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Fuck that brittish piece of shit, are you sure he's not french??? Cause the things he said surely do sound like something one of those french faggots would say.........

Actualy, he hates the french more. The brits and the frogs go way waaay back. And he He has, in fact, given a few American cars a good reveiw, especialy the old ones. But you guys neglect to acknowledge that new cars from the Big 3 pretty much blow ass. "Better then the year before" does not mean they dominate all. I'll make you all dig and download and watch to find cars he reviewed positively, and which one the proclaimed to the world that he positively MUST have, it'll do you good.

Now, for the most important part. He writes a fucking column in a newspaper and drives cars on TV. Its not Margret Thatcher or Tonly Blair, or any other limey who's opinion actualy matters. He's just another fucking celebrity, another susan surandon. He's also made a fortune off being a prick. The kind of behavior you guys laud Chris green for now pisses you off because you feel its directed at you. Furthermore, he's allowed to dislike Americans. Hell, there quite a few I can't stand. You all make rediculous ans stupid jokes about the french (that line that Ricky just spit is a prime example), shit that you know isn't true for all of them.

His article is stupid, it baseless, and it make him look like a tool. So what? He gets paid to act like a dousche toward other nations, you goons all do it for free. :p

I'll keep watching him and laughing, you'd all love his "Cheese weilding surrender monkey" jokes, but you all turn to pussies when he makes fun of idiot americans, and even more bent out of shape when he puts some sensationalist bullshit in a 27th page column that no one reads. Waa Waa. You'd love him if you all had some skin. :nono:

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