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OSU Parking Ticket?


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I'm never on campus, but Sunday COS was having an event that took me on campus for a few minutes. I parked for about 15 minutes tops. I accidently parked in a cab zone, one space over from an "legal" parking spot. There was plenty of parking because it was a Sunday after 5 PM.


I come back to my car 15 minutes later, and it has a $30 parking ticket on it. :(


Do I actually have to pay this stupid thing? What will happen if I don't?


Thanks! :)

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if you go to OSU and have your car registered with them (ie you bought a parking pass, so they know that car belongs to you) then you wont be able to schedule classes or graduate until you pay it.


if you dont go there, or you do, but dont have your car registered (like me) then you can probably just throw it away... they may send you a letter or something, but nothing will ever happen. they arent going to come to your house looking for you...


however, if you park illegally on campus again, and they catch you, they MAY tow you or put a boot on your wheel... or they may just write you another ticket.


i recall hearing that they wouldnt tow you unless you had like 300 dollars of outstanding tickets or something, but i dont know if that is true or not...

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ok just looked, an its 50 dollars


Transportation and Parking Services is authorized to remove, immobilize, impound, and/or enter motor vehicles on University property at the owner's expense. Vehicles may be immobilized or impounded if the vehicle:


* is illegally parked in a disability space, state vehicle space, or loading zone

* constitutes a traffic or safety hazard

* has more than $50.00 in unpaid citations not on appeal

* displays a counterfeit or altered permit

* displays a permit not registered to the individual driving the vehicle.


Permit holders and/or vehicles with more than $50.00 in unpaid citations not on an appeal are subject to an Impound Warning. An Impound Warning allows an additional 48-hour period to pay the citations in full. An Impound Warning does not expire until a zero ($0.00) balance exists for the permit holder and/or vehicle.



Anyone with unpaid parking fines will not be permitted to register a vehicle nor purchase a permit of any type until the fines have been paid.


Any student with an unpaid citation is placed on student hold status. This prevents the student from registering for the following quarter or from obtaining his/her transcripts, grades, and financial aid.

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I had something to the effect of $200.00 in parking tickets from osu. All they did was send me a notice every 6 months or so, and ask me to pay it. The only reason I paid it was at the time, my cars were registered in my mothers name, they were signed over to me shortly after i got the tickets. Nothing was ever put on my moms report... she got pulled over and they had no outstanding tickets. I'd just throw it away :)


~Jenn aka PonyPimpstress

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Wow all sorts of wrong in this post. You got a ticket for parking in the wrong place. I would go down to Traffic and parking and explain to them your situation, there are good chances you will get out of it. 1. If you have your car registered with OSU it is correct that you will not be able to register for classes/graduate. 2. If you're car is not registered with OSU and you think you don't have to pay it think again. They will send the ticket to a collections agency and it will go on your credit report. If you have bad credit kudos you can continue the trend. If you don't pay the ticket else you may find out that it will hurt you later on in life.


Kyle G.

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Well now I'm not sure what to do. I have good credit. So I don't want that on my record. It's really not worth my time to go down to OSU. Not to mention I would probably have to pay for parking. :roleeyes:


It really burns me up.

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If you're car is not registered with OSU and you think you don't have to pay it think again. They will send the ticket to a collections agency and it will go on your credit report.


ive thrown away at least 5 tickets from OSU and i have never recived a letter from a credit agency.


All they did was send me a notice every 6 months or so, and ask me to pay it.



she got pulled over and they had no outstanding tickets.


i dont think parking tickets go on your police record. ive gotten pulled over with outstanding parking tickets before and the cops never said anything.

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Yea, but it's such a crap ticket. I'd pay a parking ticket to the CPD, but this is a flipping OSU metermaid. I was there for 15 minutes on a Sunday evening.


I'll probably pay it, but OSU will never get another dime from me....ever.


