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Racist Bastards

El Karacho1647545492

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Per request, I've made this a new thread. This is quoted exactly from another thread.


I love when the true ignorace of CR is exposed.


The general consensus here at CR generally revolves around the fact that you DON'T FUCK WITH ANOTHER PERSON'S CAR, NO MATTER WHAT. There could be a bigass truck that cuts you off, a brainless ricer that redlines in 2nd for three miles straight trying to make you race, or just another dumbass cabbie, but you take your beef up with the driver, not the automobile. I think for the most part, everyone agrees with that; as long as they didn't fuck yo' momma, or kill your sister, their car is sacred. You can bust teeth all day long, though.


I love when ever so often, though, someone makes a dumb comment like "man, I'd love to fuck his car up" or "why don't all you sand n*****s go back to the middle east!?"


Disclaimer: I don't think middle easterners are any less human than I am. I do not have a superiority complex about races or social classes. I do have a superiority complex about uneducated ignorant racist bastards that fail to see that the cause of the problems festering in the Middle East and in terrorist organizations all over the world is caused more by the unwillingness to comprehend and/or accept the alternate beliefs of other fellow humans than it is blatant acts of aggression. I fully support G-dub in his attempt to mollify the situation in Iraq, but people need to stop believing everything they're told, maybe do a little research, and develop an opinion of their own instead of what 'the Party' tells them to think.



this is great kitchen material

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Anybody know any white jokes? There are millions of other racist jokes but I've never heard any white ones.. besides the lame redneck ones.


haha i was just talking with a friend about this like 2 days ago... i want to hear some white jokes too.

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That one is kind of a fill in the blank, it can apply to anyone.


Here's an entertaining story on racism, in our own state.




some people look for any reason to loot.

hurricane, lets look

nazi march lets loot

out of toliet paper at home, lets loot.


anyone goot a picture of the NO looter? cant post mine as i dont got hosting space (cofba)

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It’s not a white joke but funny none the less.


I think it was written and performed by Jackie "the Joke Man" Martling


My friend and I are at the bar, we are having a great time and it's getting late.

The next thing I see and hear is a guy staring at me screaming:




I try to ignore it,




I try even harder to ignore it.




I couldn't let it go any farther, so I yell:



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I assume that none of you laugh, even a little while watching Blazing Saddles, or Archie Bunker, right???


And if you can't say that you don't luagh, then sitting here saying your not racist is silly.


No one here is using the screen name of Baldur von Schirach. (he was real evil, look it up) and promoting hate. But we must attempt to be half way politically correct. Well that is unless it has to do with a woman, and then it's open season on women, but not Anthony's wife. But Leianni (or what ever her name is) is a target, and any ex-GF as well.


Yall really should make up your minds about who it's alright to offend and post a list.

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Fuck that shit, gangbangers should all be put in a giant arena with sharpened spoons and be made to kill each other off as we watch on television. If you're in a gang, you're too fucking stupid to think for yourself.


Thank you for that random, yet insightful post...


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Fuck that shit, gangbangers should all be put in a giant arena with sharpened spoons and be made to kill each other off as we watch on television. If you're in a gang, you're too fucking stupid to think for yourself.


You mean something like... umm, I don't know... Prison?

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