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Yes I do agree, there are alot of idiots in the military for that exact reason, but not everyone in the military is an idiot, usually the Air Force weeds them out pretty fast. Most of that is done at the recruiting stage, seeing as everything to qualify for the Air Force is much higher than the other branches. But once again alot somehow get through.


Also I would think someone boasting 130 and 140 IQ's would use than instead of that, and would know the correct spelling of compare? Am I alone on this one?


As for your car>my car? If you say so, but you really know nothing about my car so how can you make that assumption? I may not have a whole lotta money to build up my car, but spending 1 year in Korea with all the added benefits that I recieve will be more than enough to put a good sized chunk of cash into is finishing what I started with it. So having said that, I am not scared.

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Yes I do agree, there are alot of idiots in the military for that exact reason, but not everyone in the military is an idiot, usually the Air Force weeds them out pretty fast. Most of that is done at the recruiting stage, seeing as everything to qualify for the Air Force is much higher than the other branches. But once again alot somehow get through.


Also I would think someone boasting 130 and 140 IQ's would use than instead of that, and would know the correct spelling of compare? Am I alone on this one?


As for your car>my car? If you say so, but you really know nothing about my car so how can you make that assumption? I may not have a whole lotta money to build up my car, but spending 1 year in Korea with all the added benefits that I recieve will be more than enough to put a good sized chunk of cash into is finishing what I started with it. So having said that, I am not scared.


You'll have a PM soon...

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As for your car>my car? If you say so, but you really know nothing about my car so how can you make that assumption? I may not have a whole lotta money to build up my car, but spending 1 year in Korea with all the added benefits that I recieve will be more than enough to put a good sized chunk of cash into is finishing what I started with it. So having said that, I am not scared.


No offense Jeff, but he has you beat on cubes, power adder, and weight.

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Like I said I dont know much about his car, and dont forget cylinders too, I am also at a disadvantage there too ;). I think its just sad that he has to point out his car being faster, his wife being hotter, him being smarter, to show that he is better than me or anyone else. If thats what can make you sleep good a night then you live a pretty sad existence. There is alot more to life than that. And you can bash me if you want but my wife and I drive pretty nice cars for our salary and age, and after Korea I plan on getting another car to take over as my DD so I can focus on making my Buick a mostly track car.
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I am pointing out that I need to ride NO ONE'S nuts. The life I lead and have is because I made it that way. No one else did it for me in any way. So if you think I need to live through someone else you are sadly mistaken.


And no Eli I have new toys for the mustang perfect for bench racing season.

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Yeah I'm good man. I've still never seen the car running correctly, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't know how to drive it yet even if it is.


Eli, who are you giving shit about having a car that isnt running correctly? Did your Mark 8 ever run right after your motor work? While you owned it?


I think I can drive my car just fine thanks. ;)


So, is that beast motor in your car yet? Can you turn the key and have it start up? Stop bashing on my car until it can. kthanxbye :p







PS - I have a sweet place to play cards over break...I just need a date and a head count. :)

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You have been a sack rider since I saw you over on Race-Club, doing the cool thing and bashing Anthony over nothing that involved you.

Well you know it's funny because I wa browsing my computer today looking for something and lookie what I found. it was the conversation between Anthony and I about that post I made on a board you were never a member on. Neither was Anthony so who knows why what I post somewhere else matters to them. But the thread was the video that is currently in the Video section here of Brett, Tilley, and Anthony racing. I said I noticed someone who's driving could improve.


This was the conversation that Anthony and I had the NEXT day over aim.


ChameleonFormula: Greg

ChameleonFormula: So what's your deal with me?

Powers1115: no deal

Auto response from ChameleonFormula: I'm at work. Hit me up on MSN Messenger at darkformula@hotmail.com.


ChameleonFormula: Ok, I just was wonderoing why you had to talk shit about me. Especially for how long you've been around and I've never had a problem before(and talked to you about doing a mortage at one point).

Powers1115: i am a very up front person

ChameleonFormula: I know that. Just wondering how a bad driver has anything to do with breaking traction in an auto from a roll. As for the slow thing, yeah, I let off WOT and throttle when I broke loose. Kinda stupid to keep full power going when you've lost control.

Powers1115: it just looked from my view point on the video because i was not there that there was one clean run

Powers1115: i didn't say slow either

Powers1115: i said slower than the others

Powers1115: you can run 9's and be slower than someone

ChameleonFormula: There wasn't, I got loose every time and let out of it. If you ever recall my accident pic from losing it at 70mph when some dumbass hit me, I kinda take caution when the car starts skidding. And I don't suck at driving, all I gotta do is sink my right foot 8" into the floor :D

Powers1115: personally i felt like the traction was somewhat of a scape goat

Powers1115: but that is me

Powers1115: i know there are some different fealing between you and brett and i felt that was the deal

ChameleonFormula: How? It happened and it's not like I made it do it

Powers1115: it's still a loss

Powers1115: from that speed on a roll your car setup wasn't right to beat those two cars

Powers1115: that's MY opinion

ChameleonFormula: My car is setup for a dig, with 12psi tires in the back launching off a stall on a prepped track

Powers1115: right

ChameleonFormula: You are absolutely correct

Powers1115: so in that situation your car was not well suited and lost the one you stayed in

ChameleonFormula: Honestly, it completely caught me off guard.

Powers1115: If you were able to do that one time i'm sure you could learn how to do it more consistantly but that's not what your into

Powers1115: that is where i came up with the driving thing

ChameleonFormula: I actually increased the roll speed the consequent races trying to find a speed well sutied for the tires. Well, I didn't find one.

ChameleonFormula: My losses, no biggie.

Powers1115: that's all that caught me was in the kill when youposted yousaid you neither won nor lost

Powers1115: i felt it was a loss after i saw the video

ChameleonFormula: Yeah, I kinda defaulted myself either way. I told John personally that I'm sorry for not giving him a fair race, because I don't think it was. It coulda been much better, but shit happens. We move on.

Powers1115: that's it

ChameleonFormula: Norwalk is in a month, so that'll tell the tale. Anyways, just didn't want to burn any bridges as we've never had a difference of opinion that I can recall.

Powers1115: nope i figured that your post about not losing was due to the invovlement of Brett.

ChameleonFormula: Oh well, there's always someone faster. For a total investment of about $20k, uncluding the price of the car, I'm not complaining about it;s performance. No worries. Sorry for jumping your shit.


So are you a people's avocate for Anthony? Or are you just a "BIG FAN"?

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