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I have an unwanted Fossil watch...

Guest MissTypeS

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Guest MissTypeS

I need some suggestions for what I should do with a nice men's Fossil watch that was left at my house. I do not want this watch, nor do I really care to see the rightful owner, so I figured I'd come to you guys and see what you think. So far I have these options:


(1) Just call the guy and tell him to come get the watch.

(2) Find out his mailing address and send it (COD, of course)

(3) Give it to a homeless person

(4) Regift it for one of my unsuspecting guy friends this Christmas

(5) Put it on eBay and send the rightful owner the link to the auction should he decide he wants it back

(6) Melt down the metal and get myself some nice new silver teeth ala Lil' John.






Suggestions welcome.

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A. Unless you have a good reason to not want any further contact with this human, I'd at least make a small effort to return it.


B. Fossil watches are not that high end or expensive.The stainless steel you can smelt from it would make you look more like Jaws from the James Bond flicks, than Lil' John. Although, it could make a pretty pimping Krunk Juice chalice.


C. You could send it to Ethiopia so that the local pimp can wear it as a belt.


D. Regift

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Guest MissTypeS

The guy that left it is a silly 22 year old boy that I decided to date for some reason, and after he proved himself too big of an idiot for me to keep seeing, the relationship and subsequent correspondence/communication has been put on hold indefinitely. Unless of course he really wants the watch back, and I'll have to talk to him then.


I'd be willing to give it to someone here at CR, but you have to beat me at pool (2 out of 3) to win it.

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The guy that left it is a silly 22 year old boy that I decided to date for some reason, and after he proved himself too big of an idiot for me to keep seeing, the relationship and subsequent correspondence/communication has been put on hold indefinitely. Unless of course he really wants the watch back, and I'll have to talk to him then.


I'd be willing to give it to someone here at CR, but you have to beat me at pool (2 out of 3) to win it.



Sweet baby Jesus!!!!!


You name the time and place.

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Guest MissTypeS

Please. I bring a mean pool game, even without the use of low cut shirts, tight jeans and lots of unnecessary bending over. I will use those tactics if necessary however.


(not that they get me very far).

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I'd be willing to give it to someone here at CR, but you have to beat me at pool (2 out of 3) to win it.


Me and/or Rotarded will take you up on that offer, if you have another 'ringer' you want to bring we can play doubles. Even though I don't wear watches and he has no need for anything but pimp juice watches, it would be fun taking it from you. There is another guy on this board who post much less frequent than either of us that sucks at pool too that probably wouldn’t mind playing you either.


Seriously, unless you have some fear of being physically harmed from further contact you should just call him and tell him you have his watch if he wants it back, other wise you will just throw it away. Meet in a public, busy, neutral place; give him the watch and leave. That should be pretty painless on both of your parts. If you really just can’t even stand to see him, just mail it to him. The few bucks for shipping shouldn’t be that big of a deal.


EDIT: Haha, I started replying to this before Rotarded even replied back...

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Please. I bring a mean pool game, even without the use of low cut shirts, tight jeans and lots of unnecessary bending over. I will use those tactics if necessary however.


(not that they get me very far).




Its cool, I'll just wear my low cut belly shirt, tight black ass pants, and I'll bend over exposing my butt crack.


Okay, okay... so it isn't a sexy distraction, but it is a good distraction none the less. And I will use these tactics!



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I realize its the more mature thing to do, but I already told him I have it once - I kind of figure that if he wants it back he'll let me know.


Well having been on the outside of this situation many times (not either person involved), what is said and what is heard can be easily misconstrued. Call him and explicitly say "I have your watch (and anything else you may have of his). We can set up a time right now to meet up soon, I can mail it to you, or I will throw it away." That way you can either give him whatever back and never talk to him again, or ‘throw it away’ and never have to talk to him again.


Often times one person says "Come get your god damned stuff sometime", and the other person hears "I will keep this forever because I'm still hung up on you, so you can come get it at your leisure. Maybe within a month, or six?" Then the first person throws the stuff away after a few weeks or a month of no contact because they aren’t really that hung up over the person. The second person expected it to be there calls a few months later when they feel that their feelings have died down enough to handle the situation like an adult and everything blows up again because it’s already been thrown away.

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Well seeing as it is an 80-100 dollar watch that is only worth say half of that now because it is used which for you math majors is about 40-50 dollar value, I don't really see it being worth enough to start a thread over.


Send it back in the mail you pay the 2 dollars in shipping and call it a day. Or if he even gives a rats ass he will call you or stop by to pick it up.

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MissTypeS, are you that hard up on finding guys to date?


Hey I don't know your story and really don't want to know, but you make these pointless threads in order to come up with some scheme for some guy to be interested enough to want to meet you. I could be wrong and these threads are all in good faith. In fact, I hope I am wrong. But come on there is no actual work to do at work?


I would just regift the watch to a younger cousin/brother/etc.

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Well seeing as it is an 80-100 dollar watch that is only worth say half of that now because it is used which for you math majors is about 40-50 dollar value, I don't really see it being worth enough to start a thread over.


I only almost got a minor in math, I can't do math that complicated.

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MissTypeS, are you that hard up on finding guys to date?


Hey I don't know your story and really don't want to know, but you make these pointless threads in order to come up with some scheme for some guy to be interested enough to want to meet you. I could be wrong and these threads are all in good faith. In fact, I hope I am wrong. But come on there is no actual work to do at work?


I would just regift the watch to a younger cousin/brother/etc.



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MissTypeS, are you that hard up on finding guys to date?


Hey I don't know your story and really don't want to know, but you make these pointless threads in order to come up with some scheme for some guy to be interested enough to want to meet you. I could be wrong and these threads are all in good faith. In fact, I hope I am wrong. But come on there is no actual work to do at work?


I would just regift the watch to a younger cousin/brother/etc.


I was thinking the same thing

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Guest MissTypeS

Man.. Jesse why do you have to be so damn reasonable?!


P.S. I was invited to play pool with you and/or Holland this week, but I'll be in Florida. I fully intend to take you up on it upon my return however. No ringers necessary - I'll do my best to hold my own :p

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Man.. Jesse why do you have to be so damn reasonable?!


P.S. I was invited to play pool with you and/or Holland this week, but I'll be in Florida. I fully intend to take you up on it upon my return however. No ringers necessary - I'll do my best to hold my own :p


Bring the watch. We are teaching Jesse to tie his own shoes this week, so It'll come in handy for next weeks "telling time" lessons. The big hand is on the.............

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