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Fucking cab driver threw something at my car


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I agree with Marc to a certain extent, insofar as (1) I'm against affirmative action and (2) I see affirmative action as a form of reverse discrimination.


Mojoe - I was glad to hear things turned out the way they did in your incident. It sounds like at least a small measure of justice was served to that jackass.

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Thanks to several of you that have "tried" to get this thread back on track. 10xworse with your old mopar or whatever, please "try" to read the posts that are answering yours?? I NEVER was talking about civilized people that act responsibly & try to follow the rules like "most" of us that were born here. I'm not talking about Australians, English, Germans, French (welll the French is currently a different story), Italians, Irish, Russians, Blacks, etc. My comments are regarding a number of people that are mid eastern, somali's, and the like that are taking advantage of what we've got here. It sounds like your proud of your own heritage & based the few paragraphs you posted today / YOU SHOULD BE. Now to answer your condecending comments that were directed at me =


* my families were from Germany & Italy

* both sides were dirt poor & many times were treated poorly (but they told me they never got free college, jumped in front of people, nor got free med ins)

* also both families (my Mom & Dad) had 10 children each

* they lived thru the depression

* several of my Uncles fought for this country against THEIR OWN countries of Germany & Italy. Thats correct oh 10xworse. They fought against Nazi's, the persecuting of the Jews, & the Japanese that killed thousands at Pearl Harbor

* me? I served during the Viet Nam era for THIS COUNTRY FROM 1972 - 1974


Sooooo my friend lets stay on the original topic, or better yet, let this unfortunate thread end now (please)

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My comments are regarding a number of people that are mid eastern, somali's, and the like that are taking advantage of what we've got here.

taking advantage of what this country had to offer....isn't that why all of our anscestors came here for?

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They came here for the land of opitunity. The only goverment hand out was 40 acres of land in the midwest for them to work a living on. The amount of goverment handouts that we as taxpayers are funding is redicoulous. A person can come over the border illegaly and have a child here, then stay here to raise that child. They dont even hafto get a job. The can file for section 8 housing and pay $32 a month for rent, get food stamps, welfare, and other fine goverment provided benefits.

Its a far cry from the ancestors that came over to earn a living and respected the country.

Also, any imigrant that comes here and calls us stupid americans, or expects me to let them in front of me in line because they feel they are entitled to it, fuck em.

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They came here for the land of opitunity. The only goverment hand out was 40 acres of land in the midwest for them to work a living on. The amount of goverment handouts that we as taxpayers are funding is redicoulous. A person can come over the border illegaly and have a child here, then stay here to raise that child. They dont even hafto get a job. The can file for section 8 housing and pay $32 a month for rent, get food stamps, welfare, and other fine goverment provided benefits.

Its a far cry from the ancestors that came over to earn a living and respected the country.

Also, any imigrant that comes here and calls us stupid americans, or expects me to let them in front of me in line because they feel they are entitled to it, fuck em.

40 acres is still a hand out.


Instead of complaining about people being lazy (because i'm sure no americans are on welfare), why not do something about it, write your congressman tell your government you want these laws change.


Its easy to complain rather than to try to reform the policies.

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Berto, I can agree with the above. But tell me this doesn’t piss you off. When I was in the Marines my unit was called to an undisclosed location to protect several thousand middle easterners. Sadaim (sp) said he was going to kill the people and families of those that he believes assisted the U.S. in the Gulf War. We evacuated many people and made them U.S. citizens. Here's the piss you off part. Many of them were educated and brought allot of money here with them. We found them housing and set them up with EVERYTHING, from towels to food and cars and jobs. Plus, they were guaranteed at $10,000.00 note from a lending institution with no personal collateral. And, if they defaulted on this loan the loan was to be forgiven for the U.S. government to pay. I’m not sure of the exact details on that though. So what if everyone was given a $10,000.00 pot to start life with? Why again do we have homeless veterans?
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Berto, I can agree with the above. But tell me this doesn’t piss you off. When I was in the Marines my unit was called to an undisclosed location to protect several thousand middle easterners. Sadaim (sp) said he was going to kill the people and families of those that he believes assisted the U.S. in the Gulf War. We evacuated many people and made them U.S. citizens. Here's the piss you off part. Many of them were educated and brought allot of money here with them. We found them housing and set them up with EVERYTHING, from towels to food and cars and jobs. Plus, they were guaranteed at $10,000.00 note from a lending institution with no personal collateral. And, if they defaulted on this loan the loan was to be forgiven for the U.S. government to pay. I’m not sure of the exact details on that though. So what if everyone was given a $10,000.00 pot to start life with? Why again do we have homeless veterans?

that sure is alot of shit and seems unreasonable. But i've never had my life and my familiy's life threatened because i helped the invading country against my own government. Maybe by doing this the government is trying to eliminate the people andrew discussed are on welfare and don't do shit. eventually those 10k run out and u gotta start doing some shit, but you got a fair shot.


about the veterans...yeah its not right how they are treated in some cases, but isn't all this something else that can be addressed by asking the government for reform?

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There is no reverse discrimination. It's all the same.


No it's not, at least not from my perspective. Affirmative action was designed - again, from my perspective - to combat discrimination. However, affirmative action, designed to combat discrimination, actually results in people being discriminated against. That's what I see as the reverse discrimination. Sure, you could argue semantics, and say discrimination is discrimination, whether it's "reverse," or "forward," or "sideways," or whatever, and that'd be fine.

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40 acres is still a hand out.


Instead of complaining about people being lazy (because i'm sure no americans are on welfare), why not do something about it, write your congressman tell your government you want these laws change.


Its easy to complain rather than to try to reform the policies.

I know there are lots of americans on welfare. Thier vote counts as much as mine, thats why the program wont go away. Liberals will ensure that. I have writen and called my elected representatives. I express my opinion to them.

Do you talk to your representatives, or do you feel that the system is fine they way it is?

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I was well versed on political issues in highschool, thanks to my american history teacher but lately i've been so busy i don't think i am up to date on issues enough to make the representatives time worthwhile. maybe when i graduate in the spring some time will open up.
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...the program wont go away. Liberals will ensure that.


I disagree with that. Most people would not mind welfare or affirmative action wiped out. The problem you will find is that no congressman wants to propose the idea. If it was proposed by a well known politician, it would end his career. If there is a candidate who we would expect to propose something like that, chances are he would be the type that few would take seriously.

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