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You guys won't believe it. 95Olds' sister and I have been fucking lately, and tonight she brought me his diary that she found. The best entry (and the one that was written in the closest resemblance of english) went like this:


"Omg Diyury, I mizs you so much wen im at wurk LOL. Fur some reezun, stoopid boss guy thinx that joo detreckt (sp? lol im so tyrd i cnt spel) frm my flor sweping. Iv ben spindeng lots off tym nxt to ppl wif fast carz nuts laytly, and it shur iz geting hawt dwn here. yud be teh bast diyry evar if joo mayd me sum limonayd, keke. Oh wowaz, I hrt yu soooo much. Luv, Rabbert. xoxocoxoxox"






Just figured that I'd share. Needless to say, I haven't laughed this hard at a piece of literature since I read John Kerry's presidential platform.


PS: Rabbert, if you get mad about the sister part, then you're too hillbilly even for the Dukes.

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People not allowed to post in this thread:


-Marc (Don't ruin a good thing)

-Devil Ben (as much as you love to hold my jock, I'm doing fine by myself. Thanks, though)

- Jesse (If you habitually pass out after one drink, then what would replying to a thread with this level of ownage do to you?)

-Tinman (You should spend more time in your "garage" listening to techno and fooling around with all that ancient technology that's shoved carelessly under your AutoZone hood. Bitch.)

-Dj Flex (Nobody wants to hear from a cell-phone jockey who drives an amphibious car. Seriously.)

-Eli ( Intelligence is something that, while harming most of the people on the board, is appreciated by the rest of us who know where our feet are located. Go find some, then report back. I might have some Gummi bears for you if you don't hurt yourself.)

-Anthony (Please don't waste any energy on typing. With a 400-calorie-a-day diet, you can't really do anything besides think. On second thought, don't do that either. It must be a bitch to have to turn off the smoke detectors every time your brain moves a few neurons around.)

-Glenn (As far as I'm concerned, your PhD doesn't mean shit, and you certainly must have bought it. You display the coherence and and thought-formulation processes of one of Eli's children, and it's definitely the stupid one. Spend more time searching for penis-enlargement pills on the internet. Any one of the emails in your inbox could be the answer to your problems. Better hurry, or it will just shrink into your body.)

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-Dj Flex (Nobody wants to hear from a cell-phone jockey who drives an amphibious car. Seriously.)


if the car was amphibious, i would have just floated my happy ass out of the big ass puddle, wouldnt i? so much for higher education. i guess english isnt your major.


what does mom think about you borrowing the car for months at a time? you really ought to come visit more often. dont worry about the phone call man, between your unwashed self and your moms "baron von munchausen", shell smell you coming.


youd think with all the walking you do down there that youd find it easier to maintain your girlish figure. youre almost as big as me, man. and thats sayin something. guess ill have to sit ACROSS the table from you next time i want to get paid.


sorry to hijack your thread. who were we making fun of, again?


oh yeah, "rabbert". shit. you know, sometimes you talk shit about people, and then sometimes you just bite your knuckle and say "daaaammn." i think this is one of those times.


jon, poker tonight, make the trip. call me, smooches.

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  Da Troof said:
You guys won't believe it. 95Olds' sister and I have been fucking lately, and tonight she brought me his diary that she found. The best entry (and the one that was written in the closest resemblance of english) went like this:


"Omg Diyury, I mizs you so much wen im at wurk LOL. Fur some reezun, stoopid boss guy thinx that joo detreckt (sp? lol im so tyrd i cnt spel) frm my flor sweping. Iv ben spindeng lots off tym nxt to ppl wif fast carz nuts laytly, and it shur iz geting hawt dwn here. yud be teh bast diyry evar if joo mayd me sum limonayd, keke. Oh wowaz, I hrt yu soooo much. Luv, Rabbert. xoxocoxoxox"






Just figured that I'd share. Needless to say, I haven't laughed this hard at a piece of literature since I read John Kerry's presidential platform.


PS: Rabbert, if you get mad about the sister part, then you're too hillbilly even for the Dukes.






Can't wait to see the response to this. :popcorn: $10 says you won't be able to understand it.

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  Ricochet said:
fuck I want to play poker but I have plans.. I also want to buy your car. Fuck you for letting me test drive it :)



my bad, man. tell all your freinds.


seriously, whatplans do you have tonight that are cooler than poker? were not playing till nine. call me, mang.

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  Da Troof said:
"Omg Diyury, I mizs you so much wen im at wurk LOL. Fur some reezun, stoopid boss guy thinx that joo detreckt (sp? lol im so tyrd i cnt spel) frm my flor sweping. Iv ben spindeng lots off tym nxt to ppl wif fast carz nuts laytly, and it shur iz geting hawt dwn here. yud be teh bast diyry evar if joo mayd me sum limonayd, keke. Oh wowaz, I hrt yu soooo much. Luv, Rabbert. xoxocoxoxox"




Best work to date.

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  Da Troof said:

-Eli ( Intelligence is something that, while harming most of the people on the board, is appreciated by the rest of us who know where our feet are located. Go find some, then report back. I might have some Gummi bears for you if you don't hurt yourself.)



They've been in my pocket so they're all warm and squishy. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/images/icons/icon7.gif


Seriously, is that supposed to be an insult of some kind?

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