes, which if i understand correctly immigrants pay a higher rate.


* to add to all of this, I've personally observed rudeness like - cutting me off on the road, cutting in line in front of me at the store because they're in a hurry, demanding certain things from store clerks, gas station attendants, etc


I've been cut off and all those other things by White people too and people from other races. The point i'm trying to make is assholes are assholes. no need to make shitty comments that could insult other people.

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How does the free education work? U mean to say people can't go to public schools? That is paid for by taxes, which if i understand correctly immigrants pay a higher rate.


Hey Berto, I believe he is refering to free college...


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Hey Berto, I believe he is refering to free college...


ok then how does that work. I'd like to cash in on that.


If he is reffering to scholarships.

-Instead of blaming shit on foreigners why don't Americans take control of their situation and get better grades?

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ok then how does that work. I'd like to cash in on that.


If he is reffering to scholarships.

-Instead of blaming shit on foreigners why don't Americans take control of their situation and get better grades?


Didnt you receive a scholorship not based on your highschool academics?


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