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xbox 360


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The Walmart in GC said they only had 18 when I went in last night. They said you had to put your name on a list and stay inside the store from last night until midnight tonight to be able to buy one. I really wanted to put an ad on Ebay last night, and send it out tomorrow night and make like $300 profit b/c they are going for $700 on ebay but retail for $400. Plus it just sounded like fun to walk around Walmart for 24 hours and be able to say you did it.
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360 is ghey, theres been one down at wal-mart (in portsmouth) for about 3 weeks now, they had to shut it off last week because it spent most of its time frozen. and when microsoft sent out the dev kits the majority of them wouldnt work right. I think there is going to be big problems with the 1st release of the 360. save your money and buy a PS3, which currently has the fastest processor/video card and will actually be true hi definition <---- which i would like to see because there isnt much to do on a plasma tv these days:) And the reason those demos/trailers look so good, is they were rendered on macintosh. But we will have to see what games are to come, and what will actually come to be. just thought youd like the opinion of the resident game developer.
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Got it last night at walmart.. thinking about selling it on ebay since they are going for over 1500 bucks.



1500 pff


there going for 5600




never mind was just reset by ebay for bugus bids

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This is BS....Who on earth would pay that for a dumb game console...My friend got 4 of them from Sam's...He said no one even thought about them. In and OUT!



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$300 and is coming wiht a free life time account for x-box live.


(at least that what i read on popular science)

its silver its not full powered account. also 399 if u want the full featured one. I picked up mine last night with 24 other poeple who pre ordered. I ordered mine in may.

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