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just asking for some thoughts and ideas


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ok ok i know hooter is the big meeting spot on the east side, but we are getting kicked out of to many places to fast. i know we should have been kicked out of hooters saturday night but shit happens and cops suck. if we are let back in hooters this weekend its cool but where are we going to go if we get kicked out again. i mean where does everyone go. its sucha scattered mess that no one knows where to meet. just asking for some thoughts here
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well some guy in mustang i believe did i nice rolling burn out while leaving the parking lot. our wonderful cop rollin in the benz walked around and told everyone that "if anyone else squeels their tires leaving you guys are outa here". so about 30 minutes goes by, all is actually calm. then some dumb ass that came out of cali fitness did a rolling burn out behind the cop, on the other side of the parking lot in a red lexus or cadi. so needless to say, we were kicked out after that
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There are too many complete and total morons that go to the spots that can't figure out that "If I ack like a tool,spin my one wheel on my civic or rev my motor then they are going to kick me out AGAIN" so it does not matter if they kick us out becouse it will happen sooner or later and we might find a spot almost as nice and we will get thrown out of there too. Becouse people are dumb
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thats what i am saying, we need to have a back up spot to go to, cause when we get kicked out again everyone basically scatters. and there is no point in calling it a night cause you don't know where everyone is meeting.
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last summer a big group of us met at Target at Easton, nice big lot and there was one on duty cop that sat there to patrol but it was always calm and no problems....plus being that close to Easton maybe itll scare the stupid asses away from doing stupid things so much seein that there are a lot of cops around that area late on the weekends
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ok so if we get kicked out of hooters it is either to target at easton or hooters at polaris. how many people usually meet at each?


I've never met at either, and I've been out racing this season more than 95 percent of this board. Explaining why with respect to the Hooters at Polaris is easy - it's still being built. :) Explaining why with respect to the Target at Easton is almost as easy - I can't recall there even being a Target at Easton.


Billy, you sure you weren't referring to Target at Polaris?

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IExplaining why with respect to the Hooters at Polaris is easy - it's still being built. :)




There is a Target at Easton, but I'll be damned if I want to spend any time near there on a weekend.

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Maybe keep several places on rotation so the spots dont get burned out. Keeps the knuckleheads who only show up because they know where the place is from figuring it out. Trust me I have kids they cant remember more than 2 things at a time. Just so long as their all on the eastside.
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