It's $30 for Christ's sake. I just made $30 typing this sentence. Pay it already and don't park there anymore. The end.
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So many memories of the campus police. We do alot of work on campus. About 2 years ago I had one of the tow companies try to tow my box truck. F550 weighs about 30000#. Said I needed a permit. I told him I would be sitting on one of the benches while he tried. Needless to say the little truck they sent out came right up off the ground. While he was leaving to let a bigger wrecker in there I just drove away. I was laughing, he wasnt.
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Yea, but it's such a crap ticket. I'd pay a parking ticket to the CPD, but this is a flipping OSU metermaid. I was there for 15 minutes on a Sunday evening.


I'll probably pay it, but OSU will never get another dime from me....ever.

Becasue paying 30 bucks that goes to support the finances of a learning insitution is stupid, right?

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Don't give me that argument. They aren't hurting for money, no matter what they say. They just don't know how to spend it properly.


I've paid plenty of money to learning institutions over the years.


Becasue paying 30 bucks that goes to support the finances of a learning insitution is stupid, right?
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yeah, what he said!


I think OSU's tution should pay PLENTY of their bills..outrageous crap..

He said he would rather give the money to the city of Columbus. That is fucking stupid, and if you agree with him i will officially think less of you.


So are you saying CPD > Learning insitution ?


Just so I know where you stand.

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He said he would rather give the money to the city of Columbus. That is fucking stupid, and if you agree with him i will officially think less of you.


So are you saying CPD > Learning insitution ?


Just so I know where you stand.


Well see the thing is, his opinion will ALWAYS out vote anyone on heres opionion, as he is my HUSBAND.


And yes the ticket was BS. I would agree to paying a city ticket, because their signs are plainly marked. The spot we were in wasnt marked very well, and we thought we had parked in the right spot.

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Well see the thing is, his opinion will ALWAYS out vote anyone on heres opionion, as he is my HUSBAND.


And yes the ticket was BS. I would agree to paying a city ticket, because their signs are plainly marked. The spot we were in wasnt marked very well, and we thought we had parked in the right spot.

What does him being your husband have to do with anything we are talking about in this thread.


Opps edit: I see you would rather pay a CPD ticket. Which makes zero sence. Becasue OSU has too much money from all the tuition they charge right? Ya I can see how you would want to give 30 dollars to a city that has had many people stealing the money, or that has lazy city workers that waste hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, mney that could be spent on more police, fire, or the local schooling. Or a city who's own Mayor cannot keep his drunk wife off the streets.


Saying you would rather pay a CPD ticket over an OSU ticket is just unintelligent and non forward thinking. If you don't like the way campus has their parking marked don't park down there. But to fail to read the signs and then to come on a web forum to bitch about it is also stupid.


If you have children I hope you don't not pass this same attitude on to them. That way when they speed due to their failure to know the law is they don't say there was no sign to tell them what to do.


Oh and it's 30 dollars. Come on.

It costs 30 dollars to drive to my motherlaws house and back.

It costs 30 dollars for 2 people to go to the movies.

30 dollars is one meal for 2 people at a chain resturant.

30 dollars will pay 1/8 my electric bill this month.

30 dollars will buy one board game.

30 dollars is a few blockbuster rentals.


Wow. If I posted this on this web forum and MY wife saw it she would more than likely tell me what and idiot I am. Then I would say well if it was CPD I would have no problem with it. At that point I would expect to get slapped and walked away from while she mumbles idiot under her breath.

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Parking tickets like parking passes should be used to control parking. There is no reason for a meter maid to be out on a Sunday evening when there is plenty of parking.


Yea, I'm pretty sure all the public parking on streets is free on a Sunday in downtown Columbus. The CPD is not writing parking tickets at 5:15 PM on a Sunday.


Also I said didn't say that I would rather my money would go to the city of Columbus. I said I'd pay a CPD ticket before a OSU ticket, because at least it's a real city police force, and not campus police.


He said he would rather give the money to the city of Columbus. That is fucking stupid, and if you agree with him i will officially think less of you.


So are you saying CPD > Learning insitution ?


Just so I know where you stand.

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I would pay a CPD ticket before a OSU ticket. My 30 bucks would have a better chance of benefiting me (minimal at best) on paying for schools, roads, police, ect... If I pay an OSU ticket I get no dollars coming back my way at all possible.


I agree though it is 30 bucks, I wouldn't post about it on the web.........

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