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I don't see where he says your car is faster. All I see is an admittance of higher numbers on a timeslip.


Do you need someone to explain the difference, like you did when you used the words that were too big?



"on paper" of course.


Awesome, you have a time slip with better numbers than I do. Thus, on paper, your Colt > my Z06. Yup, your Colt may, on paper, make my Z06 its bitch until proven otherwise,



So, if my ET is MUCH quicker, and my trap speed is BOAT loads faster, and he fucking admits to it...I dont know what else to say to you!


I though you were one of the 2 smartest?


Holy crap this just gets better and better!

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So let me get this straight, so since you posted the above statements-they are all fact and I have to prove you wrong, and these same fictitious claims somehow make me your bitch?


Right. See, sometimes it doesn't take you two or three times to catch on.


And BTW- I send you an Emial of my fully erect cock, as many names/pics of bitched I have had that I can remember, My official IQ, My W2, and my ID# on Onemodelsouce.com. Send me your info we can compare and make a poll! How fun!:grin2: :gay:


Christ, look how happy you are at the chance to send a picture of your cock to another guy! Fuck, it was like you were just waiting for the opportunity. Your repressed homosexuality is screaming to be set free.


So, I'll be more than glad to participate in whatever poll you'd like, though you'd better be able to produce the goods - I don't want any, "Well, I think I remember that this one time I scored a 1,345 on an IQ test" bullshit.


You're right, this is fun - though, as a disclaimer, I can't be held responsible for any adverse reaction you may encounter as a result of this thread. As a precaution, you should probably hand over any firearms in the home to an authority and place the prescription medications in a locked cabinet. When your ego cracks, I imagine there'll be a lot of pieces.

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So, if my ET is MUCH quicker, and my trap speed is BOAT loads faster, and he fucking admits to it...I dont know what else to say to you!




Colt, you moron, notice the use of "may" in my initial statement on the issue. The use of that word wasn't unintentional.


Christ, and here I thought autistic children had problems learning things. Someone get me a safety helmet, a small bus, and a medium dose of a potent tranquilizer - it looks like Colt is decompensating.

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Colt, you moron, notice the use of "may" in my initial statement on the issue. The use of that word wasn't unintentional.


Christ, and here I thought autistic children had problems learning things. Someone get me a safety helmet, a small bus, and a medium dose of a potent tranquilizer - it looks like Colt is decompensating.



Yes, but again, if you type it, it is not law. "May" saves your from nothing but the truth, the truth being you have not a chane uless I break, HARD.

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Dont turn this into an actual just playing around thread, I am too busy highlighting what a sad individual you have become here in it.


I'm not playing - and where's that email at with all that "verification?" I can't wait to see what that email will look like:


Dear Dr. Z06,


My IQ is 403. I got it done with the Official Intelligence Test. It's totally official. I'm badass roxors smart. HA!


Here's my W2:


2004 Income = $5,003,151. It's totally official too. Seriously!!11!! I would scan it, but I don't have a scanner.


Anyway, looks like I win! Because all of my stuff is official.





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It was taken in a survey by the Princeton society for Thi Beta Kappa students, not this interweb Bs that you see on pop ups.


Oh, right, the very official "IQ-By-Survey" test. I've heard of it; I think it's often used with the "SAT-By-Mail" test. Very powerful combo, those two.


Are you fucking kidding me? Your "official" IQ was derived by a survey? Wait, since it was done by the "Princeton Society" by some college students, it must be legit.


You're sucking at this game so far.

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I'm not playing - and where's that email at with all that "verification?" I can't wait to see what that email will look like:


Dear Dr. Z06,


My IQ is 403. I got it done with the Official Intelligence Test. It's totally official. I'm badass roxors smart. HA!


Here's my W2:


2004 Income = $5,003,151. It's totally official too. Seriously!!11!! I would scan it, but I don't have a scanner.


Anyway, looks like I win! Because all of my stuff is official.






Hey, if it is typed, it is law right? We are in the Dr's Neverland world, so we must stick to your rules here.


BTW-The only had, proven fact you have types so far.



your Colt > my Z06.



And where is this "may" you speak of?

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Yes, but again, if you type it, it is not law. "May" saves your from nothing but the truth, the truth being you have not a chane uless I break, HARD.


Now you're starting to not even make sense. We'd better up it to the maximum allotted dosage of tranquilzer; I can almost smell your neurons burning up.

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The joke seems to be on you kid. There is no "official" IQ test. Even the one that both Dr.06 and I took to get into Mensa was not "official. the only thing an IQ test can accurately verify is your ability to do well on that IQ test.


I have the feeling that since you lack the ability to spell, comprehend what you read, or construct simple sentences; chances are you are going to lose (at least this portion of) your challenge.


Oh, and I'd be more than happy to compare W2's as well, and I know Tilley makes in one year what I make in 2-3.

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How big are your dicks? I don't want pictures, I'll take your word for it.


My g/f recently bought me a tee-shirt from Hollister. It says, 8 1/2", and that's just about right, if maybe on the conservative end.


So, Colt, is your dick bigger than 8 1/2 inches? I'm willing to bet that it's not, and statistics would support that bet.

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Oh, right, the very official "IQ-By-Survey" test. I've heard of it; I think it's often used with the "SAT-By-Mail" test. Very powerful combo, those two.


Are you fucking kidding me? Your "official" IQ was derived by a survey? Wait, since it was done by the "Princeton Society" by some college students, it must be legit.


You're sucking at this game so far.


No, a test conducted by the Princeton review board. It was a survey, because it was not localized and was nation wide, the goal in which was to see if gifted students were in fact "smarter" than other students not in elevated classes.


I know you were Thi Beta Kappa, dont you remember this?

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...the goal in which was to see if gifted students were in fact "smarted" than other students...


Okay, first, I'm pretty sure it's a typo, but it's really hard to take you seriously when you, in citing sources for your intelligence, type the word "smarted," and even highlight it in quotation marks. I mean, a mistake is a mistake, sure, but you're just inciting the irony police to arrest you.


No, a test conducted by the Princeton review board. It was a survey, because it was not localized and was nation wide, the goal in which was to see if gifted students were in fact "smarted" than other students not in elevated classes.


Now, I think, again, you're using words that you think sound right but really aren't. The word in question here is "survey." IQ tests are not conducted by way of surveys. Your choice in family television sitcoms are. IQ tests, no, favorite sitcoms, yes. Now, it may have been that you participated in some "sample" (yes, an S word, also with six letters, so I could see where you may have become confused), which was part of some "study" (there, another S word that may have thrown you off) to examine the differences or lack thereof between students in gifted programs and those in mainstream programs.


You have to understand this argument is doubly difficult on me when I not only have to explain my points but yours as well.

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Awesome, you have a time slip with better numbers than I do. Colt may, on paper, make my Z06 its bitch Congratulations.


Well, since we're comparing things, I thought I'd make some assertions, all of which, mind you, I'd be glad to verify:


1. I'm smarter than you;

2. I'm better looking than you;

3. I make more money than you;

4. I have a bigger dick than you; and

5. I can get more girls, and better looking ones, than you.


until you prove me otherwise on the above five things, then you're my bitch.




And I’m still laughing my ass off! Post of the year.


Cliff notes-Colt owns my car, but I will post nonsensical, made up off topic BS to make my self feel better.



A run 15psi to stroke your Ego, for a dollar. :funny:

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