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Devils Advocate

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Basicly I'm sick of fuckers picking shit with me for no reason new. Same bull shit just because they think im an easy target. I say fuckum if they don't like me thats fine. So leave me the fuck alone. In life not everybody likes you .. and thats fine but when someone who dislikes you makes your life diffcult by running there fucking yap like some bitch with gossip disorder. So basicly I listed everything they could say about me.
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Uhm, wow. That's about all I can say. My three year old cousin puts together more competent sentences then those I've read in this thread.


A) Thorne is just Thorne. He'll always be a good target for the kitchen. He says the statement "nobody wants you here" is false, however he doesn't site specific people who do want him here. I'm curious, who wants you here Thorne?


B) Jon seriously needs to lay off the alcohol for awhile. Damn dude, your grammer is starting to get almost as bad as Thorne's.


C) This shit is getting old. Is it time for CR.WINTER.V.05??? I'm ready to start being an asshole.

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Ohh well ben is back look ben I told you to STFU befor and i say it again. And to site someone. Anthony Nuff said. And there are more why would i slist then so you can attack them too. Some Why don't you both grow up and find something to insult like your lack of content........



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Ohh well ben is back look ben I told you to STFU befor and i say it again. And to site someone. Anthony Nuff said. And there are more why would i slist then so you can attack them too. Some Why don't you both grow up and find something to insult like your lack of content........






How about you shut the fuck up you little fucking ass bitch?


Unless you want to suck on my cock, I suggest you keep your fucking mouth closed. You are everyone's ebitch. You always have been, and always will be. Pussy ass motherfucker...

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Ahhhh .. so should i list now every insult your gonna make ? how your gonna insult me my driving say im dumb . talk about ebrake stunt? how im a tool or a duche. Yeah I know what your gonna say before you even say it..


SO now what... Lets see what other fabrications you can make. !!! w00t I'm Teh Tr00f E-Thug...


If your so fucking E-leet name your game I will hand you your ass on a platter.


and if its IRL you want . Beer really anit that fast of a car so lets race.. Ha .



My wife is an English teacher. I just called her and told her to quit. It's hopeless.

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Yes again in my list of insult i expect to hear. You can't spell your grammar sucks blah blah blah.


Ever think it could be that i just don't think its worth my time to double check a post to a flame thread at me from a duche bag who starts shit all the time?

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cool! Since thats the case, I can stop posting in here and no one respond any more . You would also quit targeting me ? There no Kick me sign on my back. Imagine this your a guy who likes cars , Types bad ( you type faster then your fingers can work ) and your attacked on a weekly basis by the same people. Would that make you happy sad or indiffrent?


I'm gonna assume sad. or even angry.


In closing I've done nothing to deserve the bullshit you put on me. I've been punished for my crime ever herd of double jeopordy(SP)?

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The fact that you even put "(SP?)" in any of your posts is hysterical. I just made a large number of library patrons angry, thanks alot.



When people say "OMFGNOEZ ITS TEH INTERWAB AYE DUNT KARE WHAT I TYP LYK!" it makes me sad. I rarely, if ever, proof read posts before submitting them, unless they are over one or two paragraphs in length. Does that mean that my posts come out jumbled, incoherent, and worthless? No. People can still read EVERY SINGLE ONE of my un-proofread posts, even if most of them are spamming or making fun of creepy jackasses like you. Go fist yourself, BugBoy.

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There is no pity Party i just think its fucking pathetic to listen to you change your story left and right.. should i list AGAIN since the first time you did not understand all the things you would use as insults ... BUGBOY / Ebrake / Duche / tool come on fucker be orginaly. Hers a pencil right some shit down make it good and come back. All i said was you guys are PAB's. as for SP i put it because i actualy proof read the post. I'm sorry you have to use the library for internet access. Maybe someday you will have a Puter of your own.. I hope so then maybe just maybe at that point you will loose you childish nature. So eather say something orginaly or shut the fuck up. If you have something else to say Again orginal is the key here. then say it freedom of speech is cool.


Ever think i could just be typing at close to 90wpm and at that point i do make mistakes. ooooops sue me then.



Cliff notes.


Da troof is so cool he drives beer

Uses library computers

Can't think of his own insults.


Everything said in this thread is a repeat. So welcome to last week fuck head.



So let me end in saying

Troof grow up . If you can't maybe you need some help I hear that we have a crimnal pyschologish on this board. Maybe you should talk to him because someone with you personalty seems to be headed down the path to talk to him later.



Since your in school let me give you a tad hello this world


10 print " Da Tr00f Is Teh Winz0r !!!!!"

20 goto 10

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"be orginaly"


I can't think of my own insults, yet I'm one of the three or so people who can make their way around the kitchen without making themselves look like a fool? Alright, man, believe what you want to. I wouldn't regard your opinion very highly though, seeing as how you have trouble reading anything longer than a sentence or two.


If you notice a trend in the insults that people are throwing your way on a daily basis, then maybe, just MAYBE, the insults have some validity. Check into that one, it could change your life.


I'm at the library because I stopped here after class to do some schoolwork before I went back to my house. I do own a computer, though. Uhm... Nice try, I guess?


If you're content with being an illiterate creepass with a penchant for idiocy, then that's fine by me/anyone else that hates you. Just don't spread it around here, we have enough DOUCHEbags to deal with as it is.



Making fun of my vehicle listing being "beer" is neither funny nor "hep." It does make you look like an aging, humorless, pathetic excuse for a pussy, though. Keep it up, you might stumble upon a winner one of these days.

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As for making fun of you car beeing beer It just shows you imaturity to a T. Do you ever hear grown folk talk about how BEER IS TEH coolest. no you don't again your still a child stuck in a highschool mentality. Grow up.


Again same things said again.. YOU WIN THE BEER GAME


what do you win?/

Another beer.


Better get a 2 car garge.

So as said before. Shut up or Put up


My bike run's 14's ?

My car 15.0

And you name your Fav FPS

I'm un beeten at doom

Fighting games

Street fighter I'm not bad


So eather get a life or goto hell.

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