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WOW! I've learned alot here I'm glad I posted.

Thanks Mithesaint for all the information about the hip problems and how to help prevent problems later on.

Damreds, I didn't want him to have the raw hide because I've always heard that they're bad for dogs, but he didn't ahve anything else to chew on the first night he was home and I was afraid for my furniture!! :) I'll try the Greenies next time I go to Meijer's.


Koolaidman- He's just a hair from that. His problem is after he jumps the car and takes ya down he licks you to death!! I do want to get him into some training after the first of the year.


Ponypimpstress- I would love to see pictures of your Shep.


Fordstang2000GT- That's the best looking bulldog I've ever seen. Much better than the short, pug faced looking ones. What are those called?


Hoblick and new wife- (congrats BTW) Thanks, Your right golden retrievers are the win too.


Thanks to everyone for all the great comments. I really found out his strength yesterday at the park. koby wanted to visit with the other dogs so bad he pulled my girlfriend along like she was a ragdoll. I felt like I just got done power lifting for an hour after the walk around. When I would adjust his collar to be right behind his ears and not way down on his neck he would walk almost perfectly beside me, but as soon as I let tension off his leash he wated to pick up the pase and then start dragging me. Can anyone reccommend a good collar for him? I have one that looks like something out of a S&M movie. It has a bunch of spikes almost all the way around it and when I did try it it worked great, but I think there has to be a better way. It hurtsme just see him with it on.

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Guest mithesaint

Don't bother with the spiked collars. They get used to the poke of the spikes after a short time, and they're no more effective than any other collar. I've got a "greyhound collar" for my Dobie mix. It works roughly like the chain collars in that pulling on the leash tightens it up. It tightens uniformly around the neck without pinching. It's made out of the same material most leashes are made out of. Heavy canvas? Not sure exactly what it is. Anyway, I like it a lot, but some people don't like them because there is no quick release buckle. FWIW, he broke the last collar with a buckle! Sorry, can't find a link for this collar anywhere. I bought it at Petsmart. Works GREAT for me.


Some people like using something called a gentle leader. It's merely a halter type of apparattus that goes around their nose and behind their ears. Its NOT a muzzle, and it's NOT painful. Slightly uncomfortable at first, but other wise fine. I've never used one personally, but I know a lot of people with dogs that are difficult to walk on a leash that LOVE the Gentle leader. Ask anyone that has ever showed cattle or horses. You have to control the head to control the animal, and typical collars do nothing for controlling the head. The gentle leader does. Link below. I think. I suck at the interweb! HTH



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