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liscense suspension questions


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Ok so yesterday i get a letter in the mail saying that my liscense is suspended, and i have to pay $125 to get it re-instated. The only thing is i got pulled over in june didnt have proof of insurance on me, so i had to send it in. so i go and pay the fine, and fax in a copy of my insurance card, lady says ok i will post this. so now i get this letter and it says that it was suspended. Any idea what i should do? who i should call? where i should go to talk to someone about this? thanks in advance.
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this was posted by me and not kspiatt.


I didn't know if they could actually help there or not, seeing as how they wouldn't be able to access the records unless they had been processed, and they obviously haven't or i would not have a suspended liscense.

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You have to go to the reinstatement office on alumcreek rd. If you recieved a letter saying it is suspended no amount of explaining is gonna help, you have to just provide to them what ever they want. If you don't like what they tell you, well then you have to file a motion before the county municipal court to reverse what ever you disagree with.
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