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Good ol' fight


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Here I'll help you out. I'm 6'1, skinny, fuzzy, and I got long hair.

-Marc, shut up and play some halo with me.

-Jon, my hair gets me laid, deal with it. You use your stinky pinky, they both get the job done.

-Nther, you still suck.

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This is the start of a flame war. Rules are simple. Insult the guy above you or come back and reap havoc on someone who got you later. Bring your best, man with the best and most numerous shut downs wins. This is all in good fun, but vendettas are always welcome.





straight out of gay porn? let me straighten you younguns out....



i dont know this "zeev6" fruitcake from a hole in the fucking ground, but i know his type. yeah man, this guy has some serious self esteem issues, and probably has a fairly low self worth. i would go on to say that this kid probably got called names when he was in elementary school, and hes been holding onto that for a while. i imagine that now hes either hit the gym and rocked up a bit, perhaps with the aid of some steroids, mixed in a couple karate lessons/wrestling coaching/spending a day watching ufc 4 and thinks hes tough, OR, hes fallen into a crowd of people who acts like they "just dont give a fuck", and theyve talked him into the idea that he can whup somebody's ass, and given him the false courage that is also associated with consuming far too much alcohol. also, i think that if anyone is prone to beating his sister/mother/self, its more than likely him, and that also comes from the fact that he either received no attention as a child/got made fun of on the bus/had his lunch money stolen too many times/are french.


from these observations, i can deduce that if he was a real man, hed have called some of us on the phone and/or pm'd us about getting together to "work it out." or just gone over to somebody's house and stomped a mudhole in his face.


as thats not the case, i imagine that the first time myself, or any other male of the species for that matter, hits him in the face, he will fold like a cheap suit, and cry for quite some time. or spend most of the fight backpedalling or flat out running to avoid the beating he seems so interested in taking.


v6, you arent tough, no matter how many times you hit women and get away with it. you arent courageous, calling someone out in a public forum. and you arent smart, flaming someone for asking why you did that.


in conclusion, i think that this world would be much better off without you, and if no one in here feels froggy, i think that thats good......for you.


hows that for not knowing much about someone, tough guy?



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so far this thread sucks dick


if i wanted your opinion about anything, id ask whoever it is that has their hand up your ass that week. got something to add? add it. dont? shut the fuck up and let the smart kids play. i imagine you think it sucks because you cant understand most of it, what with us using all the big words like "the", and "we". i understand that its frustrating trying to fit in whilst wearing a helmet all the time, but thats no reason to be a "poopy-head" and try to ruin everyone elses fun. what did your nanny teach you about sharing?

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Guest No_Speed4_You

Da troff:


I've seen soom of your posts on this board and you're gayer the Richard Simmons fucking Elton John up the ass in the middle of Toys are Us wearing dresses while giving him a reach-around. And Orion likes sheep.

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First of all, you-off my planet. How many times do I have to flush you before you go away? Bunch of whiney bitches having nothing better to do than trying to punk each other out. Wanna fight, stick your head up your ass and fight for air. Anyone know how to set a laser printer to stun? Next time try to at least make the first sentence of your post make sense. Please dont give us visualisations(sp) of the last porno you just watched. Sorry its the best I got.
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Da troff:


I've seen soom of your posts on this board and you're gayer the Richard Simmons fucking Elton John up the ass in the middle of Toys are Us wearing dresses while giving him a reach-around. And Orion likes sheep.


Just for visualizing that in your head makes you a fucking homo. Nuff' said. :gay2:

That and the fact you drive an Eclipse.

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To talk about one's signature one should have something better than "Well I'll be dipped in shit".


Please dont give us visualisations(sp) of the last porno you just watched.


Please punch your English teacher for me.-ROTARDED


Ohhhhh, the irony.


:finger: :p

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