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Perscription Drug Question


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I got my wisdom teeth out last Wednesday. The Doctor gave me Hydrocodn, a mild pain pill (don't know the name), and steroids for swelling. I have been responsible and only used each when suggested. But recently everytime I take one of the Hydrocodn's or more mild pain pills, my nose starts bleeding after about an hour.


I haven't over used any of these, and I called the docotor to see if this was just a side affect. He said the the bleeding was probobly unrelated. But my nose never bleeds, esspecially on its own. Only time it has EVER bled is because my finger was to far up it, or I got punch in the face.


For everyone else that has used these drugs, have they had similar experiances?

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i had to take the same pills when i got mine out.....they made me wanna sleep alot and feel crappy....so i threw them out and started taking like 5 ibprofin like every 4 hours and that helped alot....if i were u i would stop taking those and try what i did...good luck :) also i remember the doctor telling me to drink a ton of water and i drank alot so maybe that would help.
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Rigsby- No, I take one pill every 8 hours if needed, I have taken a total 6-7 of them over a period of 6 days. And have been using the mild pain pill every 10 hours if needed.


For the most part, I wake up in the morning and my jaw is killing me. The doc said I don't have dry socet. I hate taking drugs period, But I don't really like that it feels like needles stabbing my gumbs everymorning, so I take one when i wake up, and then usually one of the mild pain pills in the afternoon, as the Hydrocodn starts to wear off. Since I have started taking these, my nose has been bleeding on a regular basis about an hour After I pop a Hydro.


-My nose has never bled because of dry/cold weather in the 19 years I have been alive

-I drink atleast 6 bottles of water a day, so it can't be dehydration

-I do not have alergies

-I do not snort coke


I guess I will just go get a different doc's opinion tomorow

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